{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Yesod.Core.Internal.Run where import Yesod.Core.Internal.Response import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Logger (LogLevel (LevelError), LogSource, liftLoc) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT, withInternalState, runInternalState, InternalState) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.IORef as I import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid (appEndo) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With) import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Loc, qLocation) import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Internal import System.Log.FastLogger (LogStr, toLogStr) import Yesod.Core.Content import Yesod.Core.Class.Yesod import Yesod.Core.Types import Yesod.Core.Internal.Request (parseWaiRequest, tooLargeResponse) import Yesod.Core.Internal.Util (getCurrentMaxExpiresRFC1123) import Yesod.Routes.Class (Route, renderRoute) import Control.DeepSeq (($!!), NFData) import UnliftIO.Exception -- | Convert a synchronous exception into an ErrorResponse toErrorHandler :: SomeException -> IO ErrorResponse toErrorHandler e0 = handleAny errFromShow $ case fromException e0 of Just (HCError x) -> evaluate $!! x _ -> errFromShow e0 -- | Generate an @ErrorResponse@ based on the shown version of the exception errFromShow :: SomeException -> IO ErrorResponse errFromShow x = do text <- evaluate (T.pack $ show x) `catchAny` \_ -> return (T.pack "Yesod.Core.Internal.Run.errFromShow: show of an exception threw an exception") return $ InternalError text -- | Do a basic run of a handler, getting some contents and the final -- @GHState@. The @GHState@ unfortunately may contain some impure -- exceptions, but all other synchronous exceptions will be caught and -- represented by the @HandlerContents@. basicRunHandler :: ToTypedContent c => RunHandlerEnv site site -> HandlerFor site c -> YesodRequest -> InternalState -> IO (GHState, HandlerContents) basicRunHandler rhe handler yreq resState = do -- Create a mutable ref to hold the state. We use mutable refs so -- that the updates will survive runtime exceptions. istate <- I.newIORef defState -- Run the handler itself, capturing any runtime exceptions and -- converting them into a @HandlerContents@ contents' <- catchAny (do res <- unHandlerFor handler (hd istate) tc <- evaluate (toTypedContent res) -- Success! Wrap it up in an @HCContent@ return (HCContent defaultStatus tc)) (\e -> case fromException e of Just e' -> return e' Nothing -> HCError <$> toErrorHandler e) -- Get the raw state and return state <- I.readIORef istate return (state, contents') where defState = GHState { ghsSession = reqSession yreq , ghsRBC = Nothing , ghsIdent = 1 , ghsCache = mempty , ghsCacheBy = mempty , ghsHeaders = mempty } hd istate = HandlerData { handlerRequest = yreq , handlerEnv = rhe , handlerState = istate , handlerResource = resState } -- | Convert an @ErrorResponse@ into a @YesodResponse@ handleError :: RunHandlerEnv sub site -> YesodRequest -> InternalState -> Map.Map Text S8.ByteString -> [Header] -> ErrorResponse -> IO YesodResponse handleError rhe yreq resState finalSession headers e0 = do -- Find any evil hidden impure exceptions e <- (evaluate $!! e0) `catchAny` errFromShow -- Generate a response, leveraging the updated session and -- response headers flip runInternalState resState $ do yar <- rheOnError rhe e yreq { reqSession = finalSession } case yar of YRPlain status' hs ct c sess -> let hs' = headers ++ hs status | status' == defaultStatus = getStatus e | otherwise = status' in return $ YRPlain status hs' ct c sess YRWai _ -> return yar YRWaiApp _ -> return yar -- | Convert a @HandlerContents@ into a @YesodResponse@ handleContents :: (ErrorResponse -> IO YesodResponse) -> Map.Map Text S8.ByteString -> [Header] -> HandlerContents -> IO YesodResponse handleContents handleError' finalSession headers contents = case contents of HCContent status (TypedContent ct c) -> do -- Check for impure exceptions hiding in the contents ec' <- evaluateContent c case ec' of Left e -> handleError' e Right c' -> return $ YRPlain status headers ct c' finalSession HCError e -> handleError' e HCRedirect status loc -> do let disable_caching x = Header "Cache-Control" "no-cache, must-revalidate" : Header "Expires" "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:05:05 GMT" : x hs = (if status /= H.movedPermanently301 then disable_caching else id) $ Header "Location" (encodeUtf8 loc) : headers return $ YRPlain status hs typePlain emptyContent finalSession HCSendFile ct fp p -> return $ YRPlain H.status200 headers ct (ContentFile fp p) finalSession HCCreated loc -> return $ YRPlain H.status201 (Header "Location" (encodeUtf8 loc) : headers) typePlain emptyContent finalSession HCWai r -> return $ YRWai r HCWaiApp a -> return $ YRWaiApp a -- | Evaluate the given value. If an exception is thrown, use it to -- replace the provided contents and then return @mempty@ in place of the -- evaluated value. evalFallback :: (Monoid w, NFData w) => HandlerContents -> w -> IO (w, HandlerContents) evalFallback contents val = catchAny (fmap (, contents) (evaluate $!! val)) (fmap ((mempty, ) . HCError) . toErrorHandler) -- | Function used internally by Yesod in the process of converting a -- 'HandlerT' into an 'Application'. Should not be needed by users. runHandler :: ToTypedContent c => RunHandlerEnv site site -> HandlerFor site c -> YesodApp runHandler rhe@RunHandlerEnv {..} handler yreq = withInternalState $ \resState -> do -- Get the raw state and original contents (state, contents0) <- basicRunHandler rhe handler yreq resState -- Evaluate the unfortunately-lazy session and headers, -- propagating exceptions into the contents (finalSession, contents1) <- evalFallback contents0 (ghsSession state) (headers, contents2) <- evalFallback contents1 (appEndo (ghsHeaders state) []) contents3 <- (evaluate contents2) `catchAny` (fmap HCError . toErrorHandler) -- Convert the HandlerContents into the final YesodResponse handleContents (handleError rhe yreq resState finalSession headers) finalSession headers contents3 safeEh :: (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()) -> ErrorResponse -> YesodApp safeEh log' er req = do liftIO $ log' $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) "yesod-core" LevelError $ toLogStr $ "Error handler errored out: " ++ show er return $ YRPlain H.status500 [] typePlain (toContent ("Internal Server Error" :: S.ByteString)) (reqSession req) -- | Run a 'HandlerT' completely outside of Yesod. This -- function comes with many caveats and you shouldn't use it -- unless you fully understand what it's doing and how it works. -- -- As of now, there's only one reason to use this function at -- all: in order to run unit tests of functions inside 'HandlerT' -- but that aren't easily testable with a full HTTP request. -- Even so, it's better to use @wai-test@ or @yesod-test@ instead -- of using this function. -- -- This function will create a fake HTTP request (both @wai@'s -- 'Request' and @yesod@'s 'Request') and feed it to the -- @HandlerT@. The only useful information the @HandlerT@ may -- get from the request is the session map, which you must supply -- as argument to @runFakeHandler@. All other fields contain -- fake information, which means that they can be accessed but -- won't have any useful information. The response of the -- @HandlerT@ is completely ignored, including changes to the -- session, cookies or headers. We only return you the -- @HandlerT@'s return value. runFakeHandler :: (Yesod site, MonadIO m) => SessionMap -> (site -> Logger) -> site -> HandlerFor site a -> m (Either ErrorResponse a) runFakeHandler fakeSessionMap logger site handler = liftIO $ do ret <- I.newIORef (Left $ InternalError "runFakeHandler: no result") maxExpires <- getCurrentMaxExpiresRFC1123 let handler' = liftIO . I.writeIORef ret . Right =<< handler let yapp = runHandler RunHandlerEnv { rheRender = yesodRender site $ resolveApproot site fakeWaiRequest , rheRoute = Nothing , rheRouteToMaster = id , rheChild = site , rheSite = site , rheUpload = fileUpload site , rheLog = messageLoggerSource site $ logger site , rheOnError = errHandler , rheMaxExpires = maxExpires } handler' errHandler err req = do liftIO $ I.writeIORef ret (Left err) return $ YRPlain H.status500 [] typePlain (toContent ("runFakeHandler: errHandler" :: S8.ByteString)) (reqSession req) fakeWaiRequest = Request { requestMethod = "POST" , httpVersion = H.http11 , rawPathInfo = "/runFakeHandler/pathInfo" , rawQueryString = "" , requestHeaderHost = Nothing , requestHeaders = [] , isSecure = False , remoteHost = error "runFakeHandler-remoteHost" , pathInfo = ["runFakeHandler", "pathInfo"] , queryString = [] , requestBody = return mempty , vault = mempty , requestBodyLength = KnownLength 0 , requestHeaderRange = Nothing , requestHeaderReferer = Nothing , requestHeaderUserAgent = Nothing } fakeRequest = YesodRequest { reqGetParams = [] , reqCookies = [] , reqWaiRequest = fakeWaiRequest , reqLangs = [] , reqToken = Just "NaN" -- not a nonce =) , reqAccept = [] , reqSession = fakeSessionMap } _ <- runResourceT $ yapp fakeRequest I.readIORef ret yesodRunner :: (ToTypedContent res, Yesod site) => HandlerFor site res -> YesodRunnerEnv site -> Maybe (Route site) -> Application yesodRunner handler' YesodRunnerEnv {..} route req sendResponse | Just maxLen <- mmaxLen, KnownLength len <- requestBodyLength req, maxLen < len = sendResponse (tooLargeResponse maxLen len) | otherwise = do let dontSaveSession _ = return [] (session, saveSession) <- liftIO $ maybe (return (Map.empty, dontSaveSession)) (`sbLoadSession` req) yreSessionBackend maxExpires <- yreGetMaxExpires let mkYesodReq = parseWaiRequest req session (isJust yreSessionBackend) mmaxLen let yreq = case mkYesodReq of Left yreq' -> yreq' Right needGen -> needGen yreGen let ra = resolveApproot yreSite req let log' = messageLoggerSource yreSite yreLogger -- We set up two environments: the first one has a "safe" error handler -- which will never throw an exception. The second one uses the -- user-provided errorHandler function. If that errorHandler function -- errors out, it will use the safeEh below to recover. rheSafe = RunHandlerEnv { rheRender = yesodRender yreSite ra , rheRoute = route , rheRouteToMaster = id , rheChild = yreSite , rheSite = yreSite , rheUpload = fileUpload yreSite , rheLog = log' , rheOnError = safeEh log' , rheMaxExpires = maxExpires } rhe = rheSafe { rheOnError = runHandler rheSafe . errorHandler } yesodWithInternalState yreSite route $ \is -> do yreq' <- yreq yar <- runInternalState (runHandler rhe handler yreq') is yarToResponse yar saveSession yreq' req is sendResponse where mmaxLen = maximumContentLength yreSite route handler = yesodMiddleware handler' yesodRender :: Yesod y => y -> ResolvedApproot -> Route y -> [(Text, Text)] -- ^ url query string -> Text yesodRender y ar url params = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode $ BL.toStrict $ toLazyByteString $ fromMaybe (joinPath y ar ps $ params ++ params') (urlParamRenderOverride y url params) where (ps, params') = renderRoute url resolveApproot :: Yesod master => master -> Request -> ResolvedApproot resolveApproot master req = case approot of ApprootRelative -> "" ApprootStatic t -> t ApprootMaster f -> f master ApprootRequest f -> f master req