-- -*- haskell -*- -- -- Simple lexer for JavaScript 1.7 -- (C) Copyright 2009 Deniz Dogan -- -- Note that this mode is for JavaScript 1.7, i.e. Mozilla, not ECMAScript, nor -- JScript, but it does take much of its information from the ECMAScript -- specification. -- -- Things about JavaScript deserve to be mentioned: -- * JavaScript explicitly forbids nested comments, so we don't have to care -- about the "level" of nesting in multiline comments -- -- Sources for reserved words: -- https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Reserved_Words -- https://developer.mozilla.org/en/New_in_JavaScript_1.6 -- https://developer.mozilla.org/en/New_in_JavaScript_1.7 -- -- Sources for the general syntax: -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript_syntax -- http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf { {-# OPTIONS -w #-} module Yi.Lexer.JavaScript ( initState, alexScanToken, tokenToStyle, isSpecial, TT, Token(..), Reserved(..), Operator(..) ) where import Yi.Lexer.Alex import Yi.Style } $whitechar = [\ \t\n\r\f\v] @builtin = true | false | null | undefined @reservedid = break | case | catch | continue | default | delete | do | else | finally | for | function | if | in | instanceof | new | return | switch | this | throw | try | typeof | var | void | while | with | @builtin @ops = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "++" | "--" | "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "==" | "!=" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "===" | "!==" | "&&" |"||" | "!" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "~" $large = [A-Z \xc0-\xd6 \xd8-\xde] $small = [a-z \xdf-\xf6 \xf8-\xff] $special = [\(\)\,\;\[\]\`\{\}\.\:] $ascdigit = 0-9 $unidigit = [] -- TODO $digit = [$ascdigit $unidigit] $ascsymbol = [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~\_] $unisymbol = [] -- TODO $symbol = [$ascsymbol $unisymbol] # [$special \:\"\'] $graphic = [$small $large $symbol $digit $special \:\"\'] $cntrl = [$large \@\[\\\]\^\_] $name = [a-zA-Z0-9\_\$] -- Valid characters for a "name" @number = $digit+ -- TODO: Hexadecimal/octals/exponent notation @ascii = \^ $cntrl | NUL | SOH | STX | ETX | EOT | ENQ | ACK | BEL | BS | HT | LF | VT | FF | CR | SO | SI | DLE | DC1 | DC2 | DC3 | DC4 | NAK | SYN | ETB | CAN | EM | SUB | ESC | FS | GS | RS | US | SP | DEL $charesc = [abfnrtv\\\"\'\&] @escape = \\ ($charesc | @ascii | @number) @gap = \\ $whitechar+ \\ @string = $graphic # [\"\\] | " " | @escape | @gap -- @varid represents valid names for variables and functions. @varid = [$name # [0-9A-Z]] $name* @const = [$name # [0-9a-z]] $name* -- Constants and constructors haskell :- <0> { $whitechar+ ; $special { cs $ (Special . head) } -- All of the special symbols are characters @number { cs $ Number } @ops { cs $ (Op . opToOp) } @reservedid { cs $ (Res . resToRes) } @varid { cs $ ValidName } @const { cs $ Const } \" @string* \" { cs $ Str } \' @string* \' { cs $ Str } "//".* { c $ Comment Line } "/*" { m (subtract 1) $ Comment Start } . { cs $ Unknown } } { -- I refrain from calling this "nestcomm" since nested comments -- aren't allowed in JavaScript. "*/" { m (+1) $ Comment End } . { c $ Comment Text } $whitechar+ ; } { type TT = Tok Token -- | The @Line@ constructor represents a single-line comment. @Start@ and @End@ -- represent the start and end of a multi-line comment, respectively. @Text@ -- represents the text in a multi-line comment. data CommentType = Line | Start | End | Text deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The constructors for @Reserved@ have an apostrophe as a suffix because -- @Default@ is already used. Also note that @Undefined'@ is not intended as -- some sort of "backup" reserved word for things we don't care about -- it -- really means the "undefined" built-in in JavaScript. data Reserved = Break' | Case' | Catch' | Continue' | Default' | Delete' | Do' | Else' | Finally' | For' | Function' | If' | In' | InstanceOf' | New' | Return' | Switch' | This' | Throw' | Try' | TypeOf' | Var' | Void' | While' | With' | True' | False' | Null' | Undefined' deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The constructors for @Operator@ have an apostrophe as a suffix because -- e.g. @LT@ is already used by @Prelude@. data Operator = Add' | Subtract' | Multiply' | Divide' | Modulo' | Increment' | Decrement' | Assign' | AddAssign' | SubtractAssign' | MultiplyAssign' | DivideAssign' | ModuloAssign' | Equals' | NotEquals' | GT' | GTE' | LT' | LTE' | EqualsType' | NotEqualsType' | And' | Or' | Not' | BitAnd' | BitOr' | BitXor' | LeftShift' | RightShift' | RightShiftZ' | BitNot' deriving (Show, Eq) -- | @HlState@ is 0 when outside of a multi-line comment and -1 when inside one. type HlState = Int -- | The different tokens. data Token = Unknown !String | Res !Reserved | Str !String | Op !Operator | Special !Char | Number !String | ValidName !String | Comment !CommentType | Const !String deriving (Show, Eq) stateToInit x | x < 0 = multicomm | otherwise = 0 initState :: HlState initState = 0 isSpecial :: Token -> Bool isSpecial (Special _) = True isSpecial _ = False -- | Takes a 'Token' and returns a style to be used for that type of token. tokenToStyle (Comment Line) = commentStyle tokenToStyle (Comment _) = blockCommentStyle tokenToStyle (Const _) = typeStyle tokenToStyle (Number _) = numberStyle tokenToStyle (Op _) = defaultStyle tokenToStyle (Res _) = keywordStyle tokenToStyle (Special _) = defaultStyle tokenToStyle (Str _) = stringStyle tokenToStyle (Unknown _) = errorStyle tokenToStyle (ValidName _) = defaultStyle -- | Given a @String@ representing an operator, returns an 'Operator' with the -- appropriate constructor. opToOp :: String -> Operator opToOp "+" = Add' opToOp "-" = Subtract' opToOp "*" = Multiply' opToOp "/" = Divide' opToOp "%" = Modulo' opToOp "++" = Increment' opToOp "--" = Decrement' opToOp "=" = Assign' opToOp "+=" = AddAssign' opToOp "-=" = SubtractAssign' opToOp "*=" = MultiplyAssign' opToOp "/=" = DivideAssign' opToOp "%=" = ModuloAssign' opToOp "==" = Equals' opToOp "!=" = NotEquals' opToOp ">" = GT' opToOp ">=" = GTE' opToOp "<" = LT' opToOp "<=" = LTE' opToOp "===" = EqualsType' opToOp "!==" = NotEqualsType' opToOp "&&" = And' opToOp "||" = Or' opToOp "!" = Not' opToOp "&" = BitAnd' opToOp "|" = BitOr' opToOp "^" = BitXor' opToOp "<<" = LeftShift' opToOp ">>" = RightShift' opToOp ">>>" = RightShiftZ' opToOp "~" = BitNot' -- | Given a @String@ representing a reserved word, returns a 'Reserved' with -- the appropriate constructor. resToRes :: String -> Reserved resToRes "break" = Break' resToRes "case" = Case' resToRes "catch" = Catch' resToRes "continue" = Continue' resToRes "default" = Default' resToRes "delete" = Delete' resToRes "do" = Do' resToRes "else" = Else' resToRes "finally" = Finally' resToRes "for" = For' resToRes "function" = Function' resToRes "if" = If' resToRes "in" = In' resToRes "instanceof" = InstanceOf' resToRes "new" = New' resToRes "return" = Return' resToRes "switch" = Switch' resToRes "this" = This' resToRes "throw" = Throw' resToRes "try" = Try' resToRes "typeof" = TypeOf' resToRes "var" = Var' resToRes "void" = Void' resToRes "while" = While' resToRes "with" = With' resToRes "true" = True' resToRes "false" = False' resToRes "null" = Null' resToRes "undefined" = Undefined' #include "alex.hsinc" }