{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Buffer.TextUnit
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Working with blocks (units) of text.

module Yi.Buffer.TextUnit
    ( TextUnit(..)
    , outsideUnit
    , leftBoundaryUnit
    , unitWord
    , unitViWord
    , unitViWORD
    , unitViWordAnyBnd
    , unitViWORDAnyBnd
    , unitViWordOnLine
    , unitViWORDOnLine
    , unitDelimited
    , unitSentence, unitEmacsParagraph, unitParagraph
    , isAnySep, unitSep, unitSepThisLine, isWordChar
    , moveB, maybeMoveB
    , transformB, transposeB
    , regionOfB, regionOfNonEmptyB, regionOfPartB
    , regionWithTwoMovesB
    , regionOfPartNonEmptyB, regionOfPartNonEmptyAtB
    , readPrevUnitB, readUnitB
    , untilB, doUntilB_, untilB_, whileB, doIfCharB
    , atBoundaryB
    , numberOfB
    , deleteB, genMaybeMoveB
    , genMoveB, BoundarySide(..), genAtBoundaryB
    , checkPeekB
    , halfUnit
    , deleteUnitB
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative (Applicative ((<*>)), (<$>))
import           Control.Monad       (void, when, (<=<))
import           Data.Char           (GeneralCategory (LineSeparator, ParagraphSeparator, Space),
                                      generalCategory, isAlphaNum, isSeparator, isSpace)
import           Data.Typeable       (Typeable)
import           Yi.Buffer.Basic     (Direction (..), Point (Point), mayReverse, reverseDir)
import           Yi.Buffer.Misc
import           Yi.Buffer.Region
import           Yi.Rope             (YiString)
import qualified Yi.Rope             as R (head, reverse, tail, toString)

-- | Designate a given "unit" of text.
data TextUnit = Character -- ^ a single character
              | Line  -- ^ a line of text (between newlines)
              | VLine -- ^ a "vertical" line of text (area of text between two characters at the same column number)
              | Document -- ^ the whole document
              | GenUnit {genEnclosingUnit :: TextUnit,
                         genUnitBoundary  :: Direction -> BufferM Bool}
      -- there could be more text units, like Page, Searched, etc. it's probably a good
      -- idea to use GenUnit though.
                deriving Typeable

-- | Turns a unit into its "negative" by inverting the boundaries. For example,
-- @outsideUnit unitViWord@ will be the unit of spaces between words. For units
-- without boundaries ('Character', 'Document', ...), this is the identity
-- function.
outsideUnit :: TextUnit -> TextUnit
outsideUnit (GenUnit enclosing boundary) = GenUnit enclosing (boundary . reverseDir)
outsideUnit x = x -- for a lack of better definition

-- | Common boundary checking function: run the condition on @len@
-- characters in specified direction shifted by specified offset.
genBoundary :: Int -- ^ Offset from current position
            -> Int -- ^ Look-ahead
            -> (YiString -> Bool) -- ^ predicate
            -> Direction -- ^ Direction to look in
            -> BufferM Bool
genBoundary ofs len condition dir = condition <$> peekB
    peekB = do
      Point p' <- pointB
      let pt@(Point p) = Point (p' + mayNegate ofs)
      case dir of
        Forward -> betweenB pt (Point $ max 0 p + len)
        Backward -> R.reverse <$> betweenB (Point $ p - len) pt

    mayNegate = case dir of
      Forward -> id
      Backward -> negate

-- | a word as in use in Emacs (fundamental mode)
unitWord :: TextUnit
unitWord =
  GenUnit Document $
  \direction -> checkPeekB (-1) [isWordChar, not . isWordChar] direction

-- | delimited on the left and right by given characters, boolean
-- argument tells if whether those are included.
unitDelimited :: Char -> Char -> Bool -> TextUnit
unitDelimited left right included = GenUnit Document $ \direction ->
   case (included,direction) of
       (False, Backward) -> do
           isCursorOnLeftChar <- (== left) <$> readB
           when isCursorOnLeftChar rightB
           checkPeekB 0 [(== left)] Backward
       (False, Forward)  -> do
           isCursorOnRightChar <- (== right) <$> readB
           isTextUnitBlank <- checkPeekB 0 [(== left)] Backward
           if isTextUnitBlank && isCursorOnRightChar
           then leftB >> return True
           else return isCursorOnRightChar
       (True,  Backward) -> checkPeekB 0 [(== left)] Forward
       (True,  Forward)  -> rightB >> checkPeekB 0 [(== right)] Backward

isWordChar :: Char -> Bool
isWordChar x = isAlphaNum x || x == '_'

isNl :: Char -> Bool
isNl = (== '\n')

-- | Tells if a char can end a sentence ('.', '!', '?').
isEndOfSentence :: Char -> Bool
isEndOfSentence = (`elem` ".!?")

-- | Verifies that the string matches all the predicates, pairwise. If
-- the string is "too small", then return 'False'. Note the length of
-- predicates has to be finite.
checks :: [Char -> Bool] -> YiString -> Bool
checks ps' t' = go ps' (R.toString t')
    go [] _ = True
    go _ [] = False
    go (p:ps) (x:xs) =  p x && go ps xs

checkPeekB :: Int -> [Char -> Bool] -> Direction -> BufferM Bool
checkPeekB offset conds = genBoundary offset (length conds) (checks conds)

-- | Helper that takes first two characters of YiString. Faster than
-- take 2 and string conversion.
firstTwo :: YiString -> Maybe (Char, Char)
firstTwo t = case R.head t of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just c -> case R.tail t >>= R.head of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just c' -> Just (c, c')

atViWordBoundary :: (Char -> Int) -> Direction -> BufferM Bool
atViWordBoundary charType = genBoundary (-1) 2 $ \cs -> case firstTwo cs of
  Just (c1, c2) -> isNl c1 && isNl c2 -- stop at empty lines
                   || not (isSpace c1) && (charType c1 /= charType c2)
  Nothing -> True

atAnyViWordBoundary :: (Char -> Int) -> Direction -> BufferM Bool
atAnyViWordBoundary charType = genBoundary (-1) 2 $ \cs -> case firstTwo cs of
  Just (c1, c2) -> isNl c1 || isNl c2 || charType c1 /= charType c2
  Nothing -> True

atViWordBoundaryOnLine :: (Char -> Int) -> Direction -> BufferM Bool
atViWordBoundaryOnLine charType = genBoundary (-1) 2 $ \cs -> case firstTwo cs of
  Just (c1, c2)-> isNl c1 || isNl c2 || not (isSpace c1) && charType c1 /= charType c2
  Nothing -> True

unitViWord :: TextUnit
unitViWord = GenUnit Document $ atViWordBoundary viWordCharType

unitViWORD :: TextUnit
unitViWORD = GenUnit Document $ atViWordBoundary viWORDCharType

unitViWordAnyBnd :: TextUnit
unitViWordAnyBnd = GenUnit Document $ atAnyViWordBoundary viWordCharType

unitViWORDAnyBnd :: TextUnit
unitViWORDAnyBnd = GenUnit Document $ atAnyViWordBoundary viWORDCharType

unitViWordOnLine :: TextUnit
unitViWordOnLine = GenUnit Document $ atViWordBoundaryOnLine viWordCharType

unitViWORDOnLine :: TextUnit
unitViWORDOnLine = GenUnit Document $ atViWordBoundaryOnLine viWORDCharType

viWordCharType :: Char -> Int
viWordCharType c | isSpace c    = 1
                 | isWordChar c = 2
                 | otherwise    = 3

viWORDCharType :: Char -> Int
viWORDCharType c | isSpace c = 1
                 | otherwise = 2

-- | Separator characters (space, tab, unicode separators). Most of
-- the units above attempt to identify "words" with various
-- punctuation and symbols included or excluded. This set of units is
-- a simple inverse: it is true for "whitespace" or "separators" and
-- false for anything that is not (letters, numbers, symbols,
-- punctuation, whatever).
isAnySep :: Char -> Bool
isAnySep c = isSeparator c || isSpace c || generalCategory c `elem` seps
    seps = [ Space, LineSeparator, ParagraphSeparator ]

atSepBoundary :: Direction -> BufferM Bool
atSepBoundary = genBoundary (-1) 2 $ \cs -> case firstTwo cs of
  Just (c1, c2) -> isNl c1 || isNl c2 || isAnySep c1 /= isAnySep c2
  Nothing -> True

-- | unitSep is true for any kind of whitespace/separator
unitSep :: TextUnit
unitSep = GenUnit Document atSepBoundary

-- | unitSepThisLine is true for any kind of whitespace/separator on this line only
unitSepThisLine :: TextUnit
unitSepThisLine = GenUnit Line atSepBoundary

-- | Is the point at a @Unit@ boundary in the specified @Direction@?
atBoundary :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM Bool
atBoundary Document Backward = (== 0) <$> pointB
atBoundary Document Forward  = (>=)   <$> pointB <*> sizeB
atBoundary Character _ = return True
atBoundary VLine _ = return True -- a fallacy; this needs a little refactoring.
atBoundary Line direction = checkPeekB 0 [isNl] direction
atBoundary (GenUnit _ atBound) dir = atBound dir

enclosingUnit :: TextUnit -> TextUnit
enclosingUnit (GenUnit enclosing _) = enclosing
enclosingUnit _ = Document

atBoundaryB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM Bool
atBoundaryB Document d = atBoundary Document d
atBoundaryB u d = (||) <$> atBoundary u d <*> atBoundaryB (enclosingUnit u) d

-- | Paragraph to implement emacs-like forward-paragraph/backward-paragraph
unitEmacsParagraph :: TextUnit
unitEmacsParagraph = GenUnit Document $ checkPeekB (-2) [not . isNl, isNl, isNl]

-- | Paragraph that begins and ends in the paragraph, not the empty lines surrounding it.
unitParagraph :: TextUnit
unitParagraph = GenUnit Document $ checkPeekB (-1) [not . isNl, isNl, isNl]

unitSentence :: TextUnit
unitSentence = GenUnit unitEmacsParagraph $ \dir -> checkPeekB (if dir == Forward then -1 else 0) (mayReverse dir [isEndOfSentence, isSpace]) dir

-- | Unit that have its left and right boundaries at the left boundary of the argument unit.
leftBoundaryUnit :: TextUnit -> TextUnit
leftBoundaryUnit u = GenUnit Document (\_dir -> atBoundaryB u Backward)

-- | @genAtBoundaryB u d s@ returns whether the point is at a given boundary @(d,s)@ .
-- Boundary @(d,s)@ , taking Word as example, means:
--      Word
--     ^^  ^^
--     12  34
-- 1: (Backward,OutsideBound)
-- 2: (Backward,InsideBound)
-- 3: (Forward,InsideBound)
-- 4: (Forward,OutsideBound)
-- rules:
-- genAtBoundaryB u Backward InsideBound  = atBoundaryB u Backward
-- genAtBoundaryB u Forward  OutsideBound = atBoundaryB u Forward
genAtBoundaryB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BoundarySide -> BufferM Bool
genAtBoundaryB u d s = withOffset (off u d s) $ atBoundaryB u d
    where withOffset 0 f = f
          withOffset ofs f = savingPointB (((ofs +) <$> pointB) >>= moveTo >> f)
          off _    Backward  InsideBound = 0
          off _    Backward OutsideBound = 1
          off _    Forward   InsideBound = 1
          off _    Forward  OutsideBound = 0

numberOfB :: TextUnit -> TextUnit -> BufferM Int
numberOfB unit containingUnit = savingPointB $ do
                   maybeMoveB containingUnit Backward
                   start <- pointB
                   moveB containingUnit Forward
                   end <- pointB
                   moveTo start
                   length <$> untilB ((>= end) <$> pointB) (moveB unit Forward)

whileB :: BufferM Bool -> BufferM a -> BufferM [a]
whileB cond = untilB (not <$> cond)

-- | Repeat an action until the condition is fulfilled or the cursor
-- stops moving. The Action may be performed zero times.
untilB :: BufferM Bool -> BufferM a -> BufferM [a]
untilB cond f = do
  stop <- cond
  if stop then return [] else doUntilB cond f

-- | Repeat an action until the condition is fulfilled or the cursor
-- stops moving. The Action is performed at least once.
doUntilB :: BufferM Bool -> BufferM a -> BufferM [a]
doUntilB cond f = loop
  where loop = do
          p <- pointB
          x <- f
          p' <- pointB
          stop <- cond
          (x:) <$> if p /= p' && not stop
            then loop
            else return []

doUntilB_ :: BufferM Bool -> BufferM a -> BufferM ()
doUntilB_ cond f = void (doUntilB cond f) -- maybe do an optimized version?

untilB_ :: BufferM Bool -> BufferM a -> BufferM ()
untilB_ cond f = void (untilB cond f) -- maybe do an optimized version?

-- | Do an action if the current buffer character passes the predicate
doIfCharB :: (Char -> Bool) -> BufferM a -> BufferM ()
doIfCharB p o = readB >>= \c -> when (p c) $ void o

-- | Boundary side
data BoundarySide = InsideBound | OutsideBound
    deriving Eq

-- | Generic move operation
-- Warning: moving To the (OutsideBound, Backward) bound of Document is impossible (offset -1!)
-- @genMoveB u b d@: move in direction d until encountering boundary b or unit u. See 'genAtBoundaryB' for boundary explanation.
genMoveB :: TextUnit -> (Direction, BoundarySide) -> Direction -> BufferM ()
genMoveB Document (Forward,InsideBound) Forward = moveTo =<< subtract 1 <$> sizeB
genMoveB Document _                     Forward = moveTo =<< sizeB
genMoveB Document _ Backward = moveTo 0 -- impossible to go outside beginning of doc.
genMoveB Character _ Forward  = rightB
genMoveB Character _ Backward = leftB
genMoveB VLine     _ Forward  = do
  ofs <- lineMoveRel 1
  when (ofs < 1) (maybeMoveB Line Forward)
genMoveB VLine _ Backward = lineUp
genMoveB unit (boundDir, boundSide) moveDir =
  doUntilB_ (genAtBoundaryB unit boundDir boundSide) (moveB Character moveDir)

-- | Generic maybe move operation.
-- As genMoveB, but don't move if we are at boundary already.
genMaybeMoveB :: TextUnit -> (Direction, BoundarySide) -> Direction -> BufferM ()
-- optimized case for Document
genMaybeMoveB Document boundSpec moveDir = genMoveB Document boundSpec moveDir
-- optimized case for start/end of Line
genMaybeMoveB Line (Backward, InsideBound) Backward = moveTo =<< solPointB =<< pointB
genMaybeMoveB Line (Forward, OutsideBound) Forward = moveTo =<< eolPointB =<< pointB
genMaybeMoveB unit (boundDir, boundSide) moveDir =
  untilB_ (genAtBoundaryB unit boundDir boundSide) (moveB Character moveDir)

-- | Move to the next unit boundary
moveB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM ()
moveB u d = genMoveB u (d, case d of Forward -> OutsideBound; Backward -> InsideBound) d

-- | As 'moveB', unless the point is at a unit boundary

-- So for example here moveToEol = maybeMoveB Line Forward;
-- in that it will move to the end of current line and nowhere if we
-- are already at the end of the current line. Similarly for moveToSol.

maybeMoveB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM ()
maybeMoveB u d = genMaybeMoveB u (d, case d of Forward -> OutsideBound; Backward -> InsideBound) d

transposeB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM ()
transposeB unit direction = do
  moveB unit (reverseDir direction)
  w0 <- pointB
  moveB unit direction
  w0' <- pointB
  moveB unit direction
  w1' <- pointB
  moveB unit (reverseDir direction)
  w1 <- pointB
  swapRegionsB (mkRegion w0 w0') (mkRegion w1 w1')
  moveTo w1'

-- | Transforms the region given by 'TextUnit' in the 'Direction' with
-- user-supplied function.
transformB :: (YiString -> YiString) -> TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM ()
transformB f unit direction = do
  p <- pointB
  moveB unit direction
  q <- pointB
  let r = mkRegion p q
  replaceRegionB r =<< f <$> readRegionB r

-- | Delete between point and next unit boundary, return the deleted region.
deleteB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM ()
deleteB unit dir = deleteRegionB =<< regionOfPartNonEmptyB unit dir

regionWithTwoMovesB :: BufferM a -> BufferM b -> BufferM Region
regionWithTwoMovesB move1 move2 =
    savingPointB $ mkRegion <$> (move1 >> pointB) <*> (move2 >> pointB)

-- | Region of the whole textunit where the current point is.
regionOfB :: TextUnit -> BufferM Region
regionOfB unit = regionWithTwoMovesB (maybeMoveB unit Backward) (maybeMoveB unit Forward)

-- An alternate definition would be the following, but it can return two units if the current point is between them.
-- eg.  "word1 ^ word2" would return both words.
-- regionOfB unit = mkRegion
--                  <$> pointAfter (maybeMoveB unit Backward)
--                  <*> destinationOfMoveB (maybeMoveB unit Forward)
-- | Non empty region of the whole textunit where the current point is.
regionOfNonEmptyB :: TextUnit -> BufferM Region
regionOfNonEmptyB unit = savingPointB $
  mkRegion <$> (maybeMoveB unit Backward >> pointB) <*> (moveB unit Forward >> pointB)

-- | Region between the point and the next boundary.
-- The region is empty if the point is at the boundary.
regionOfPartB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM Region
regionOfPartB unit dir = mkRegion <$> pointB <*> destinationOfMoveB (maybeMoveB unit dir)

-- | Non empty region between the point and the next boundary,
-- In fact the region can be empty if we are at the end of file.
regionOfPartNonEmptyB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM Region
regionOfPartNonEmptyB unit dir = mkRegion <$> pointB <*> destinationOfMoveB (moveB unit dir)

-- | Non empty region at given point and the next boundary,
regionOfPartNonEmptyAtB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> Point -> BufferM Region
regionOfPartNonEmptyAtB unit dir p = do
    oldP <- pointB
    moveTo p
    r <- regionOfPartNonEmptyB unit dir
    moveTo oldP
    return r

readPrevUnitB :: TextUnit -> BufferM YiString
readPrevUnitB unit = readRegionB =<< regionOfPartNonEmptyB unit Backward

readUnitB :: TextUnit -> BufferM YiString
readUnitB = readRegionB <=< regionOfB

halfUnit :: Direction -> TextUnit -> TextUnit
halfUnit dir (GenUnit enclosing boundary) =
  GenUnit enclosing (\d -> if d == dir then boundary d else return False)
halfUnit _dir tu = tu

deleteUnitB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM ()
deleteUnitB unit dir = deleteRegionB =<< regionOfPartNonEmptyB unit dir