{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Mode.JavaScript
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Module defining the 'Mode' for JavaScript. 'javaScriptMode' uses
-- the parser defined at "Yi.Syntax.JavaScript".

module Yi.Mode.JavaScript (javaScriptMode, hooks) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy (execWriter)
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.DList as D (toList)
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import           Data.List (nub)
import           Data.Maybe (isJust)
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Typeable
import           System.FilePath.Posix (takeBaseName)
import           Yi.Buffer
import           Yi.Core (withSyntax)
import           Yi.Types (YiVariable)
import           Yi.Editor (withEditor, withOtherWindow, getEditorDyn,
                            stringToNewBuffer , findBuffer, switchToBufferE,
                            withCurrentBuffer, withGivenBuffer)
import           Yi.Event (Key(..), Event(..))
import           Yi.File (fwriteE)
import           Yi.IncrementalParse (scanner)
import           Yi.Interact (choice)
import           Yi.Keymap (YiM, Action(..), topKeymapA)
import           Yi.Keymap.Keys (ctrlCh, (?>>), (?>>!), important)
import           Yi.Lexer.Alex (AlexState, Tok, lexScanner,
                                commonLexer, CharScanner)
import           Yi.Lexer.JavaScript (alexScanToken, TT, initState,
                                      HlState, Token)
import           Yi.Modes (anyExtension)
import           Yi.Monad
import qualified Yi.Rope as R
import           Yi.String
import           Yi.Syntax (ExtHL(..), mkHighlighter, Scanner)
import           Yi.Syntax.JavaScript (Tree, parse, getStrokes)
import           Yi.Syntax.Tree (getLastPath)
import           Yi.Verifier.JavaScript (verify)

javaScriptAbstract :: Mode syntax
javaScriptAbstract = emptyMode
  { modeApplies = anyExtension ["js"]
  , modeName = "javascript"
  , modeToggleCommentSelection = Just (toggleCommentB "//")

javaScriptMode :: Mode (Tree TT)
javaScriptMode = javaScriptAbstract
  { modeIndent = jsSimpleIndent
  , modeHL = ExtHL $ mkHighlighter (scanner parse . jsLexer)
  , modeGetStrokes = getStrokes

jsSimpleIndent :: Tree TT -> IndentBehaviour -> BufferM ()
jsSimpleIndent t behave = do
  indLevel <- shiftWidth <$> indentSettingsB
  prevInd  <- getNextNonBlankLineB Backward >>= indentOfB
  solPnt   <- pointAt moveToSol
  let path = getLastPath (F.toList t) solPnt
  case path of
    Nothing -> indentTo [indLevel, 0]
    Just _  -> indentTo [prevInd,
                         prevInd + indLevel,
                         prevInd - indLevel]
    -- Given a list of possible columns to indent to, removes any
    -- duplicates from it and cycles between the resulting
    -- indentations.
    indentTo :: [Int] -> BufferM ()
    indentTo = cycleIndentsB behave . nub

jsLexer :: CharScanner -> Scanner (AlexState HlState) (Tok Token)
jsLexer = lexScanner (commonLexer alexScanToken initState)


-- tta :: Yi.Lexer.Alex.Tok Token -> Maybe (Yi.Syntax.Span String)
-- tta = sequenceA . tokToSpan . (fmap Main.tokenToText)

-- | Hooks for the JavaScript mode.
hooks :: Mode (Tree TT) -> Mode (Tree TT)
hooks mode = mode
  { modeKeymap = topKeymapA %~ important (choice m)
  , modeFollow = YiA . jsCompile
    m = [ ctrlCh 'c' ?>> ctrlCh 'l' ?>>! withSyntax modeFollow
        , Event KEnter []           ?>>! newlineAndIndentB

newtype JSBuffer = JSBuffer (Maybe BufferRef)
    deriving (Default, Typeable, Binary)

instance YiVariable JSBuffer

-- | The "compiler."
jsCompile :: Tree TT -> YiM ()
jsCompile tree = do
  Just filename <- withCurrentBuffer $ gets file
  buf <- getJSBuffer
  withOtherWindow $ withEditor $ switchToBufferE buf
  jsErrors filename buf (D.toList $ execWriter $ verify tree)

-- | Returns the JS verifier buffer, creating it if necessary.
getJSBuffer :: YiM BufferRef
getJSBuffer = withOtherWindow $ do
  JSBuffer mb <- withEditor getEditorDyn
  case mb of
    Nothing -> mkJSBuffer
    Just b  -> do stillExists <- isJust <$> findBuffer b
                  if stillExists
                    then return b
                    else mkJSBuffer

-- | Creates a new empty buffer and returns it.
mkJSBuffer :: YiM BufferRef
mkJSBuffer = stringToNewBuffer (MemBuffer "js") mempty

-- | Given a filename, a BufferRef and a list of errors, prints the
-- errors in that buffer.
jsErrors :: Show a => String -> BufferRef -> [a] -> YiM ()
jsErrors fname buf errs =
  let problems = T.unlines $ map item errs
      item x = "* " <> showT x
      str = if null errs
            then "No problems found!"
            else "Problems in "
                 <> R.fromString (takeBaseName fname)
                 <> ":\n" <> R.fromText problems
  in withGivenBuffer buf (replaceBufferContent str)