{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import Test.Hspec.Monadic import Test.Hspec.HUnit () import Test.HUnit ((@?=)) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack, singleton) import Yesod.Routes.Dispatch hiding (Static, Dynamic) import Yesod.Routes.Class hiding (Route) import qualified Yesod.Routes.Class as YRC import qualified Yesod.Routes.Dispatch as D import Yesod.Routes.Parse (parseRoutesNoCheck) import Yesod.Routes.Overlap (findOverlapNames) import Yesod.Routes.TH hiding (Dispatch) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import Hierarchy result :: ([Text] -> Maybe Int) -> Dispatch Int result f ts = f ts justRoot :: Dispatch Int justRoot = toDispatch [ Route [] False $ result $ const $ Just 1 ] twoStatics :: Dispatch Int twoStatics = toDispatch [ Route [D.Static $ pack "foo"] False $ result $ const $ Just 2 , Route [D.Static $ pack "bar"] False $ result $ const $ Just 3 ] multi :: Dispatch Int multi = toDispatch [ Route [D.Static $ pack "foo"] False $ result $ const $ Just 4 , Route [D.Static $ pack "bar"] True $ result $ const $ Just 5 ] dynamic :: Dispatch Int dynamic = toDispatch [ Route [D.Static $ pack "foo"] False $ result $ const $ Just 6 , Route [D.Dynamic] False $ result $ \ts -> case ts of [t] -> case reads $ unpack t of [] -> Nothing (i, _):_ -> Just i _ -> error $ "Called dynamic with: " ++ show ts ] overlap :: Dispatch Int overlap = toDispatch [ Route [D.Static $ pack "foo"] False $ result $ const $ Just 20 , Route [D.Static $ pack "foo"] True $ result $ const $ Just 21 , Route [] True $ result $ const $ Just 22 ] test :: Dispatch Int -> [String] -> Maybe Int test dispatch ts = dispatch $ map pack ts data MyApp = MyApp data MySub = MySub instance RenderRoute MySub where data #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0) Route #else YRC.Route #endif MySub = MySubRoute ([Text], [(Text, Text)]) deriving (Show, Eq, Read) renderRoute (MySubRoute x) = x getMySub :: MyApp -> MySub getMySub MyApp = MySub data MySubParam = MySubParam Int instance RenderRoute MySubParam where data #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0) Route #else YRC.Route #endif MySubParam = ParamRoute Char deriving (Show, Eq, Read) renderRoute (ParamRoute x) = ([singleton x], []) getMySubParam :: MyApp -> Int -> MySubParam getMySubParam _ = MySubParam do texts <- [t|[Text]|] let ress = map ResourceLeaf [ Resource "RootR" [] $ Methods Nothing ["GET"] , Resource "BlogPostR" (addCheck [Static "blog", Dynamic $ ConT ''Text]) $ Methods Nothing ["GET", "POST"] , Resource "WikiR" (addCheck [Static "wiki"]) $ Methods (Just texts) [] , Resource "SubsiteR" (addCheck [Static "subsite"]) $ Subsite (ConT ''MySub) "getMySub" , Resource "SubparamR" (addCheck [Static "subparam", Dynamic $ ConT ''Int]) $ Subsite (ConT ''MySubParam) "getMySubParam" ] addCheck = map ((,) True) rrinst <- mkRenderRouteInstance (ConT ''MyApp) ress dispatch <- mkDispatchClause [|runHandler|] [|dispatcher|] [|toText|] ress return $ InstanceD [] (ConT ''Dispatcher `AppT` ConT ''MyApp `AppT` ConT ''MyApp) [FunD (mkName "dispatcher") [dispatch]] : rrinst instance RunHandler MyApp master where runHandler h _ _ subRoute toMaster = (h, fmap toMaster subRoute) instance Dispatcher MySub master where dispatcher _ _ toMaster _ _ _ pieces = (pack $ "subsite: " ++ show pieces, Just $ toMaster $ MySubRoute (pieces, [])) instance Dispatcher MySubParam master where dispatcher _ (MySubParam i) toMaster app404 _ _ pieces = case map unpack pieces of [[c]] -> (pack $ "subparam " ++ show i ++ ' ' : [c], Just $ toMaster $ ParamRoute c) _ -> app404 {- thDispatchAlias :: (master ~ MyApp, sub ~ MyApp, handler ~ String, app ~ (String, Maybe (YRC.Route MyApp))) => master -> sub -> (YRC.Route sub -> YRC.Route master) -> app -- ^ 404 page -> handler -- ^ 405 page -> Text -- ^ method -> [Text] -> app --thDispatchAlias = thDispatch thDispatchAlias master sub toMaster app404 handler405 method0 pieces0 = case dispatch pieces0 of Just f -> f master sub toMaster app404 handler405 method0 Nothing -> app404 where dispatch = toDispatch [ Route [] False $ \pieces -> case pieces of [] -> do Just $ \master' sub' toMaster' _app404' handler405' method -> let handler = case Map.lookup method methodsRootR of Just f -> f Nothing -> handler405' in runHandler handler master' sub' RootR toMaster' _ -> error "Invariant violated" , Route [D.Static "blog", D.Dynamic] False $ \pieces -> case pieces of [_, x2] -> do y2 <- fromPathPiece x2 Just $ \master' sub' toMaster' _app404' handler405' method -> let handler = case Map.lookup method methodsBlogPostR of Just f -> f y2 Nothing -> handler405' in runHandler handler master' sub' (BlogPostR y2) toMaster' _ -> error "Invariant violated" , Route [D.Static "wiki"] True $ \pieces -> case pieces of _:x2 -> do y2 <- fromPathMultiPiece x2 Just $ \master' sub' toMaster' _app404' _handler405' _method -> let handler = handleWikiR y2 in runHandler handler master' sub' (WikiR y2) toMaster' _ -> error "Invariant violated" , Route [D.Static "subsite"] True $ \pieces -> case pieces of _:x2 -> do Just $ \master' sub' toMaster' app404' handler405' method -> dispatcher master' (getMySub sub') (toMaster' . SubsiteR) app404' handler405' method x2 _ -> error "Invariant violated" , Route [D.Static "subparam", D.Dynamic] True $ \pieces -> case pieces of _:x2:x3 -> do y2 <- fromPathPiece x2 Just $ \master' sub' toMaster' app404' handler405' method -> dispatcher master' (getMySubParam sub' y2) (toMaster' . SubparamR y2) app404' handler405' method x3 _ -> error "Invariant violated" ] methodsRootR = Map.fromList [("GET", getRootR)] methodsBlogPostR = Map.fromList [("GET", getBlogPostR), ("POST", postBlogPostR)] -} main :: IO () main = hspecX $ do describe "justRoot" $ do it "dispatches correctly" $ test justRoot [] @?= Just 1 it "fails correctly" $ test justRoot ["foo"] @?= Nothing describe "twoStatics" $ do it "dispatches correctly to foo" $ test twoStatics ["foo"] @?= Just 2 it "dispatches correctly to bar" $ test twoStatics ["bar"] @?= Just 3 it "fails correctly (1)" $ test twoStatics [] @?= Nothing it "fails correctly (2)" $ test twoStatics ["bar", "baz"] @?= Nothing describe "multi" $ do it "dispatches correctly to foo" $ test multi ["foo"] @?= Just 4 it "dispatches correctly to bar" $ test multi ["bar"] @?= Just 5 it "dispatches correctly to bar/baz" $ test multi ["bar", "baz"] @?= Just 5 it "fails correctly (1)" $ test multi [] @?= Nothing it "fails correctly (2)" $ test multi ["foo", "baz"] @?= Nothing describe "dynamic" $ do it "dispatches correctly to foo" $ test dynamic ["foo"] @?= Just 6 it "dispatches correctly to 7" $ test dynamic ["7"] @?= Just 7 it "dispatches correctly to 42" $ test dynamic ["42"] @?= Just 42 it "fails correctly on five" $ test dynamic ["five"] @?= Nothing it "fails correctly on too many" $ test dynamic ["foo", "baz"] @?= Nothing it "fails correctly on too few" $ test dynamic [] @?= Nothing describe "overlap" $ do it "dispatches correctly to foo" $ test overlap ["foo"] @?= Just 20 it "dispatches correctly to foo/bar" $ test overlap ["foo", "bar"] @?= Just 21 it "dispatches correctly to bar" $ test overlap ["bar"] @?= Just 22 it "dispatches correctly to []" $ test overlap [] @?= Just 22 describe "RenderRoute instance" $ do it "renders root correctly" $ renderRoute RootR @?= ([], []) it "renders blog post correctly" $ renderRoute (BlogPostR $ pack "foo") @?= (map pack ["blog", "foo"], []) it "renders wiki correctly" $ renderRoute (WikiR $ map pack ["foo", "bar"]) @?= (map pack ["wiki", "foo", "bar"], []) it "renders subsite correctly" $ renderRoute (SubsiteR $ MySubRoute (map pack ["foo", "bar"], [(pack "baz", pack "bin")])) @?= (map pack ["subsite", "foo", "bar"], [(pack "baz", pack "bin")]) it "renders subsite param correctly" $ renderRoute (SubparamR 6 $ ParamRoute 'c') @?= (map pack ["subparam", "6", "c"], []) describe "thDispatch" $ do let disp m ps = dispatcher MyApp MyApp id (pack "404", Nothing) (\route -> (pack "405", Just route)) (pack m) (map pack ps) it "routes to root" $ disp "GET" [] @?= (pack "this is the root", Just RootR) it "POST root is 405" $ disp "POST" [] @?= (pack "405", Just RootR) it "invalid page is a 404" $ disp "GET" ["not-found"] @?= (pack "404", Nothing) it "routes to blog post" $ disp "GET" ["blog", "somepost"] @?= (pack "some blog post: somepost", Just $ BlogPostR $ pack "somepost") it "routes to blog post, POST method" $ disp "POST" ["blog", "somepost2"] @?= (pack "POST some blog post: somepost2", Just $ BlogPostR $ pack "somepost2") it "routes to wiki" $ disp "DELETE" ["wiki", "foo", "bar"] @?= (pack "the wiki: [\"foo\",\"bar\"]", Just $ WikiR $ map pack ["foo", "bar"]) it "routes to subsite" $ disp "PUT" ["subsite", "baz"] @?= (pack "subsite: [\"baz\"]", Just $ SubsiteR $ MySubRoute ([pack "baz"], [])) it "routes to subparam" $ disp "PUT" ["subparam", "6", "q"] @?= (pack "subparam 6 q", Just $ SubparamR 6 $ ParamRoute 'q') describe "overlap checking" $ do it "catches overlapping statics" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /foo Foo1 /foo Foo2 |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [("Foo1", "Foo2")] it "catches overlapping dynamics" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /#Int Foo1 /#String Foo2 |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [("Foo1", "Foo2")] it "catches overlapping statics and dynamics" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /foo Foo1 /#String Foo2 |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [("Foo1", "Foo2")] it "catches overlapping multi" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /foo Foo1 /##*Strings Foo2 |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [("Foo1", "Foo2")] it "catches overlapping subsite" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /foo Foo1 /foo Foo2 Subsite getSubsite |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [("Foo1", "Foo2")] it "no false positives" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /foo Foo1 /bar/#String Foo2 |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [] it "obeys ignore rules" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /foo Foo1 /#!String Foo2 /!foo Foo3 |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [] it "proper boolean logic" $ do let routes = [parseRoutesNoCheck| /foo/bar Foo1 /foo/baz Foo2 /bar/baz Foo3 |] findOverlapNames routes @?= [] hierarchy getRootR :: Text getRootR = pack "this is the root" getBlogPostR :: Text -> String getBlogPostR t = "some blog post: " ++ unpack t postBlogPostR :: Text -> Text postBlogPostR t = pack $ "POST some blog post: " ++ unpack t handleWikiR :: [Text] -> String handleWikiR ts = "the wiki: " ++ show ts