{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #-} -- Copyright (c) 2005,2007,2008 Jean-Philippe Bernardy {- This module is aimed at being a helper for the Emacs keybindings. In particular this should be useful for anyone that has a custom keymap derived from or based on the Emacs one. -} module Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Utils ( askQuitEditor , modifiedQuitEditor , adjIndent , withMinibuffer , queryReplaceE , isearchKeymap , cabalConfigureE , cabalBuildE , reloadProjectE , executeExtendedCommandE , evalRegionE , readArgC , scrollDownE , scrollUpE , switchBufferE , killBufferE , insertSelf , insertNextC , findFile ) where {- Standard Library Module Imports -} import Control.Monad () import Data.Char ( ord , isDigit ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import System.FriendlyPath import System.FilePath (addTrailingPathSeparator) import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist ) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..)) import Control.Monad {- External Library Module Imports -} {- Local (yi) module imports -} import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Yi.Buffer import Yi.Buffer.HighLevel import Yi.Buffer.Region import Yi.Core import Yi.Debug import Yi.Dired import Yi.Editor import Yi.Eval import Yi.File import Yi.Keymap.Keys import Yi.Keymap.Emacs.UnivArgument import Yi.MiniBuffer import Yi.Misc import Yi.Regex import Yi.Search import Yi.Accessor {- End of Module Imports -} ---------------------------- -- | Quits the editor if there are no unmodified buffers -- if there are unmodified buffers then we ask individually for -- each modified buffer whether or not the user wishes to save -- it or not. If we get to the end of this list and there are still -- some modified buffers then we ask again if the user wishes to -- quit, but this is then a simple yes or no. askQuitEditor :: YiM () askQuitEditor = askIndividualQuit =<< getModifiedBuffers getModifiedBuffers :: YiM [FBuffer] getModifiedBuffers = filterM isFileBuffer =<< filter (not . isUnchangedBuffer) <$> withEditor getBuffers -- | Is there a proper file associated with the buffer? -- In other words, does it make sense to offer to save it? isFileBuffer :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => FBuffer -> m Bool isFileBuffer b = case file b of Nothing -> return False Just fn -> not <$> liftIO (doesDirectoryExist fn) -------------------------------------------------- -- Takes in a list of buffers which have been identified -- as modified since their last save. askIndividualQuit :: [FBuffer] -> YiM () askIndividualQuit [] = modifiedQuitEditor askIndividualQuit (firstBuffer : others) = withEditor (spawnMinibufferE saveMessage (const askKeymap)) >> return () where saveMessage = concat [ "do you want to save the buffer: " , bufferName , "? (y/n/q/c)" ] bufferName = name firstBuffer askKeymap = choice [ char 'n' ?>>! noAction , char 'y' ?>>! yesAction , char 'c' ?>>! closeBufferAndWindowE , char 'q' ?>>! quitEditor ] yesAction = do fwriteBufferE (bkey firstBuffer) withEditor closeBufferAndWindowE askIndividualQuit others noAction = do withEditor closeBufferAndWindowE askIndividualQuit others --------------------------- -- | Quits the editor if there are no unmodified buffers -- if there are then simply confirms with the user that they -- with to quit. modifiedQuitEditor :: YiM () modifiedQuitEditor = do modifiedBuffers <- getModifiedBuffers if null modifiedBuffers then quitEditor else withEditor $ spawnMinibufferE modifiedMessage (const askKeymap) >> return () where modifiedMessage = "Modified buffers exist really quit? (y/n)" askKeymap = choice [ char 'n' ?>>! noAction , char 'y' ?>>! quitEditor ] noAction = closeBufferAndWindowE -- | A simple wrapper to adjust the current indentation using -- the mode specific indentation function but according to the -- given indent behaviour. adjIndent :: IndentBehaviour -> YiM () adjIndent ib = withSyntax (\m s -> modeIndent m s ib) ----------------------------- -- isearch selfSearchKeymap :: Keymap selfSearchKeymap = do Event (KASCII c) [] <- anyEvent write (isearchAddE [c]) searchKeymap :: Keymap searchKeymap = selfSearchKeymap <|> choice [ -- ("C-g", isearchDelE) -- Only if string is not empty. ctrl (char 'r') ?>>! isearchPrevE , ctrl (char 's') ?>>! isearchNextE , ctrl (char 'w') ?>>! isearchWordE , meta (char 'p') ?>>! isearchHistory 1 , meta (char 'n') ?>>! isearchHistory (-1) , spec KBS ?>>! isearchDelE ] isearchKeymap :: Direction -> Keymap isearchKeymap direction = do write $ isearchInitE direction many searchKeymap choice [ ctrl (char 'g') ?>>! isearchCancelE , oneOf [ctrl (char 'm'), spec KEnter] >>! isearchFinishE ] <|| write isearchFinishE ---------------------------- -- query-replace queryReplaceE :: YiM () queryReplaceE = do withMinibufferFree "Replace:" $ \replaceWhat -> do withMinibufferFree "With:" $ \replaceWith -> do b <- withEditor $ getBuffer let replaceKm = choice [char 'n' ?>>! qrNext b re, oneOf [char 'y', char ' '] >>! qrReplaceOne b re replaceWith, oneOf [char 'q', ctrl (char 'g')] >>! qrFinish ] Just re = makeSearchOptsM [] replaceWhat withEditor $ do setRegexE re spawnMinibufferE ("Replacing " ++ replaceWhat ++ "with " ++ replaceWith ++ " (y,n,q):") (const replaceKm) qrNext b re executeExtendedCommandE :: YiM () executeExtendedCommandE = do withMinibuffer "M-x" (\_ -> getAllNamesInScope) execEditorAction evalRegionE :: YiM () evalRegionE = do withBuffer (getSelectRegionB >>= readRegionB) >>= return -- FIXME: do something sensible. return () -- * Code for various commands -- This ideally should be put in their own module, -- without a prefix, so M-x ... would be easily implemented -- by looking up that module's contents insertSelf :: Char -> YiM () insertSelf = repeatingArg . insertB insertNextC :: KeymapM () insertNextC = do c <- anyEvent write $ repeatingArg $ insertB (eventToChar c) -- | C-u stuff readArgC :: KeymapM () readArgC = do readArg' Nothing write $ do UniversalArg u <- withEditor getDynamic logPutStrLn (show u) msgEditor "" -- TODO: This is crappy code: rewrite! readArg' :: Maybe Int -> KeymapM () readArg' acc = do write $ msgEditor $ "Argument: " ++ show acc c <- anyEvent -- FIXME: the C-u will read one character that should be part of the next command! case c of Event (KASCII d) [] | isDigit d -> readArg' $ Just $ 10 * (fromMaybe 0 acc) + (ord d - ord '0') _ -> write $ setDynamic $ UniversalArg $ Just $ fromMaybe 4 acc -- | Open a file using the minibuffer. We have to set up some stuff to allow hints -- and auto-completion. findFile :: YiM () findFile = do maybePath <- withBuffer $ getA fileA startPath <- addTrailingPathSeparator <$> (liftIO $ canonicalizePath' =<< getFolder maybePath) -- TODO: Just call withMinibuffer withMinibufferGen startPath (findFileHint startPath) "find file:" (simpleComplete $ matchingFileNames (Just startPath)) $ \filename -> do msgEditor $ "loading " ++ filename fnewE filename -- | For use as the hint when opening a file using the minibuffer. -- We essentially return all the files in the given directory which -- have the given prefix. findFileHint :: String -> String -> YiM String findFileHint startPath s = liftM (show . snd) $ getAppropriateFiles (Just startPath) s scrollDownE :: YiM () scrollDownE = withUnivArg $ \a -> withBuffer $ case a of Nothing -> downScreenB Just n -> replicateM_ n lineDown scrollUpE :: YiM () scrollUpE = withUnivArg $ \a -> withBuffer $ case a of Nothing -> upScreenB Just n -> replicateM_ n lineUp switchBufferE :: YiM () switchBufferE = do bs <- withEditor (map name . tail <$> getBufferStack) withMinibufferFin "switch to buffer:" bs (withEditor . switchToBufferWithNameE) killBufferE :: YiM () killBufferE = withMinibuffer "kill buffer:" matchingBufferNames $ withEditor . closeBufferE