
With the new rewrite semantics of traverse it should be possible to
have a terminating, confluent, rewriting version - which allows others
to add to the rules.

Would also be nice if we could specify the free variable properties
more efficiently, and only once.

module Yhc.Core.Simplify(
    coreSimplify, coreSimplifyExpr,
    coreSimplifyCaseCon, coreSimplifyCaseCase, coreSimplifyCaseLet,
    coreSimplifyExprUnique, coreSimplifyExprUniqueExt
    ) where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Yhc.Core.Internal.General

import Yhc.Core.Type
import Yhc.Core.Uniplate
import Yhc.Core.FreeVar3(duplicateExpr)
import Yhc.Core.FreeVar
import Yhc.Core.UniqueId

coreSimplify :: UniplateExpr a => a -> a
coreSimplify x = context $ map coreSimplifyExpr children
    where (children,context) = uniplateExpr x

-- | Simplify a single Core Expr.
--   Performs NO inlining, guaranteed to run in same or better
--   space and time. May increase code size.
--   Bugs lurk here, with inadvertant free variable capture. Move to
--   a proper free variable monad and a guarantee of uniqueness
coreSimplifyExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
coreSimplifyExpr = transformExpr f
        f (CoreCase (CoreFun x) alts) = f (CoreCase (CoreApp (CoreFun x) []) alts)
        f o@(CoreCase on alts) | isCoreCon $ fst $ fromCoreApp on = transformExpr f $ coreSimplifyCaseCon o
        f o@(CoreCase (CoreCase _ _) _) = transformExpr f $ coreSimplifyCaseCase o
        f o@(CoreCase (CoreLet _ _) _) = transformExpr f $ coreSimplifyCaseLet o

        f orig@(CoreApp (CoreCase _ _) _) = f $ CoreCase on (map g alts)
                CoreApp (CoreCase on alts) args = uniqueExpr orig
                g (lhs,rhs) = (lhs, f $ CoreApp rhs args)
        f (CoreCase (CoreLet bind on) alts) = f $ CoreLet bind (f $ CoreCase on alts)
        f (CoreLet bind x) = coreLet many (transformExpr f $ replaceFreeVars once x)
                bindVars = [i | CoreVar i <- concatMap (universeExpr . snd) bind]
                (once,many) = partition (uncurry isValid) bind
                isValid lhs rhs = lhs `notElem` bindVars && (isSimple rhs || countFreeVar lhs x <= 1)
                isSimple (CoreApp x []) = isSimple x
                isSimple (CoreFun x) = True
                isSimple (CorePos x y) = isSimple y
                isSimple (CoreVar x) = True
                isSimple (CoreApp (CorePos _ (CoreFun name)) args) = isSimple (CoreApp (CoreFun name) args)
                isSimple _ = False

        f (CoreLet binds (CoreCase on alts1))
            | disjoint (universeExprVar on) (map fst binds) = f $ CoreCase on (map g alts1)
            where g (lhs,rhs) = (lhs,f $ coreLet (filter ((`notElem` patVariables lhs) . fst) binds) $ f rhs)
        f (CoreApp (CoreApp x xs) ys) = f $ CoreApp x (xs++ys)
        f o@(CoreApp (CoreLam bind x) args) = transformExpr f $
                coreApp (coreLam bindnew (replaceFreeVars rep x)) args2
                args2 = drop (length bind) args
                bind2 = drop (length args) bind
                bindnew = take (length bind2) (freeVars 'v' \\ collectAllVars o)
                rep = zip bind (args ++ map CoreVar bindnew)

        f x@(CoreApp (CoreLet bind xs) ys) =
                CoreLet (zip fresh (map rep rhs)) (CoreApp (rep xs) ys)
                (lhs,rhs) = unzip bind
                rep = replaceFreeVars (zip fresh (map CoreVar lhs))
                fresh = freeVars 'x' \\ collectAllVars x

        f x = x

-- | Apply the Case (CoreCon ..) rule
--   This rule has a serious sharing bug (doh!)
coreSimplifyCaseCon :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
coreSimplifyCaseCon (CoreCase (CoreCon con) alts) = coreSimplifyCaseCon $ CoreCase (CoreApp (CoreCon con) []) alts
coreSimplifyCaseCon (CoreCase on@(CoreApp (CoreCon con) fields) alts)
        | not $ null matches = head matches
        matches = mapMaybe g alts

        g (PatCon x xs, rhs) | x == con = Just $ replaceFreeVars (zip xs fields) rhs
        g (PatDefault, rhs) = Just rhs
        g _ = Nothing
coreSimplifyCaseCon x = x

-- | Apply the Case (Case ..) rule
coreSimplifyCaseCase :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
coreSimplifyCaseCase o@(CoreCase (CoreCase on alts1) alts2) = CoreCase on (map g alts1)
        vars = freeVars 'v' \\ collectAllVars o
        g (PatCon c vs,rhs) = (PatCon c vs2, CoreCase rhs2 alts2)
                vs2 = take (length vs) vars
                rhs2 = replaceFreeVars (zip vs (map CoreVar vs2)) rhs
        g (lhs,rhs) = (lhs, CoreCase rhs alts2)
coreSimplifyCaseCase x = x

-- | Apply the Case (Let ..) rule
coreSimplifyCaseLet :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
coreSimplifyCaseLet o@(CoreCase (CoreLet bind x) alts) =
        CoreLet (zipWith f newvars bind) (CoreCase (rep x) alts)
        newvars = freeVars 'v' \\ collectAllVars o
        rep = replaceFreeVars $ zip (map fst bind) (map CoreVar newvars)
        f new (lhs,rhs) = (new, rep rhs)

uniqueExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
uniqueExpr x = uniqueBoundVarsWithout (collectAllVars x) x

freeVars :: Char -> [String]        
freeVars c = [c:show i | i <- [1..]]

{- |
    All variables must be unique

    The following patterns must not occur:

    CoreApp _ []
    CoreLet [] _
    CoreLam [] _
    CorePos _ _

    CoreCase on _ => on `notElem` {CoreCon _, CoreApp (CoreCon _) _, CoreLet _ _, CoreCase _ _}
    CoreApp x _ => x `notElem` {CoreApp _ _, CoreLet _ _, CoreCase _ _, CoreLam _ _}
    CoreLet bind _ => all (map snd bind) `notElem` {CoreLet _ _, CoreVar _}

    The following should be applied if possible (and not breaking sharing):

    CoreLet bind x => replaceFreeVars bind x
    CoreLet (CoreCase x alts) => CoreCase x (CoreLet inside each alt)
coreSimplifyExprUnique :: UniqueIdM m => CoreExpr -> m CoreExpr
coreSimplifyExprUnique = coreSimplifyExprUniqueExt (const return)

{- |
    Sismplify in an extensible manner.

    @myfunc retransform@

    You should invoke retransform on all constructors you create.
coreSimplifyExprUniqueExt :: UniqueIdM m => (
                                (CoreExpr -> m CoreExpr) ->
                                (CoreExpr -> m CoreExpr)
                             ) -> CoreExpr -> m CoreExpr
coreSimplifyExprUniqueExt ext = fs
        fs = transformM f

        -- helpers, ' is yes, _ is no
        coreCase__ x y = f $ CoreCase x y ; coreCase_' x y = f . CoreCase x =<< y
        coreLet__  x y = f $ CoreLet  x y ; coreLet_'  x y = f . CoreLet  x =<< y
        coreLam__  x y = f $ CoreLam  x y ; coreLam_'  x y = f . CoreLam  x =<< y
        coreApp__  x y = f $ CoreApp  x y ; coreApp'_  x y = f . flip CoreApp y =<< x

        -- Simplistic transformations
        f (CorePos _ x ) = return x
        f (CoreApp x []) = return x
        f (CoreLet [] x) = return x
        f (CoreLam [] x) = return x

        -- CASE RULES

        -- Case/Con rule
        f (CoreCase on alts) | isCoreCon con && not (null matches) = head matches
                (con,fields) = fromCoreApp on
                matches = mapMaybe g alts

                g (PatDefault,rhs) = Just $ return rhs
                g (PatCon x xs, rhs) | x == fromCoreCon con = Just $ coreLet__ (zip xs fields) rhs
                g _ = Nothing

        -- Case/Case
        f (CoreCase (CoreCase on alts1) alts2) =
                coreCase_' on (mapM g alts1)
                g (lhs,rhs) = do
                    CoreCase _ alts22 <- duplicateExpr $ CoreCase (CoreLit $ CoreInt 0) alts2
                    rhs2 <- coreCase__ rhs alts22
                    return (lhs,rhs2)

        -- Let's should float upwards
        f (CoreCase (CoreLet bind x) alts) =
                coreLet_' bind (coreCase__ x alts)

        -- APP RULES
        f (CoreApp (CoreApp x xs) ys) = coreApp__ x (xs++ys)

        f (CoreApp (CoreLet bind xs) ys) =
                coreLet_' bind (coreApp__ xs ys)

        f (CoreApp (CoreCase on alts) args) = coreCase_' on (mapM g alts)
                g (lhs,rhs) = do
                    args2 <- mapM duplicateExpr args
                    rhs2 <- coreApp__ rhs args2
                    return (lhs,rhs2)

        f (CoreApp (CoreLam bind x) args) =
                coreApp'_ (coreLam_' bind2 (coreLet__ (zip bind1 args1) x)) args2
                m = min (length bind) (length args)

                (bind1,bind2) = splitAt m bind
                (args1,args2) = splitAt m args

        -- LET RULES
        f (CoreLet bind (CoreCase on alts))
                | disjoint (collectFreeVars on) (map fst bind)
                = coreCase_' on (mapM g alts)
                g (lhs,rhs) = do
                    rhs2 <- coreLet__ bind rhs
                    rhs3 <- duplicateExpr rhs2
                    return (lhs,rhs3)

        f (CoreLet bind x) | any (isCoreLet . snd) bind =
                coreLet_' (concat bs) $ coreLet__ vs_xs x
                (vs_xs,bs) = unzip [((v,x),b) | (v,rhs) <- bind, let (b,x) = fromCoreLet rhs]

        f (CoreLet bind x) | not $ null once = coreLet_' many (fs $ replaceFreeVars once x)
                bindVars = [i | CoreVar i <- concatMap (universe . snd) bind]
                (once,many) = partition (uncurry isValid) bind

                isValid lhs rhs = lhs `notElem` bindVars && (isSimple rhs || countFreeVar lhs x <= 1)
                isSimple x = isCoreFun x || isCoreVar x || (isCoreLit x && isCoreLitSmall (fromCoreLit x))

        f x = ext f x