{-# LANGUAGE CPP                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Yesod.Default.Main
    ( defaultMain
    , defaultRunner
    , defaultDevelApp
    ) where

import Yesod.Default.Config
import Network.Wai (Application)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
    (runSettings, defaultSettings, settingsPort, settingsHost)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip (gzip, GzipFiles (GzipCacheFolder), gzipFiles, def)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Autohead (autohead)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Jsonp (jsonp)
import Control.Monad (when)

#ifndef WINDOWS
import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Signal
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)

-- | Run your app, taking environment and port settings from the
--   commandline.
--   @'fromArgs'@ helps parse a custom configuration
--   > main :: IO ()
--   > main = defaultMain (fromArgs parseExtra) makeApplication
defaultMain :: (Show env, Read env)
            => IO (AppConfig env extra)
            -> (AppConfig env extra -> IO Application)
            -> IO ()
defaultMain load getApp = do
    config <- load
    app <- getApp config
    runSettings defaultSettings
        { settingsPort = appPort config
        , settingsHost = appHost config
        } app

-- | Run your application continously, listening for SIGINT and exiting
--   when recieved
--   > withYourSite :: AppConfig DefaultEnv -> Logger -> (Application -> IO a) -> IO ()
--   > withYourSite conf logger f = do
--   >     Settings.withConnectionPool conf $ \p -> do
--   >         runConnectionPool (runMigration yourMigration) p
--   >         defaultRunner f $ YourSite conf logger p
defaultRunner :: (Application -> IO ()) -> Application -> IO ()
defaultRunner f app = do
    -- clear the .static-cache so we don't have stale content
    exists <- doesDirectoryExist staticCache
    when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive staticCache
#ifdef WINDOWS
    f (middlewares app)
    tid <- forkIO $ f (middlewares app) >> return ()
    flag <- newEmptyMVar
    _ <- Signal.installHandler Signal.sigINT (Signal.CatchOnce $ do
        putStrLn "Caught an interrupt"
        killThread tid
        putMVar flag ()) Nothing
    takeMVar flag
    middlewares = gzip gset . jsonp . autohead

    gset = def { gzipFiles = GzipCacheFolder staticCache }
    staticCache = ".static-cache"

-- | Run your development app using a custom environment type and loader
--   function
    :: (Show env, Read env)
    => IO (AppConfig env extra) -- ^ A means to load your development @'AppConfig'@
    -> (AppConfig env extra -> IO Application) -- ^ Get your @Application@
    -> IO (Int, Application)
defaultDevelApp load getApp = do
    conf   <- load
    let p = appPort conf
    putStrLn $ "Devel application launched: http://localhost:" ++ show p
    app <- getApp conf
    return (p, app)