{-# LANGUAGE CPP                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell    #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Tag
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- A module for CTags integration. Note that this reads the ‘tags’
-- file produced by @hasktags@, not the ‘TAGS’ file which uses a
-- different format (etags).

module Yi.Tag ( lookupTag
              , importTagTable
              , hintTags
              , completeTag
              , Tag(..)
              , unTag'
              , TagTable(..)
              , getTags
              , setTags
              , resetTags
              , tagsFileList
              ) where

import           GHC.Generics (Generic)

import           Control.Applicative    ((<$>))
import           Control.Lens           (makeLenses)
import           Data.Binary            (Binary, get, put)
import qualified Data.ByteString        as BS (readFile)
import           Data.Default           (Default, def)
import qualified Data.Foldable          as F (concat)
import           Data.Map               (Map, fromListWith, keys, lookup)
import           Data.Maybe             (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text              as T (Text, append, isPrefixOf, lines, pack, unpack, words)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding     as E (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text.Read         as R (decimal)
import qualified Data.Trie              as Trie (Trie, certainSuffix, fromList, possibleSuffixes)
import           Data.Typeable          (Typeable)
import           System.FilePath        (takeDirectory, takeFileName, (</>))
import           System.FriendlyPath    (expandTilda)
import           Yi.Config.Simple.Types (Field, customVariable)
import           Yi.Editor              (EditorM, getEditorDyn, putEditorDyn)
import           Yi.Types               (YiConfigVariable, YiVariable)

newtype TagsFileList  = TagsFileList { _unTagsFileList :: [FilePath] }
    deriving (Typeable, Generic)

instance Default TagsFileList where
    def = TagsFileList ["tags"]

instance YiConfigVariable TagsFileList

makeLenses ''TagsFileList

tagsFileList :: Field [FilePath]
tagsFileList = customVariable . unTagsFileList

newtype Tags = Tags (Maybe TagTable) deriving (Typeable, Generic)

instance Default Tags where
    def = Tags Nothing

instance YiVariable Tags

newtype Tag = Tag { _unTag :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

unTag' :: Tag -> T.Text
unTag' =  _unTag

instance Binary Tag where
  put (Tag t) = put (E.encodeUtf8 t)
  get = Tag . E.decodeUtf8 <$> get

data TagTable = TagTable
    { tagFileName :: FilePath
    -- ^ local name of the tag file
    -- TODO: reload if this file is changed
    , tagBaseDir :: FilePath
    -- ^ path to the tag file directory
    -- tags are relative to this path
    , tagFileMap :: Map Tag [(FilePath, Int)]
    -- ^ map from tags to files
    , tagTrie :: Trie.Trie
    -- ^ trie to speed up tag hinting
    } deriving (Typeable, Generic)

-- | Find the location of a tag using the tag table.
-- Returns a full path and line number
lookupTag :: Tag -> TagTable -> [(FilePath, Int)]
lookupTag tag tagTable = do
  (file, line) <- F.concat . Data.Map.lookup tag $ tagFileMap tagTable
  return (tagBaseDir tagTable </> file, line)

-- | Super simple parsing CTag format 1 parsing algorithm
-- TODO: support search patterns in addition to lineno
readCTags :: T.Text -> Map Tag [(FilePath, Int)]
readCTags =
    fromListWith (++) . mapMaybe (parseTagLine . T.words) . T.lines
    where parseTagLine (tag:tagfile:lineno:_) =
              -- remove ctag control lines
              if "!_TAG_" `T.isPrefixOf` tag then Nothing
              else Just (Tag tag, [(T.unpack tagfile, getLineNumber lineno)])
              where getLineNumber = (\(Right x) -> x) . fmap fst . R.decimal
          parseTagLine _ = Nothing

-- | Read in a tag file from the system
importTagTable :: FilePath -> IO TagTable
importTagTable filename = do
  friendlyName <-  expandTilda filename
  tagStr <- E.decodeUtf8 <$> BS.readFile friendlyName
  let cts = readCTags tagStr
  return TagTable { tagFileName = takeFileName filename
                  , tagBaseDir  = takeDirectory filename
                  , tagFileMap  = cts
                    -- TODO either change word-trie to use Text or
                    -- figure out a better way all together for this
                  , tagTrie = Trie.fromList . map (T.unpack . _unTag) $ keys cts

-- | Gives all the possible expanded tags that could match a given @prefix@
hintTags :: TagTable -> T.Text -> [T.Text]
hintTags tags prefix = map (T.append prefix . T.pack) sufs
    sufs = Trie.possibleSuffixes (T.unpack prefix) $ tagTrie tags

-- | Extends the string to the longest certain length
completeTag :: TagTable -> T.Text -> T.Text
completeTag tags prefix =
  prefix `T.append` T.pack (Trie.certainSuffix (T.unpack prefix) (tagTrie tags))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Direct access interface to TagTable.

-- | Set a new TagTable
setTags :: TagTable -> EditorM ()
setTags = putEditorDyn . Tags . Just

-- | Reset the TagTable
resetTags :: EditorM ()
resetTags = putEditorDyn $ Tags Nothing

-- | Get the currently registered tag table
getTags :: EditorM (Maybe TagTable)
getTags = do
  Tags t <- getEditorDyn
  return t

instance Binary Tags
instance Binary TagTable
instance Binary TagsFileList