-- |
-- Module:     Yesod.TableView.NumEntriesForm
-- Copyright:  (c) 2010 Ertugrul Soeylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>
-- Stability:  experimental
-- Little form for selecting the number of entries to show.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Yesod.TableView.NumEntriesForm
    ( runNumEntriesForm )

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.String
import Text.Cassius
import Text.Hamlet
import Yesod

numEntriesForm :: String -> [Int] -> FormletField sub s Int
numEntriesForm prompt options mdata =
    let numbers = map (id &&& show) options
    in selectField numbers (fromString prompt) mdata

-- | Run the number of entries form with the given prompt, options,
-- initial value and route function.  If POST data is present, redirects
-- to the given route with the specified limit, otherwise just returns
-- the form widget.

runNumEntriesForm :: Bool -> String -> [Int] -> Int -> (Int -> Route s) ->
                     GHandler sub s (GWidget sub s ())
runNumEntriesForm styled prompt options limit thisRoute = do
    let formField = numEntriesForm prompt options (Just limit)
    (res, form) <- runFormDivs (thisRoute limit) "Ok" formField
    case res of
      FormSuccess newLimit ->
          redirect RedirectTemporary (thisRoute newLimit)
      _ -> return $ do
               when styled $ addCassius $(cassiusFile
               addWidget $(hamletFile "templates/form-numentries.hamlet")