{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- Copyright (C) 2008 JP Bernardy module Yi.Buffer.HighLevel where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (ask) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char import Data.Dynamic import Data.List ( isPrefixOf ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, listToMaybe ) import Yi.Buffer import Yi.Buffer.Implementation (newLine) import Yi.Buffer.Normal import Yi.Buffer.Region import Yi.Debug (trace) import Yi.String import Yi.Window import Yi.Dynamic import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as LazyUTF8 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Movement operations -- | Move point to start of line moveToSol :: BufferM () moveToSol = maybeMoveB Line Backward -- | Move point to end of line moveToEol :: BufferM () moveToEol = maybeMoveB Line Forward -- | Move cursor to origin topB :: BufferM () topB = moveTo 0 -- | Move cursor to end of buffer botB :: BufferM () botB = moveTo =<< sizeB -- | Move @x@ chars back, or to the sol, whichever is less moveXorSol :: Int -> BufferM () moveXorSol x = replicateM_ x $ do c <- atSol; when (not c) leftB -- | Move @x@ chars forward, or to the eol, whichever is less moveXorEol :: Int -> BufferM () moveXorEol x = replicateM_ x $ do c <- atEol; when (not c) rightB -- | Move to first char of next word forwards nextWordB :: BufferM () nextWordB = moveB Word Forward -- | Move to first char of next word backwards prevWordB :: BufferM () prevWordB = moveB Word Backward -- * Char-based movement actions. -- | Move to the next occurence of @c@ nextCInc :: Char -> BufferM () nextCInc c = doUntilB_ ((c ==) <$> readB) rightB -- | Move to the character before the next occurence of @c@ nextCExc :: Char -> BufferM () nextCExc c = nextCInc c >> leftB -- | Move to the previous occurence of @c@ prevCInc :: Char -> BufferM () prevCInc c = doUntilB_ ((c ==) <$> readB) leftB -- | Move to the character after the previous occurence of @c@ prevCExc :: Char -> BufferM () prevCExc c = prevCInc c >> rightB -- | Move to first non-space character in this line firstNonSpaceB :: BufferM () firstNonSpaceB = do moveToSol untilB_ ((||) <$> atEol <*> ((not . isSpace) <$> readB)) rightB -- | Move to the last non-space character in this line lastNonSpaceB :: BufferM () lastNonSpaceB = do moveToEol untilB_ ((||) <$> atSol <*> ((not . isSpace) <$> readB)) leftB ------------ -- | Move down next @n@ paragraphs nextNParagraphs :: Int -> BufferM () nextNParagraphs n = replicateM_ n $ moveB unitEmacsParagraph Forward -- | Move up prev @n@ paragraphs prevNParagraphs :: Int -> BufferM () prevNParagraphs n = replicateM_ n $ moveB unitEmacsParagraph Backward -- ! Examples: -- @goUnmatchedB Backward '(' ')'@ -- Move to the previous unmatched '(' -- @goUnmatchedB Forward '{' '}'@ -- Move to the next unmatched '}' goUnmatchedB :: Direction -> Char -> Char -> BufferM () goUnmatchedB dir cStart' cStop' = stepB >> readB >>= go (0::Int) where go opened c | c == cStop && opened == 0 = return () | c == cStop = stepB >> readB >>= go (opened-1) | c == cStart = stepB >> readB >>= go (opened+1) | otherwise = stepB >> readB >>= go opened (stepB, cStart, cStop) | dir == Forward = (rightB, cStart', cStop') | otherwise = (leftB, cStop', cStart') ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Queries -- | Return true if the current point is the start of a line atSol :: BufferM Bool atSol = atBoundaryB Line Backward -- | Return true if the current point is the end of a line atEol :: BufferM Bool atEol = atBoundaryB Line Forward -- | True if point at start of file atSof :: BufferM Bool atSof = atBoundaryB Document Backward -- | True if point at end of file atEof :: BufferM Bool atEof = atBoundaryB Document Forward -- | Get the current line and column number getLineAndCol :: BufferM (Int, Int) getLineAndCol = (,) <$> curLn <*> curCol -- | Read the line the point is on readLnB :: BufferM String readLnB = readUnitB Line -- | Read from point to end of line readRestOfLnB :: BufferM String readRestOfLnB = readRegionB =<< regionOfPartB Line Forward -------------------------- -- Deletes -- | Delete one character backward bdeleteB :: BufferM () bdeleteB = deleteB Character Backward -- | Delete forward whitespace or non-whitespace depending on -- the character under point. killWordB :: BufferM () killWordB = deleteB Word Forward -- | Delete backward whitespace or non-whitespace depending on -- the character before point. bkillWordB :: BufferM () bkillWordB = deleteB Word Backward ---------------------------------------- -- Transform operations -- | capitalise the word under the cursor uppercaseWordB :: BufferM () uppercaseWordB = transformB (map toUpper) Word Forward -- | lowerise word under the cursor lowercaseWordB :: BufferM () lowercaseWordB = transformB (map toLower) Word Forward -- | capitalise the first letter of this word capitaliseWordB :: BufferM () capitaliseWordB = transformB capitalizeFirst Word Forward -- | Delete to the end of line, excluding it. deleteToEol :: BufferM () deleteToEol = deleteRegionB =<< regionOfPartB Line Forward -- | Delete whole line moving to the next line deleteLineForward :: BufferM () deleteLineForward = do moveToSol -- Move to the start of the line deleteToEol -- Delete the rest of the line not including the newline char deleteN 1 -- Delete the newline character -- | Transpose two characters, (the Emacs C-t action) swapB :: BufferM () swapB = do eol <- atEol when eol leftB transposeB Character Forward -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- | Marks -- | Set the current buffer selection mark setSelectionMarkPointB :: Point -> BufferM () setSelectionMarkPointB = setMarkPointB staticSelMark -- | Get the current buffer selection mark getSelectionMarkPointB :: BufferM Point getSelectionMarkPointB = getMarkPointB staticSelMark -- | Exchange point & mark. exchangePointAndMarkB :: BufferM () exchangePointAndMarkB = do m <- getSelectionMarkPointB p <- pointB setSelectionMarkPointB p moveTo m getBookmarkB :: String -> BufferM Mark getBookmarkB nm = getMarkB (Just nm) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Buffer operations data BufferFileInfo = BufferFileInfo { bufInfoFileName :: FilePath , bufInfoSize :: Int , bufInfoLineNo :: Int , bufInfoColNo :: Int , bufInfoCharNo :: Point , bufInfoPercent :: String , bufInfoModified :: Bool } -- | File info, size in chars, line no, col num, char num, percent bufInfoB :: BufferM BufferFileInfo bufInfoB = do s <- sizeB p <- pointB m <- isUnchangedB l <- curLn c <- curCol nm <- gets name -- FIXME: should be gets file let bufInfo = BufferFileInfo { bufInfoFileName = nm , bufInfoSize = fromIntegral s , bufInfoLineNo = l , bufInfoColNo = c , bufInfoCharNo = p , bufInfoPercent = getPercent p s , bufInfoModified = not m } return bufInfo ----------------------------- -- Window-related operations -- | Scroll by one screen in the specicied direction. scrollScreenDownB :: BufferM () scrollScreenDownB = do p <- pointAt $ do moveTo =<< getMarkPointB =<< toMark <$> askMarks gotoLnFrom (-1) -- move back a little so we have some overlap t <- fromMark <$> askMarks setMarkPointB t p moveTo p -- | Scroll up 1 screen upScreenB :: BufferM () upScreenB = upScreensB 1 -- | Scroll down 1 screen downScreenB :: BufferM () downScreenB = downScreensB 1 -- | Scroll up n screens upScreensB :: Int -> BufferM () upScreensB = moveScreenB Forward -- | Scroll down n screens downScreensB :: Int -> BufferM () downScreensB = moveScreenB Backward moveScreenB :: Direction -> Int -> BufferM () moveScreenB dir n = do h <- askWindow height case dir of Forward -> gotoLnFrom (- (n * (h - 1))) Backward -> gotoLnFrom $ n * (h - 1) moveToSol -- | Move to @n@ lines down from top of screen downFromTosB :: Int -> BufferM () downFromTosB n = do moveTo =<< getMarkPointB =<< fromMark <$> askMarks replicateM_ n lineDown -- | Move to @n@ lines up from the bottom of the screen upFromBosB :: Int -> BufferM () upFromBosB n = do moveTo =<< getMarkPointB =<< toMark <$> askMarks moveToSol replicateM_ n lineUp askMarks :: BufferM WinMarks askMarks = do Just ms <- getMarks =<< ask return ms -- | Move to middle line in screen middleB :: BufferM () middleB = do w <- ask Just (WinMarks f _ _) <- getMarks w moveTo =<< getMarkPointB f replicateM_ (height w `div` 2) lineDown pointInWindowB :: Point -> BufferM Bool pointInWindowB p = do w <- ask Just (WinMarks f _ t) <- getMarks w fromP <- getMarkPointB f toP <- getMarkPointB t trace ("pointInWindowB " ++ show fromP ++ " " ++ show toP ++ " " ++ show p) $ (return $ fromP <= p && p <= toP) ----------------------------- -- Region-related operations -- | Extend the given region to boundaries of the text unit. -- For instance one can extend the selection to complete lines, or -- paragraphs. extendRegionToBoundaries :: TextUnit -> BoundarySide -> BoundarySide -> Region -> BufferM Region extendRegionToBoundaries unit bs1 bs2 region = savingPointB $ do moveTo $ regionStart region genMaybeMoveB unit (Backward, bs1) Backward start <- pointB moveTo $ regionEnd region genMaybeMoveB unit (Forward, bs2) Forward stop <- pointB return $ mkRegion' (regionDirection region) start stop unitWiseRegion :: TextUnit -> Region -> BufferM Region unitWiseRegion unit = extendRegionToBoundaries unit InsideBound OutsideBound -- TODO: either decide this is evil and contain it to Vim, or embrace it and move it to the -- Buffer record. newtype SelectionStyle = SelectionStyle TextUnit deriving (Typeable) instance Initializable SelectionStyle where initial = SelectionStyle Character getRawSelectRegionB :: BufferM Region getRawSelectRegionB = do m <- getMarkPointB staticSelMark p <- pointB return $ mkRegion p m -- | Get the current region boundaries getSelectRegionB :: BufferM Region getSelectRegionB = do SelectionStyle unit <- getDynamicB unitWiseRegion unit =<< getRawSelectRegionB -- | Select the given region: set the selection mark at the 'regionStart' -- and the current point at the 'regionEnd'. setSelectRegionB :: Region -> BufferM () setSelectRegionB region = do setMarkPointB staticSelMark $ regionStart region moveTo $ regionEnd region -- | Extend the selection mark using the given region. extendSelectRegionB :: Region -> BufferM () extendSelectRegionB region = (setSelectRegionB . unionRegion region) =<< getSelectRegionB ------------------------------------------ -- Some line related movements/operations deleteBlankLinesB :: BufferM () deleteBlankLinesB = do isThisBlank <- isBlank <$> readLnB when isThisBlank $ do p <- pointB -- go up to the 1st blank line in the group whileB (isBlank <$> getNextLineB Backward) lineUp q <- pointB -- delete the whole blank region. deleteRegionB $ mkRegion p q -- | Get a (lazy) stream of lines in the buffer, starting at the /next/ line -- in the given direction. lineStreamB :: Direction -> BufferM [String] lineStreamB dir = map (LazyUTF8.toString . rev) . drop 1 . LB.split newLine <$> (streamB dir =<< pointB) where rev = case dir of Forward -> id Backward -> LB.reverse {- | Get the next line of text in the given direction. This returns simply 'Nothing' if there is no such line. -} getMaybeNextLineB :: Direction -> BufferM (Maybe String) getMaybeNextLineB dir = listToMaybe <$> lineStreamB dir {- | The same as 'getMaybeNextLineB' but avoids the use of the 'Maybe' type in the return by returning the empty string if there is no next line. -} getNextLineB :: Direction -> BufferM String getNextLineB dir = fromMaybe "" <$> getMaybeNextLineB dir {- | Get closest line to the current line (not including the current line) in the given direction which satisfies the given condition. Returns 'Nothing' if there is no line which satisfies the condition. -} getNextLineWhichB :: Direction -> (String -> Bool) -> BufferM (Maybe String) getNextLineWhichB dir cond = listToMaybe . filter cond <$> lineStreamB dir {- | Returns the closest line to the current line which is non-blank, in the given direction. Returns the empty string if there is no such line (for example if we are on the top line already). -} getNextNonBlankLineB :: Direction -> BufferM String getNextNonBlankLineB dir = fromMaybe "" <$> getNextLineWhichB dir (not . isBlank) ------------------------------------------------ -- Some more utility functions involving -- regions (generally that which is selected) -- | Uses a string modifying function to modify the current selection -- Currently unsets the mark such that we have no selection, arguably -- we could instead work out where the new positions should be -- and move the mark and point accordingly. modifySelectionB :: (String -> String) -> BufferM () modifySelectionB = modifyExtendedSelectionB Character modifyExtendedSelectionB :: TextUnit -> (String -> String) -> BufferM () modifyExtendedSelectionB unit transform = modifyRegionB transform =<< unitWiseRegion unit =<< getSelectRegionB -- | Search and Replace all within the current region. -- Note the region is the final argument since we might perform -- the same search and replace over multiple regions however we are -- unlikely to perform several search and replaces over the same region -- since the first such may change the bounds of the region. searchReplaceRegionB :: String -- ^ The String to search for -> String -- ^ The String to replace it with -> Region -- ^ The region to perform this over -- The int contained is the difference -- in lengths between the region before and -- after the substitution. -> BufferM () searchReplaceRegionB from to = modifyRegionB $ substituteInList from to -- | Peform a search and replace on the selection searchReplaceSelectionB :: String -- ^ The String to search for -> String -- ^ The String to replace it with -> BufferM () searchReplaceSelectionB from to = modifySelectionB $ substituteInList from to -- | Prefix each line in the selection using -- the given string. linePrefixSelectionB :: String -- ^ The string that starts a line comment -> BufferM () -- The returned buffer action linePrefixSelectionB s = modifyExtendedSelectionB Line $ modifyLines (s ++) -- | Comments the region using latex line comments latexCommentSelectionB :: BufferM () latexCommentSelectionB = linePrefixSelectionB "% " -- | Uncomments the selection using the given line comment -- starting string. This only works for the comments which -- begin at the start of the line. unLineCommentSelectionB :: String -- ^ The string which begins a line comment -> BufferM () unLineCommentSelectionB s = modifyExtendedSelectionB Line $ modifyLines unCommentLine where unCommentLine :: String -> String unCommentLine line | isPrefixOf s line = drop (length s) line | otherwise = line -- | uncomments a region of latex line commented code latexUnCommentSelectionB :: BufferM () latexUnCommentSelectionB = unLineCommentSelectionB "% " -- Performs as search and replace on the given string. substituteInList :: Eq a => [ a ] -> [ a ] -> [ a ] -> [ a ] substituteInList _from _to [] = [] substituteInList from to list@(h : rest) | isPrefixOf from list = to ++ (substituteInList from to $ drop (length from) list) | otherwise = h : (substituteInList from to rest) -- | Justifies all the lines of the selection to be the same as -- the top line. -- NOTE: if the selection begins part way along a line, the other -- lines will be justified only with respect to the part of the indentation -- which is selected. justifySelectionWithTopB :: BufferM () justifySelectionWithTopB = modifySelectionB justifyLines where justifyLines :: String -> String justifyLines input = case lines input of [] -> "" [ one ] -> one (top : _) -> modifyLines justifyLine input where -- The indentation of the top line. topIndent = takeWhile isSpace top -- Justify a single line by removing its current -- indentation and replacing it with that of the top -- line. Note that this will work even if the indentation -- contains tab characters. justifyLine :: String -> String justifyLine "" = "" justifyLine l = topIndent ++ (dropWhile isSpace l) replaceBufferContent :: String -> BufferM () replaceBufferContent newvalue = do r <- regionOfB Document replaceRegionB r newvalue fillRegion :: Region -> BufferM () fillRegion = modifyRegionB (unlines' . fillText 80) fillParagraph :: BufferM () fillParagraph = fillRegion =<< regionOfB unitParagraph