module Yi.Syntax.Fractal (parse, getStrokes) where import Yi.Lexer.Alex (Tok(..), tokBegin) import qualified Yi.IncrementalParse as P import qualified Data.Tree as S import Control.Applicative import Yi.Prelude import Prelude () import Yi.Buffer.Basic import Data.List (splitAt) data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf deriving Show factor :: Int factor = 2 toTree :: [a] -> Tree a toTree = tt factor where tt _ [] = Leaf tt level (x:xs) = let (l,r) = splitAt level xs in Node x (toTree l) (tt (level * factor) r) fromTree :: Tree a -> [a] fromTree (Node a l r) = a : fromTree l ++ fromTree r fromTree Leaf = [] shape :: Show a => Tree a -> [S.Tree String] shape Leaf = [] -- [S.Node "o"[]] shape (Node x l r) = [S.Node (show x) (shape l ++ shape r)] parse = parse' initSize maxBound where initSize = 1 parse' :: Int -> Int -> P.P (Tok a) (Tree (Tok a)) parse' leftSize maxSize | maxSize <= 0 = pure Leaf | otherwise = (Node <$> P.symbol (const True) <*> parse' (initSize * factor) (min leftSize (maxSize - 1)) <*> parse' (leftSize * factor) (maxSize - leftSize - 1)) <|> (P.eof *> pure Leaf) -- NOTE: eof here is important for performance (otherwise the -- parser would have to keep this case until the very end of input -- is reached. getStrokes begin end t = getStrokes' begin end t [] where getStrokes' :: Point -> Point -> Tree (Tok token) -> Endom [Tok token] getStrokes' _ _ Leaf = id getStrokes' _ end (Node t _ _) | end < tokBegin t = id getStrokes' begin end (Node s lc Leaf) = (s :) . getStrokes' begin end lc getStrokes' begin end (Node s _ rc@(Node t _ _)) | tokBegin t < begin = (s :) . getStrokes' begin end rc getStrokes' begin end (Node s lc rc) = (s :) . getStrokes' begin end lc . getStrokes' begin end rc