Several things in Angular can be done in more than one way because Angular supports a whole range of server and framework technologies. For the Angular code to be processed by the static generator correctly, the Angular code must be written with the following points in mind (and these sometimes conflict with example Angular code you find around the web). The haddock for `Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.AngularJavascript` explains the format in detail. * All controllers/directives/services/filters/etc. are attached to the Angular module by calling the functions `module.controller` and `module.directive`, where we just rely on the static generator setting up the `module` variable for us. (Angular supports controllers to just be javascript functions, e.g. the very first example on the [AngularJS web page](, but this is not allowed by the generator.) * While not required, each controller/directive/service/filter is in its own file instead of chaining them in a single file. This eases unit testing. The static generator automatically combines all the files into a single file at compile time. * Directive templates should either be written directly into the directive code in the `template` setting (for short templates) or should be written in Hamlet and stored in a file with the same name as the directive javascript file but with a `.hamlet` extension instead of `.js`. The example uses Hamlet templates for both of the directives. * The Hamlet directive templates do not use any variables/type-safe route interpolation. This allows the HTML built from Hamlet to be automatically included directly into the generated javascript file with no more handling required. (The templates are stuck into the Angular `$templateCache`.) * While the `Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.AngularJavascript` module has some support for Hamlet templates with variable interpolation, it requires more complicated handling inside the Haskell code. In my opinion, configuration, i18n messages, and routes (which would be what you would probably be using Hamlet variable interpolation for) can just be stuck in a separate Angular module not managed by the static generators. This separate Angular module can be created in a widget and use variable/url interpolation, and it should just be a small module just containing these config settings. The main Angular module (managed by the static generator) can then depend on the config module and access the settings via dependency injection. * For directives with templates in Hamlet, the directive javascript code is in a specific format. The factory function returns an object literal with keys `templateUrl` and `controller`. This format allows the static generator to automatically process this directive code. The `templateUrl` is required and used when processing the Hamlet, so that the template is stuck into the correct key in the `$templateCache`. The `controller` property has its factory function annotated for dependency injection. * Dependency injection of the factory functions is done by naming the parameters to functions, e.g. using `$scope` as the parameter name. No need to set an `$inject` property on the function or use inline dependency annotation (an array of strings and the factory function). When compiling for production, before javascript minification, the static generator will automatically add annotations for you (so that when the minimizer renames parameter names the dependencies are still injected).