{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Yesod.Core.Internal.TH where

import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Yesod.Core.Handler

import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (cxt, instanceD)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

import qualified Network.Wai as W

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 ()
import Data.List (foldl')
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM, void)
import Text.Parsec (parse, many1, many, eof, try, option, sepBy1)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char (alphaNum, spaces, string, char)

import Yesod.Routes.TH
import Yesod.Routes.Parse
import Yesod.Core.Types
import Yesod.Core.Class.Dispatch
import Yesod.Core.Internal.Run

-- | Generates URL datatype and site function for the given 'Resource's. This
-- is used for creating sites, /not/ subsites. See 'mkYesodSubData' and 'mkYesodSubDispatch' for the latter.
-- Use 'parseRoutes' to create the 'Resource's.
-- Contexts and type variables in the name of the datatype are parsed. 
-- For example, a datatype @App a@ with typeclass constraint @MyClass a@ can be written as @\"(MyClass a) => App a\"@.
mkYesod :: String -- ^ name of the argument datatype
        -> [ResourceTree String]
        -> Q [Dec]
mkYesod name = fmap (uncurry (++)) . mkYesodWithParser name False return

{-# DEPRECATED mkYesodWith "Contexts and type variables are now parsed from the name in `mkYesod`. <https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/pull/1366>" #-}
-- | Similar to 'mkYesod', except contexts and type variables are not parsed. 
-- Instead, they are explicitly provided. 
-- You can write @(MyClass a) => App a@ with @mkYesodWith [[\"MyClass\",\"a\"]] \"App\" [\"a\"] ...@.
mkYesodWith :: [[String]] -- ^ list of contexts
            -> String -- ^ name of the argument datatype
            -> [String] -- ^ list of type variables
            -> [ResourceTree String]
            -> Q [Dec]
mkYesodWith cxts name args = fmap (uncurry (++)) . mkYesodGeneral cxts name args False return

-- | Sometimes, you will want to declare your routes in one file and define
-- your handlers elsewhere. For example, this is the only way to break up a
-- monolithic file into smaller parts. Use this function, paired with
-- 'mkYesodDispatch', to do just that.
mkYesodData :: String -> [ResourceTree String] -> Q [Dec]
mkYesodData name resS = fst <$> mkYesodWithParser name False return resS

mkYesodSubData :: String -> [ResourceTree String] -> Q [Dec]
mkYesodSubData name resS = fst <$> mkYesodWithParser name True return resS

-- | Parses contexts and type arguments out of name before generating TH.
mkYesodWithParser :: String                    -- ^ foundation type
                  -> Bool                      -- ^ is this a subsite
                  -> (Exp -> Q Exp)            -- ^ unwrap handler
                  -> [ResourceTree String]
                  -> Q([Dec],[Dec])
mkYesodWithParser name isSub f resS = do
    let (name', rest, cxt) = case parse parseName "" name of
            Left err -> error $ show err
            Right a -> a
    mkYesodGeneral cxt name' rest isSub f resS

        parseName = do
            cxt <- option [] parseContext
            name' <- parseWord
            args <- many parseWord
            return ( name', args, cxt)

        parseWord = do
            many1 alphaNum

        parseContext = try $ do
            cxts <- parseParen parseContexts
            _ <- string "=>"
            return cxts

        parseParen p = do
            _ <- char '('
            r <- p
            _ <- char ')'
            return r

        parseContexts = 
            sepBy1 (many1 parseWord) (spaces >> char ',' >> return ())

-- | See 'mkYesodData'.
mkYesodDispatch :: String -> [ResourceTree String] -> Q [Dec]
mkYesodDispatch name = fmap snd . mkYesodWithParser name False return

-- | Get the Handler and Widget type synonyms for the given site.
masterTypeSyns :: [Name] -> Type -> [Dec] -- FIXME remove from here, put into the scaffolding itself?
masterTypeSyns vs site =
    [ TySynD (mkName "Handler") (fmap PlainTV vs)
      $ ConT ''HandlerFor `AppT` site
    , TySynD (mkName "Widget")  (fmap PlainTV vs)
      $ ConT ''WidgetFor `AppT` site `AppT` ConT ''()

mkYesodGeneral :: [[String]]                -- ^ Appliction context. Used in RenderRoute, RouteAttrs, and ParseRoute instances.
               -> String                    -- ^ foundation type
               -> [String]                  -- ^ arguments for the type
               -> Bool                      -- ^ is this a subsite
               -> (Exp -> Q Exp)            -- ^ unwrap handler
               -> [ResourceTree String]
               -> Q([Dec],[Dec])
mkYesodGeneral appCxt' namestr mtys isSub f resS = do
    let appCxt = fmap (\(c:rest) -> 
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
            foldl' (\acc v -> acc `AppT` nameToType v) (ConT $ mkName c) rest
            ClassP (mkName c) $ fmap nameToType rest
          ) appCxt'
    mname <- lookupTypeName namestr
    arity <- case mname of
               Just name -> do
                 info <- reify name
                 return $
                   case info of
                     TyConI dec ->
                       case dec of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
                         DataD _ _ vs _ _ _ -> length vs
                         NewtypeD _ _ vs _ _ _ -> length vs
                         DataD _ _ vs _ _ -> length vs
                         NewtypeD _ _ vs _ _ -> length vs
                         TySynD _ vs _ -> length vs
                         _ -> 0
                     _ -> 0
               _ -> return 0
    let name = mkName namestr
    -- Generate as many variable names as the arity indicates
    vns <- replicateM (arity - length mtys) $ newName "t"
        -- Base type (site type with variables)
    let argtypes = fmap nameToType mtys ++ fmap VarT vns
        site = foldl' AppT (ConT name) argtypes
        res = map (fmap (parseType . dropBracket)) resS
    renderRouteDec <- mkRenderRouteInstance appCxt site res
    routeAttrsDec  <- mkRouteAttrsInstance appCxt site res
    dispatchDec    <- mkDispatchInstance site appCxt f res
    parseRoute <- mkParseRouteInstance appCxt site res
    let rname = mkName $ "resources" ++ namestr
    eres <- lift resS
    let resourcesDec =
            [ SigD rname $ ListT `AppT` (ConT ''ResourceTree `AppT` ConT ''String)
            , FunD rname [Clause [] (NormalB eres) []]
    let dataDec = concat
            [ [parseRoute]
            , renderRouteDec
            , [routeAttrsDec]
            , resourcesDec
            , if isSub then [] else masterTypeSyns vns site
    return (dataDec, dispatchDec)

mkMDS :: (Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp -> MkDispatchSettings a site b
mkMDS f rh = MkDispatchSettings
    { mdsRunHandler = rh
    , mdsSubDispatcher =
        [|\parentRunner getSub toParent env -> yesodSubDispatch
                                    { ysreParentRunner = parentRunner
                                    , ysreGetSub = getSub
                                    , ysreToParentRoute = toParent
                                    , ysreParentEnv = env
    , mdsGetPathInfo = [|W.pathInfo|]
    , mdsSetPathInfo = [|\p r -> r { W.pathInfo = p }|]
    , mdsMethod = [|W.requestMethod|]
    , mds404 = [|void notFound|]
    , mds405 = [|void badMethod|]
    , mdsGetHandler = defaultGetHandler
    , mdsUnwrapper = f

-- | If the generation of @'YesodDispatch'@ instance require finer
-- control of the types, contexts etc. using this combinator. You will
-- hardly need this generality. However, in certain situations, like
-- when writing library/plugin for yesod, this combinator becomes
-- handy.
mkDispatchInstance :: Type                      -- ^ The master site type
                   -> Cxt                       -- ^ Context of the instance
                   -> (Exp -> Q Exp)            -- ^ Unwrap handler
                   -> [ResourceTree c]          -- ^ The resource
                   -> DecsQ
mkDispatchInstance master cxt f res = do
    clause' <- mkDispatchClause (mkMDS f [|yesodRunner|]) res
    let thisDispatch = FunD 'yesodDispatch [clause']
    return [instanceD cxt yDispatch [thisDispatch]]
    yDispatch = ConT ''YesodDispatch `AppT` master

mkYesodSubDispatch :: [ResourceTree a] -> Q Exp
mkYesodSubDispatch res = do
    clause' <- mkDispatchClause (mkMDS return [|subHelper|]) res
    inner <- newName "inner"
    let innerFun = FunD inner [clause']
    helper <- newName "helper"
    let fun = FunD helper
                [ Clause
                    (NormalB $ VarE inner)
    return $ LetE [fun] (VarE helper)

instanceD :: Cxt -> Type -> [Dec] -> Dec
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
instanceD = InstanceD Nothing
instanceD = InstanceD