{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Keymap.Vim.StyledRegion
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- I'm a module waiting for some kind soul to give me a commentary!

module Yi.Keymap.Vim.StyledRegion
    ( StyledRegion(..)
    , normalizeRegion
    , transformCharactersInRegionB
    , transformCharactersInLineN
    ) where

import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Yi.Buffer.Adjusted
import qualified Yi.Rope as R
import           Yi.Utils

data StyledRegion = StyledRegion !RegionStyle !Region

-- | from vim help:
-- 1. If the motion is exclusive and the end of the motion is in
--    column 1, the end of the motion is moved to the end of the
--    previous line and the motion becomes inclusive. Example: "}"
--    moves to the first line after a paragraph, but "d}" will not
--    include that line.
-- 2. If the motion is exclusive, the end of the motion is in column 1
--    and the start of the motion was at or before the first non-blank
--    in the line, the motion becomes linewise. Example: If a
--    paragraph begins with some blanks and you do "d}" while standing
--    on the first non-blank, all the lines of the paragraph are
--    deleted, including the blanks. If you do a put now, the deleted
--    lines will be inserted below the cursor position.
-- TODO: case 2
normalizeRegion :: StyledRegion -> BufferM StyledRegion
normalizeRegion sr@(StyledRegion style reg) =

    if style == Exclusive
    then do
        let end = regionEnd reg
        (_, endColumn) <- getLineAndColOfPoint end
        return (if endColumn == 0
            then StyledRegion Inclusive $ reg { regionEnd = end -~ 2 }
            else sr)
    else return sr

transformCharactersInRegionB :: StyledRegion -> (Char -> Char) -> BufferM ()
transformCharactersInRegionB (StyledRegion Block reg) f = do
    subregions <- splitBlockRegionToContiguousSubRegionsB reg
    forM_ subregions $ \sr ->
        transformCharactersInRegionB (StyledRegion Exclusive sr) f
    case subregions of
        (sr:_) -> moveTo (regionStart sr)
        [] -> error "Should never happen"
transformCharactersInRegionB (StyledRegion style reg) f = do
    reg' <- convertRegionToStyleB reg style
    s <- readRegionB reg'
    replaceRegionB reg' (R.withText (T.map f) s)
    moveTo (regionStart reg')

transformCharactersInLineN :: Int -> (Char -> Char) -> BufferM ()
transformCharactersInLineN count action = do
    p0 <- pointB
    moveXorEol count
    p1 <- pointB
    let sreg = StyledRegion Exclusive $ mkRegion p0 p1
    transformCharactersInRegionB sreg action
    moveTo p1