-- | Utilities for serving PDF from Yesod
--   Uses and depends on command line utility wkhtmltopdf to render PDF from HTML

module Yesod.Content.PDF where
import Prelude
import Yesod.Core.Content
import Data.ByteString
import Text.Blaze.Html
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString
import System.Process
import System.IO.Temp
import System.IO
import Network.URI
import Data.Conduit

newtype PDF = PDF ByteString

-- | Provide MIME type "application/pdf" as a ContentType for Yesod
typePDF :: ContentType
typePDF = "application/pdf"

instance HasContentType PDF where
  getContentType _ = typePDF

instance ToTypedContent PDF where
  toTypedContent = TypedContent typePDF . toContent

instance ToContent PDF where
  toContent (PDF bs) = ContentSource $ do
    yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString bs

-- | Use wkhtmltopdf to render a PDF given the URI pointing to an HTML document
uri2PDF :: URI -> IO PDF
uri2PDF uri = withSystemTempFile "output.pdf" $ uri2PDF' uri
    uri2PDF' :: URI -> FilePath -> Handle -> IO PDF
    uri2PDF' uri' tempPDFFile tempHandle = do
      hClose tempHandle
      (_,_,_, pHandle) <- createProcess (proc "wkhtmltopdf" ["--quiet", show uri', tempPDFFile])
      _ <- waitForProcess pHandle
      PDF <$> Data.ByteString.readFile tempPDFFile

-- | Use wkhtmltopdf to render a PDF from an HTML (Text.Blaze.Html) type
html2PDF :: Html -> IO PDF
html2PDF html = withSystemTempFile "output.pdf" (html2PDF' html)
    html2PDF' :: Html -> FilePath -> Handle -> IO PDF
    html2PDF' html' tempPDFFile tempPDFHandle = do
      hClose tempPDFHandle
      withSystemTempFile "input.html" $ \tempHtmlFile tempHtmlHandle -> do
        System.IO.hPutStrLn tempHtmlHandle $ renderHtml html'
        hClose tempHtmlHandle
        (_,_,_, pHandle) <- createProcess (proc "wkhtmltopdf" ["--quiet", tempHtmlFile, tempPDFFile])
        _ <- waitForProcess pHandle
        PDF <$> Data.ByteString.readFile tempPDFFile