{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | The basic typeclass for a Yesod application. module Yesod.Internal.Core ( -- * Type classes Yesod (..) , YesodDispatch (..) , RenderRoute (..) -- ** Breadcrumbs , YesodBreadcrumbs (..) , breadcrumbs -- * Utitlities , maybeAuthorized , widgetToPageContent -- * Defaults , defaultErrorHandler -- * Data types , AuthResult (..) -- * Sessions , SessionBackend (..) , defaultClientSessionBackend , clientSessionBackend , loadClientSession , clientSessionBackend2 , loadClientSession2 , clientSessionDateCacher , BackendSession -- * jsLoader , ScriptLoadPosition (..) , BottomOfHeadAsync , loadJsYepnope -- * Misc , yesodVersion , yesodRender , resolveApproot , Approot (..) , FileUpload (..) , runFakeHandler ) where import Yesod.Content import Yesod.Handler hiding (lift, getExpires) import Control.Monad.Logger (logErrorS) import Yesod.Routes.Class import Data.Time (UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Data.Word (Word64) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad (forM) import Yesod.Widget import Yesod.Request import qualified Network.Wai as W import Yesod.Internal import Yesod.Internal.Session import Yesod.Internal.Request import qualified Web.ClientSession as CS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.IORef as I import Data.Monoid import Text.Hamlet import Text.Julius import Text.Blaze ((!), customAttribute, textTag, toValue, unsafeLazyByteString) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as TBH import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (toLazyText) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT) import Web.Cookie (parseCookies) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Network.HTTP.Types (encodePath) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TEE import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, toByteString) import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 (fromText) import Data.List (foldl') import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H import Web.Cookie (SetCookie (..)) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Loc (..)) import Text.Blaze (preEscapedToMarkup) import Data.Aeson (Value (Array, String)) import Data.Aeson.Encode (encode) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip (GzipSettings, def) import Network.Wai.Parse (tempFileBackEnd, lbsBackEnd) import qualified Paths_yesod_core import Data.Version (showVersion) import System.Log.FastLogger (Logger, mkLogger, loggerDate, LogStr (..), loggerPutStr) import Control.Monad.Logger (LogLevel (LevelInfo, LevelOther), LogSource) import System.Log.FastLogger.Date (ZonedDate) import System.IO (stdout) yesodVersion :: String yesodVersion = showVersion Paths_yesod_core.version -- | This class is automatically instantiated when you use the template haskell -- mkYesod function. You should never need to deal with it directly. class YesodDispatch sub master where yesodDispatch :: Yesod master => Logger -> master -> sub -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> (Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application) -- ^ 404 handler -> (Route sub -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application) -- ^ 405 handler -> Text -- ^ request method -> [Text] -- ^ pieces -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application yesodRunner :: Yesod master => Logger -> GHandler sub master ChooseRep -> master -> sub -> Maybe (Route sub) -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application yesodRunner = defaultYesodRunner -- | How to determine the root of the application for constructing URLs. -- -- Note that future versions of Yesod may add new constructors without bumping -- the major version number. As a result, you should /not/ pattern match on -- @Approot@ values. data Approot master = ApprootRelative -- ^ No application root. | ApprootStatic Text | ApprootMaster (master -> Text) | ApprootRequest (master -> W.Request -> Text) type ResolvedApproot = Text -- | Define settings for a Yesod applications. All methods have intelligent -- defaults, and therefore no implementation is required. class RenderRoute a => Yesod a where -- | An absolute URL to the root of the application. Do not include -- trailing slash. -- -- Default value: 'ApprootRelative'. This is valid under the following -- conditions: -- -- * Your application is served from the root of the domain. -- -- * You do not use any features that require absolute URLs, such as Atom -- feeds and XML sitemaps. -- -- If this is not true, you should override with a different -- implementation. approot :: Approot a approot = ApprootRelative -- | Output error response pages. errorHandler :: ErrorResponse -> GHandler sub a ChooseRep errorHandler = defaultErrorHandler -- | Applies some form of layout to the contents of a page. defaultLayout :: GWidget sub a () -> GHandler sub a RepHtml defaultLayout w = do p <- widgetToPageContent w mmsg <- getMessage hamletToRepHtml [hamlet| $newline never $doctype 5 #{pageTitle p} ^{pageHead p} <body> $maybe msg <- mmsg <p .message>#{msg} ^{pageBody p} |] -- | Override the rendering function for a particular URL. One use case for -- this is to offload static hosting to a different domain name to avoid -- sending cookies. urlRenderOverride :: a -> Route a -> Maybe Builder urlRenderOverride _ _ = Nothing -- | Determine if a request is authorized or not. -- -- Return 'Authorized' if the request is authorized, -- 'Unauthorized' a message if unauthorized. -- If authentication is required, return 'AuthenticationRequired'. isAuthorized :: Route a -> Bool -- ^ is this a write request? -> GHandler s a AuthResult isAuthorized _ _ = return Authorized -- | Determines whether the current request is a write request. By default, -- this assumes you are following RESTful principles, and determines this -- from request method. In particular, all except the following request -- methods are considered write: GET HEAD OPTIONS TRACE. -- -- This function is used to determine if a request is authorized; see -- 'isAuthorized'. isWriteRequest :: Route a -> GHandler s a Bool isWriteRequest _ = do wai <- waiRequest return $ W.requestMethod wai `notElem` ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"] -- | The default route for authentication. -- -- Used in particular by 'isAuthorized', but library users can do whatever -- they want with it. authRoute :: a -> Maybe (Route a) authRoute _ = Nothing -- | A function used to clean up path segments. It returns 'Right' with a -- clean path or 'Left' with a new set of pieces the user should be -- redirected to. The default implementation enforces: -- -- * No double slashes -- -- * There is no trailing slash. -- -- Note that versions of Yesod prior to 0.7 used a different set of rules -- involing trailing slashes. cleanPath :: a -> [Text] -> Either [Text] [Text] cleanPath _ s = if corrected == s then Right $ map dropDash s else Left corrected where corrected = filter (not . T.null) s dropDash t | T.all (== '-') t = T.drop 1 t | otherwise = t -- | Builds an absolute URL by concatenating the application root with the -- pieces of a path and a query string, if any. -- Note that the pieces of the path have been previously cleaned up by 'cleanPath'. joinPath :: a -> T.Text -- ^ application root -> [T.Text] -- ^ path pieces -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -- ^ query string -> Builder joinPath _ ar pieces' qs' = fromText ar `mappend` encodePath pieces qs where pieces = if null pieces' then [""] else map addDash pieces' qs = map (TE.encodeUtf8 *** go) qs' go "" = Nothing go x = Just $ TE.encodeUtf8 x addDash t | T.all (== '-') t = T.cons '-' t | otherwise = t -- | This function is used to store some static content to be served as an -- external file. The most common case of this is stashing CSS and -- JavaScript content in an external file; the "Yesod.Widget" module uses -- this feature. -- -- The return value is 'Nothing' if no storing was performed; this is the -- default implementation. A 'Just' 'Left' gives the absolute URL of the -- file, whereas a 'Just' 'Right' gives the type-safe URL. The former is -- necessary when you are serving the content outside the context of a -- Yesod application, such as via memcached. addStaticContent :: Text -- ^ filename extension -> Text -- ^ mime-type -> L.ByteString -- ^ content -> GHandler sub a (Maybe (Either Text (Route a, [(Text, Text)]))) addStaticContent _ _ _ = return Nothing {- Temporarily disabled until we have a better interface. -- | Whether or not to tie a session to a specific IP address. Defaults to -- 'False'. -- -- Note: This setting has two known problems: it does not work correctly -- when behind a reverse proxy (including load balancers), and it may not -- function correctly if the user is behind a proxy. sessionIpAddress :: a -> Bool sessionIpAddress _ = False -} -- | The path value to set for cookies. By default, uses \"\/\", meaning -- cookies will be sent to every page on the current domain. cookiePath :: a -> S8.ByteString cookiePath _ = "/" -- | The domain value to set for cookies. By default, the -- domain is not set, meaning cookies will be sent only to -- the current domain. cookieDomain :: a -> Maybe S8.ByteString cookieDomain _ = Nothing -- | Maximum allowed length of the request body, in bytes. -- -- Default: 2 megabytes. maximumContentLength :: a -> Maybe (Route a) -> Word64 maximumContentLength _ _ = 2 * 1024 * 1024 -- 2 megabytes -- | Returns a @Logger@ to use for log messages. -- -- Default: Sends to stdout and automatically flushes on each write. getLogger :: a -> IO Logger getLogger _ = mkLogger True stdout -- | Send a message to the @Logger@ provided by @getLogger@. -- -- Note: This method is no longer used. Instead, you should override -- 'messageLoggerSource'. messageLogger :: a -> Logger -> Loc -- ^ position in source code -> LogLevel -> LogStr -- ^ message -> IO () messageLogger a logger loc = messageLoggerSource a logger loc "" -- | Send a message to the @Logger@ provided by @getLogger@. messageLoggerSource :: a -> Logger -> Loc -- ^ position in source code -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -- ^ message -> IO () messageLoggerSource a logger loc source level msg = if shouldLog a source level then formatLogMessage (loggerDate logger) loc source level msg >>= loggerPutStr logger else return () -- | The logging level in place for this application. Any messages below -- this level will simply be ignored. logLevel :: a -> LogLevel logLevel _ = LevelInfo -- | GZIP settings. gzipSettings :: a -> GzipSettings gzipSettings _ = def -- | Where to Load sripts from. We recommend the default value, -- 'BottomOfBody'. Alternatively use the built in async yepnope loader: -- -- > BottomOfHeadAsync $ loadJsYepnope $ Right $ StaticR js_modernizr_js -- -- Or write your own async js loader: see 'loadJsYepnope' jsLoader :: a -> ScriptLoadPosition a jsLoader _ = BottomOfBody -- | Create a session backend. Returning `Nothing' disables sessions. -- -- Default: Uses clientsession with a 2 hour timeout. makeSessionBackend :: a -> IO (Maybe (SessionBackend a)) makeSessionBackend _ = fmap Just defaultClientSessionBackend -- | How to store uploaded files. -- -- Default: Whe nthe request body is greater than 50kb, store in a temp -- file. Otherwise, store in memory. fileUpload :: a -> Word64 -- ^ request body size -> FileUpload fileUpload _ size | size > 50000 = FileUploadDisk tempFileBackEnd | otherwise = FileUploadMemory lbsBackEnd -- | Should we log the given log source/level combination. -- -- Default: Logs everything at or above 'logLevel' shouldLog :: a -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> Bool shouldLog a _ level = level >= logLevel a -- | A Yesod middleware, which will wrap every handler function. This -- allows you to run code before and after a normal handler. -- -- Default: Adds the response header \"Vary: Accept, Accept-Language\". -- -- Since: 1.1.6 yesodMiddleware :: GHandler sub a res -> GHandler sub a res yesodMiddleware handler = do setHeader "Vary" "Accept, Accept-Language" handler {-# DEPRECATED messageLogger "Please use messageLoggerSource (since yesod-core 1.1.2)" #-} formatLogMessage :: IO ZonedDate -> Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -- ^ message -> IO [LogStr] formatLogMessage getdate loc src level msg = do now <- getdate return [ LB now , LB " [" , LS $ case level of LevelOther t -> T.unpack t _ -> drop 5 $ show level , LS $ if T.null src then "" else "#" ++ T.unpack src , LB "] " , msg , LB " @(" , LS $ fileLocationToString loc , LB ")\n" ] -- taken from file-location package -- turn the TH Loc loaction information into a human readable string -- leaving out the loc_end parameter fileLocationToString :: Loc -> String fileLocationToString loc = (loc_package loc) ++ ':' : (loc_module loc) ++ ' ' : (loc_filename loc) ++ ':' : (line loc) ++ ':' : (char loc) where line = show . fst . loc_start char = show . snd . loc_start defaultYesodRunner :: Yesod master => Logger -> GHandler sub master ChooseRep -> master -> sub -> Maybe (Route sub) -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application defaultYesodRunner logger handler' master sub murl toMasterRoute msb req | maximumContentLength master (fmap toMasterRoute murl) < len = return $ W.responseLBS (H.Status 413 "Too Large") [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "Request body too large to be processed." | otherwise = do let dontSaveSession _ _ = return [] now <- liftIO getCurrentTime -- FIXME remove in next major version bump (session, saveSession) <- liftIO $ do maybe (return ([], dontSaveSession)) (\sb -> sbLoadSession sb master req now) msb rr <- liftIO $ parseWaiRequest req session (isJust msb) len let h = {-# SCC "h" #-} do case murl of Nothing -> handler Just url -> do isWrite <- isWriteRequest $ toMasterRoute url ar <- isAuthorized (toMasterRoute url) isWrite case ar of Authorized -> return () AuthenticationRequired -> case authRoute master of Nothing -> permissionDenied "Authentication required" Just url' -> do setUltDestCurrent redirect url' Unauthorized s' -> permissionDenied s' handler let sessionMap = Map.fromList . filter ((/=) tokenKey . fst) $ session let ra = resolveApproot master req let log' = messageLoggerSource master logger yar <- handlerToYAR master sub (fileUpload master) log' toMasterRoute (yesodRender master ra) errorHandler rr murl sessionMap h extraHeaders <- case yar of (YARPlain _ _ ct _ newSess) -> do let nsToken = Map.toList $ maybe newSess (\n -> Map.insert tokenKey (TE.encodeUtf8 n) newSess) (reqToken rr) sessionHeaders <- liftIO (saveSession nsToken now) return $ ("Content-Type", ct) : map headerToPair sessionHeaders _ -> return [] return $ yarToResponse yar extraHeaders where len = fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "content-length" (W.requestHeaders req) >>= readMay readMay s = case reads $ S8.unpack s of [] -> Nothing (x, _):_ -> Just x handler = yesodMiddleware handler' data AuthResult = Authorized | AuthenticationRequired | Unauthorized Text deriving (Eq, Show, Read) -- | A type-safe, concise method of creating breadcrumbs for pages. For each -- resource, you declare the title of the page and the parent resource (if -- present). class YesodBreadcrumbs y where -- | Returns the title and the parent resource, if available. If you return -- a 'Nothing', then this is considered a top-level page. breadcrumb :: Route y -> GHandler sub y (Text , Maybe (Route y)) -- | Gets the title of the current page and the hierarchy of parent pages, -- along with their respective titles. breadcrumbs :: YesodBreadcrumbs y => GHandler sub y (Text, [(Route y, Text)]) breadcrumbs = do x' <- getCurrentRoute tm <- getRouteToMaster let x = fmap tm x' case x of Nothing -> return ("Not found", []) Just y -> do (title, next) <- breadcrumb y z <- go [] next return (title, z) where go back Nothing = return back go back (Just this) = do (title, next) <- breadcrumb this go ((this, title) : back) next applyLayout' :: Yesod master => Html -- ^ title -> HtmlUrl (Route master) -- ^ body -> GHandler sub master ChooseRep applyLayout' title body = fmap chooseRep $ defaultLayout $ do setTitle title toWidget body -- | The default error handler for 'errorHandler'. defaultErrorHandler :: Yesod y => ErrorResponse -> GHandler sub y ChooseRep defaultErrorHandler NotFound = do r <- waiRequest let path' = TE.decodeUtf8With TEE.lenientDecode $ W.rawPathInfo r applyLayout' "Not Found" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Not Found <p>#{path'} |] defaultErrorHandler (PermissionDenied msg) = applyLayout' "Permission Denied" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Permission denied <p>#{msg} |] defaultErrorHandler (InvalidArgs ia) = applyLayout' "Invalid Arguments" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Invalid Arguments <ul> $forall msg <- ia <li>#{msg} |] defaultErrorHandler (InternalError e) = do $logErrorS "yesod-core" e applyLayout' "Internal Server Error" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Internal Server Error <pre>#{e} |] defaultErrorHandler (BadMethod m) = applyLayout' "Bad Method" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Method Not Supported <p>Method <code>#{S8.unpack m}</code> not supported |] -- | Return the same URL if the user is authorized to see it. -- -- Built on top of 'isAuthorized'. This is useful for building page that only -- contain links to pages the user is allowed to see. maybeAuthorized :: Yesod a => Route a -> Bool -- ^ is this a write request? -> GHandler s a (Maybe (Route a)) maybeAuthorized r isWrite = do x <- isAuthorized r isWrite return $ if x == Authorized then Just r else Nothing jsToHtml :: Javascript -> Html jsToHtml (Javascript b) = preEscapedToMarkup $ toLazyText b jelper :: JavascriptUrl url -> HtmlUrl url jelper = fmap jsToHtml -- | Convert a widget to a 'PageContent'. widgetToPageContent :: (Eq (Route master), Yesod master) => GWidget sub master () -> GHandler sub master (PageContent (Route master)) widgetToPageContent w = do master <- getYesod ((), GWData (Body body) (Last mTitle) scripts' stylesheets' style jscript (Head head')) <- unGWidget w let title = maybe mempty unTitle mTitle scripts = runUniqueList scripts' stylesheets = runUniqueList stylesheets' render <- getUrlRenderParams let renderLoc x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing Just (Left s) -> Just s Just (Right (u, p)) -> Just $ render u p css <- forM (Map.toList style) $ \(mmedia, content) -> do let rendered = toLazyText $ content render x <- addStaticContent "css" "text/css; charset=utf-8" $ encodeUtf8 rendered return (mmedia, case x of Nothing -> Left $ preEscapedToMarkup rendered Just y -> Right $ either id (uncurry render) y) jsLoc <- case jscript of Nothing -> return Nothing Just s -> do x <- addStaticContent "js" "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" $ encodeUtf8 $ renderJavascriptUrl render s return $ renderLoc x -- modernizr should be at the end of the <head> http://www.modernizr.com/docs/#installing -- the asynchronous loader means your page doesn't have to wait for all the js to load let (mcomplete, asyncScripts) = asyncHelper render scripts jscript jsLoc regularScriptLoad = [hamlet| $newline never $forall s <- scripts ^{mkScriptTag s} $maybe j <- jscript $maybe s <- jsLoc <script src="#{s}"> $nothing <script>^{jelper j} |] headAll = [hamlet| $newline never \^{head'} $forall s <- stylesheets ^{mkLinkTag s} $forall s <- css $maybe t <- right $ snd s $maybe media <- fst s <link rel=stylesheet media=#{media} href=#{t}> $nothing <link rel=stylesheet href=#{t}> $maybe content <- left $ snd s $maybe media <- fst s <style media=#{media}>#{content} $nothing <style>#{content} $case jsLoader master $of BottomOfBody $of BottomOfHeadAsync asyncJsLoader ^{asyncJsLoader asyncScripts mcomplete} $of BottomOfHeadBlocking ^{regularScriptLoad} |] let bodyScript = [hamlet| $newline never ^{body} ^{regularScriptLoad} |] return $ PageContent title headAll (case jsLoader master of BottomOfBody -> bodyScript _ -> body) where renderLoc' render' (Local url) = render' url [] renderLoc' _ (Remote s) = s addAttr x (y, z) = x ! customAttribute (textTag y) (toValue z) mkScriptTag (Script loc attrs) render' = foldl' addAttr TBH.script (("src", renderLoc' render' loc) : attrs) $ return () mkLinkTag (Stylesheet loc attrs) render' = foldl' addAttr TBH.link ( ("rel", "stylesheet") : ("href", renderLoc' render' loc) : attrs ) data ScriptLoadPosition master = BottomOfBody | BottomOfHeadBlocking | BottomOfHeadAsync (BottomOfHeadAsync master) type BottomOfHeadAsync master = [Text] -- ^ urls to load asynchronously -> Maybe (HtmlUrl (Route master)) -- ^ widget of js to run on async completion -> (HtmlUrl (Route master)) -- ^ widget to insert at the bottom of <head> left :: Either a b -> Maybe a left (Left x) = Just x left _ = Nothing right :: Either a b -> Maybe b right (Right x) = Just x right _ = Nothing jsonArray :: [Text] -> Html jsonArray = unsafeLazyByteString . encode . Array . Vector.fromList . map String -- | For use with setting 'jsLoader' to 'BottomOfHeadAsync' loadJsYepnope :: Yesod master => Either Text (Route master) -> [Text] -> Maybe (HtmlUrl (Route master)) -> (HtmlUrl (Route master)) loadJsYepnope eyn scripts mcomplete = [hamlet| $newline never $maybe yn <- left eyn <script src=#{yn}> $maybe yn <- right eyn <script src=@{yn}> $maybe complete <- mcomplete <script>yepnope({load:#{jsonArray scripts},complete:function(){^{complete}}}); $nothing <script>yepnope({load:#{jsonArray scripts}}); |] asyncHelper :: (url -> [x] -> Text) -> [Script (url)] -> Maybe (JavascriptUrl (url)) -> Maybe Text -> (Maybe (HtmlUrl url), [Text]) asyncHelper render scripts jscript jsLoc = (mcomplete, scripts'') where scripts' = map goScript scripts scripts'' = case jsLoc of Just s -> scripts' ++ [s] Nothing -> scripts' goScript (Script (Local url) _) = render url [] goScript (Script (Remote s) _) = s mcomplete = case jsLoc of Just{} -> Nothing Nothing -> case jscript of Nothing -> Nothing Just j -> Just $ jelper j yesodRender :: Yesod y => y -> ResolvedApproot -> Route y -> [(Text, Text)] -- ^ url query string -> Text yesodRender y ar url params = TE.decodeUtf8 $ toByteString $ fromMaybe (joinPath y ar ps $ params ++ params') (urlRenderOverride y url) where (ps, params') = renderRoute url resolveApproot :: Yesod master => master -> W.Request -> ResolvedApproot resolveApproot master req = case approot of ApprootRelative -> "" ApprootStatic t -> t ApprootMaster f -> f master ApprootRequest f -> f master req defaultClientSessionBackend :: Yesod master => IO (SessionBackend master) defaultClientSessionBackend = do key <- CS.getKey CS.defaultKeyFile let timeout = fromIntegral (120 * 60 :: Int) -- 120 minutes (getCachedDate, _closeDateCacher) <- clientSessionDateCacher timeout return $ clientSessionBackend2 key getCachedDate clientSessionBackend :: Yesod master => CS.Key -- ^ The encryption key -> Int -- ^ Inactive session valitity in minutes -> SessionBackend master clientSessionBackend key timeout = SessionBackend { sbLoadSession = loadClientSession key timeout "_SESSION" } {-# DEPRECATED clientSessionBackend "Please use clientSessionBackend2, which is more efficient." #-} loadClientSession :: Yesod master => CS.Key -> Int -- ^ timeout -> S8.ByteString -- ^ session name -> master -> W.Request -> UTCTime -> IO (BackendSession, SaveSession) loadClientSession key timeout sessionName master req now = return (sess, save) where sess = fromMaybe [] $ do raw <- lookup "Cookie" $ W.requestHeaders req val <- lookup sessionName $ parseCookies raw let host = "" -- fixme, properly lock sessions to client address decodeClientSessionOld key now host val save sess' now' = do -- We should never cache the IV! Be careful! iv <- liftIO CS.randomIV return [AddCookie def { setCookieName = sessionName , setCookieValue = sessionVal iv , setCookiePath = Just (cookiePath master) , setCookieExpires = Just expires , setCookieDomain = cookieDomain master , setCookieHttpOnly = True }] where host = "" -- fixme, properly lock sessions to client address expires = fromIntegral (timeout * 60) `addUTCTime` now' sessionVal iv = encodeClientSessionOld key iv expires host sess' {-# DEPRECATED loadClientSession "Please use loadClientSession2, which is more efficient." #-} clientSessionBackend2 :: Yesod master => CS.Key -- ^ The encryption key -> IO ClientSessionDateCache -- ^ See 'clientSessionDateCacher' -> SessionBackend master clientSessionBackend2 key getCachedDate = SessionBackend { sbLoadSession = \master req -> const $ loadClientSession2 key getCachedDate "_SESSION" master req } loadClientSession2 :: Yesod master => CS.Key -> IO ClientSessionDateCache -- ^ See 'clientSessionDateCacher' -> S8.ByteString -- ^ session name -> master -> W.Request -> IO (BackendSession, SaveSession) loadClientSession2 key getCachedDate sessionName master req = load where load = do date <- getCachedDate return (sess date, save date) sess date = fromMaybe [] $ do raw <- lookup "Cookie" $ W.requestHeaders req val <- lookup sessionName $ parseCookies raw let host = "" -- fixme, properly lock sessions to client address decodeClientSession key date host val save date sess' _ = do -- We should never cache the IV! Be careful! iv <- liftIO CS.randomIV return [AddCookie def { setCookieName = sessionName , setCookieValue = encodeClientSession key iv date host sess' , setCookiePath = Just (cookiePath master) , setCookieExpires = Just (csdcExpires date) , setCookieDomain = cookieDomain master , setCookieHttpOnly = True }] where host = "" -- fixme, properly lock sessions to client address -- | Run a 'GHandler' completely outside of Yesod. This -- function comes with many caveats and you shouldn't use it -- unless you fully understand what it's doing and how it works. -- -- As of now, there's only one reason to use this function at -- all: in order to run unit tests of functions inside 'GHandler' -- but that aren't easily testable with a full HTTP request. -- Even so, it's better to use @wai-test@ or @yesod-test@ instead -- of using this function. -- -- This function will create a fake HTTP request (both @wai@'s -- 'W.Request' and @yesod@'s 'Request') and feed it to the -- @GHandler@. The only useful information the @GHandler@ may -- get from the request is the session map, which you must supply -- as argument to @runFakeHandler@. All other fields contain -- fake information, which means that they can be accessed but -- won't have any useful information. The response of the -- @GHandler@ is completely ignored, including changes to the -- session, cookies or headers. We only return you the -- @GHandler@'s return value. runFakeHandler :: (Yesod master, MonadIO m) => SessionMap -> (master -> Logger) -> master -> GHandler master master a -> m (Either ErrorResponse a) runFakeHandler fakeSessionMap logger master handler = liftIO $ do ret <- I.newIORef (Left $ InternalError "runFakeHandler: no result") let handler' = do liftIO . I.writeIORef ret . Right =<< handler return () let YesodApp yapp = runHandler handler' (yesodRender master "") Nothing id master master (fileUpload master) (messageLoggerSource master $ logger master) errHandler err = YesodApp $ \_ _ _ session -> do liftIO $ I.writeIORef ret (Left err) return $ YARPlain H.status500 [] typePlain (toContent ("runFakeHandler: errHandler" :: S8.ByteString)) session fakeWaiRequest = W.Request { W.requestMethod = "POST" , W.httpVersion = H.http11 , W.rawPathInfo = "/runFakeHandler/pathInfo" , W.rawQueryString = "" , W.serverName = "runFakeHandler-serverName" , W.serverPort = 80 , W.requestHeaders = [] , W.isSecure = False , W.remoteHost = error "runFakeHandler-remoteHost" , W.pathInfo = ["runFakeHandler", "pathInfo"] , W.queryString = [] , W.requestBody = mempty , W.vault = mempty } fakeRequest = Request { reqGetParams = [] , reqCookies = [] , reqWaiRequest = fakeWaiRequest , reqLangs = [] , reqToken = Just "NaN" -- not a nonce =) , reqBodySize = 0 } fakeContentType = [] _ <- runResourceT $ yapp errHandler fakeRequest fakeContentType fakeSessionMap I.readIORef ret {-# WARNING runFakeHandler "Usually you should *not* use runFakeHandler unless you really understand how it works and why you need it." #-}