{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ForeignFunctionInterface, ExistentialQuantification, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- -- Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Jean-Philippe Bernardy -- Copyright (c) 2008 Gustav Munkby -- -- | This module defines a user interface implemented using Cocoa. module Yi.UI.Cocoa (start) where import Prelude (Float) import Yi.UI.Cocoa.Application import Yi.UI.Cocoa.TextStorage import Yi.UI.Cocoa.TextView import Yi.UI.Cocoa.Utils import Yi.Prelude hiding (init) import Yi.Buffer import Yi.Editor import Yi.Keymap import Yi.Monad import Yi.Config import Yi.Rectangle import Yi.String import qualified Yi.UI.Common as Common import qualified Yi.Style as Style import Yi.Window import Paths_yi (getDataFileName) import Control.Monad.Reader (when) import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.List.PointedList.Circular as PL import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Unique -- Specify Cocoa imports explicitly, to avoid name-clashes. -- Since the number of functions recognized by HOC varies -- between revisions, this seems like the safest choice. import HOC import Foundation ( NSPoint(..),NSRect(..),NSRange(..),NSSize(..),nsHeight,nsWidth, _NSThread,detachNewThreadSelectorToTargetWithObject,alloc,init, NSObject,toNSString,respondsToSelector,_NSMutableArray,array, _NSValue,valueWithRange,addObject,NSMutableArray) import AppKit ( frame,bounds,setFrame,NSView,_NSView,NSTextField,_NSTextField, NSCell,_NSSplitView,_NSImage,NSApplication,sharedApplication, terminate_,run,setApplicationIconImage,NSWindow,_NSWindow,_NSMenu, activateIgnoringOtherApps,makeKeyAndOrderFront,setMainMenu, addSubview,removeFromSuperview,Has_setBackgroundColor, Has_setTextColor,NSSplitView,_NSFont,addSubviewPositionedRelativeTo, fontWithNameSize,setUserFixedPitchFont,userFixedPitchFontOfSize, adjustSubviews,cell,center,containerSize,nsWindowBelow, initWithContentRectStyleMaskBackingDefer,initWithContentsOfFile, initWithFrame,layoutManager,makeFirstResponder, nsBackingStoreBuffered,nsClosableWindowMask,nsLeftTextAlignment, nsLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle,nsMiniaturizableWindowMask, nsResizableWindowMask,nsTitledWindowMask,nsViewHeightSizable, nsViewMaxYMargin,nsViewNotSizable,nsViewWidthSizable, performMiniaturize,replaceTextStorage,scrollRangeToVisible, setAlignment,setAutodisplay,setAutohidesScrollers, setAutoresizingMask,setBackgroundColor,setBezeled,setBordered, setContainerSize,setDelegate,setDocumentView,setEditable, setFrameAutosaveName,setHasHorizontalScroller,setHasVerticalScroller, setHorizontallyResizable,setInsertionPointColor,setLineBreakMode, setRichText,setSelectable,setSelectedRanges,NSLayoutManager, setSelectedTextAttributes,setStringValue,setTextColor,setTitle, setVerticallyResizable,setWidthTracksTextView,setWindowsMenu, setWraps,sizeToFit,textColor,textContainer) import qualified AppKit.NSWindow import qualified AppKit.NSView import Foreign.C import Foreign hiding (new) foreign import ccall "Processes.h TransformProcessType" transformProcessType :: Ptr (CInt) -> CInt -> IO (CInt) foreign import ccall "Processes.h SetFrontProcess" setFrontProcess :: Ptr (CInt) -> IO (CInt) foreign import ccall "Processes.h GetCurrentProcess" getCurrentProcess :: Ptr (CInt) -> IO (CInt) -- Don't import this, since it is only available in Leopard... $(declareRenamedSelector "setAllowsNonContiguousLayout:" "setAllowsNonContiguousLayout" [t| Bool -> IO () |]) instance Has_setAllowsNonContiguousLayout (NSLayoutManager a) _silenceWarning :: ImpType_setAllowsNonContiguousLayout a b _silenceWarning = undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data UI = UI {uiWindow :: NSWindow () ,uiBox :: NSSplitView () ,uiCmdLine :: NSTextField () ,windowCache :: IORef [WinInfo] ,uiActionCh :: Action -> IO () ,uiFullConfig :: Config } uiConfig :: UI -> UIConfig uiConfig = configUI . uiFullConfig data WinInfo = WinInfo { wikey :: !Unique -- ^ Uniquely identify each window , window :: Window -- ^ The editor window that we reflect , textview :: YiTextView () , modeline :: NSTextField () , widget :: NSView () -- ^ Top-level widget for this window. , storage :: TextStorage } mkUI :: UI -> Common.UI mkUI ui = Common.dummyUI { Common.main = main , Common.end = end , Common.suspend = uiWindow ui # performMiniaturize nil , Common.refresh = refresh ui } mkRect :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> NSRect mkRect x y w h = NSRect (NSPoint x y) (NSSize w h) allSizable, normalWindowMask :: CUInt allSizable = nsViewWidthSizable .|. nsViewHeightSizable normalWindowMask = nsTitledWindowMask .|. nsResizableWindowMask .|. nsClosableWindowMask .|. nsMiniaturizableWindowMask initWithContentRect :: NSRect -> NewlyAllocated (NSWindow ()) -> IO (NSWindow ()) initWithContentRect r = initWithContentRectStyleMaskBackingDefer r normalWindowMask nsBackingStoreBuffered True toNSView :: forall t. ID () -> NSView t toNSView = castObject toYiApplication :: forall t1 t2. NSApplication t1 -> YiApplication t2 toYiApplication = castObject toYiController :: forall t1 t2. NSObject t1 -> YiController t2 toYiController = castObject newTextLine :: IO (NSTextField ()) newTextLine = do tl <- new _NSTextField tl # setAlignment nsLeftTextAlignment tl # setAutoresizingMask (nsViewWidthSizable .|. nsViewMaxYMargin) tl # setMonospaceFont tl # setSelectable True tl # setEditable False tl # setBezeled False tl # sizeToFit cl <- castObject <$> tl # cell :: IO (NSCell ()) cl # setWraps False cl # setLineBreakMode nsLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle return tl addSubviewWithTextLine :: Maybe (NSView t0) -> NSView t1 -> NSView t2 -> IO (NSTextField (), NSView ()) addSubviewWithTextLine sibling view parent = do container <- new _NSView parent # bounds >>= flip setFrame container container # setAutoresizingMask allSizable view # setAutoresizingMask allSizable container # addSubview view text <- newTextLine container # addSubview text case sibling of Nothing -> parent # addSubview container Just v -> parent # addSubviewPositionedRelativeTo container nsWindowBelow v -- Adjust frame sizes, as superb cocoa cannot do this itself... txtbox <- text # frame winbox <- container # bounds view # setFrame (mkRect 0 (nsHeight txtbox) (nsWidth winbox) (nsHeight winbox - nsHeight txtbox)) text # setFrame (mkRect 0 0 (nsWidth winbox) (nsHeight txtbox)) return (text, container) -- | Initialise the ui start :: UIBoot start cfg ch outCh _ed = do -- Ensure that our command line application is also treated as a gui application fptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes 32 -- way to many bytes, but hey... withForeignPtr fptr $ getCurrentProcess withForeignPtr fptr $ (flip transformProcessType) 1 withForeignPtr fptr $ setFrontProcess -- Publish Objective-C classes... initializeClass_Application initializeClass_YiTextView initializeClass_TextStorage initializeClass_YiScrollView app <- _YiApplication # sharedApplication >>= return . toYiApplication app # setIVar _eventChannel (Just ch) app # setIVar _runAction (Just $ outCh . singleton . makeAction) -- Multithreading in Cocoa is initialized by spawning a new thread -- This spawns a thread that immediately exits, but that's okay _NSThread # detachNewThreadSelectorToTargetWithObject (getSelectorForName "sharedApplication") _YiApplication nil -- Set the application icon accordingly icon <- getDataFileName "art/yi+lambda-fat.pdf" _NSImage # alloc >>= initWithContentsOfFile (toNSString icon) >>= flip setApplicationIconImage app -- Initialize the app delegate, which allows quit-on-window-close controller <- autonew _YiController >>= return . toYiController app # setDelegate controller -- init menus mm <- _NSMenu # alloc >>= init mm' <- _NSMenu # alloc >>= init mm'' <- _NSMenu # alloc >>= init app # setMainMenu mm app # setAppleMenu mm' app # setWindowsMenu mm'' -- Create main cocoa window... win <- _NSWindow # alloc >>= initWithContentRect (mkRect 0 0 480 340) win # setTitle (toNSString "Yi") content <- win # AppKit.NSWindow.contentView >>= return . toNSView content # setAutoresizingMask allSizable -- Update the font configuration let fontSize = maybe 0 fromIntegral (configFontSize (configUI cfg)) let fontGetter = maybe userFixedPitchFontOfSize (fontWithNameSize . toNSString) (configFontName (configUI cfg)) _NSFont # fontGetter fontSize >>= flip setUserFixedPitchFont _NSFont -- Create yi window container winContainer <- new _NSSplitView (cmd,_) <- content # addSubviewWithTextLine Nothing winContainer -- Activate application window win # center win # setFrameAutosaveName (toNSString "main") win # makeKeyAndOrderFront nil app # activateIgnoringOtherApps False wc <- newIORef [] let ui = UI win winContainer cmd wc (outCh . singleton) cfg cmd # setColors (Style.baseAttributes $ configStyle $ uiConfig ui) return (mkUI ui) -- | Run the main loop main :: IO () main = _YiApplication # sharedApplication >>= run -- | Clean up and go home end :: IO () end = _YiApplication # sharedApplication >>= terminate_ nil syncWindows :: Editor -> UI -> [(Window, Bool)] -> [WinInfo] -> IO [WinInfo] syncWindows e ui = sync where sync ws [] = mapM (insert Nothing) ws sync [] cs = mapM_ remove cs >> return [] sync (w:ws) (c:cs) | match w c = (:) <$> update w c <*> sync ws cs | L.any (match w) cs = remove c >> sync (w:ws) cs | otherwise = (:) <$> insert (Just $ widget c) w <*> sync ws (c:cs) match w c = winkey (fst w) == winkey (window c) winbuf = flip findBufferWith e . bufkey remove = removeFromSuperview . widget insert before (w,f) = update (w,f) =<< newWindow before ui w (winbuf w) update (w, False) i = return (i{window = w}) update (w, True) i = do (textview i) # AppKit.NSView.window >>= makeFirstResponder (textview i) return (i{window = w}) setColors :: (Has_setBackgroundColor t, Has_setTextColor t) => Style.Attributes -> t -> IO () setColors s slf = do getColor True (Style.foreground s) >>= flip setTextColor slf getColor False (Style.background s) >>= flip setBackgroundColor slf -- | Make A new window newWindow :: Maybe (NSView t) -> UI -> Window -> FBuffer -> IO WinInfo newWindow before ui win b = do v <- alloc _YiTextView >>= initWithFrame (mkRect 0 0 100 100) v # setRichText False v # setSelectable True v # setAlignment nsLeftTextAlignment v # sizeToFit let sty = configStyle $ uiConfig ui ground = Style.baseAttributes sty attrs <- convertAttributes $ appEndo (Style.selectedStyle sty) $ ground v # setSelectedTextAttributes attrs v # setColors ground v # textColor >>= flip setInsertionPointColor v (ml, view) <- if (isMini win) then do v # setHorizontallyResizable False v # setVerticallyResizable False prompt <- newTextLine prompt # setStringValue (toNSString $ miniIdentString b) prompt # sizeToFit prompt # setAutoresizingMask nsViewNotSizable prompt # setBordered False prompt # setColors ground prect <- prompt # frame vrect <- v # frame hb <- _NSView # alloc >>= initWithFrame (mkRect 0 0 (nsWidth prect + nsWidth vrect) (nsHeight prect)) v # setFrame (mkRect (nsWidth prect) 0 (nsWidth vrect) (nsHeight prect)) v # setAutoresizingMask nsViewWidthSizable hb # addSubview prompt hb # addSubview v hb # setAutoresizingMask nsViewWidthSizable brect <- (uiBox ui) # bounds hb # setFrame (mkRect 0 0 (nsWidth brect) (nsHeight prect)) (uiBox ui) # addSubview hb dummy <- _NSTextField # alloc >>= init return (dummy, hb) else do v # setHorizontallyResizable True v # setVerticallyResizable True when (not $ configLineWrap $ uiConfig ui) $ do tc <- v # textContainer NSSize _ h <- tc # containerSize tc # setContainerSize (NSSize 1.0e7 h) tc # setWidthTracksTextView False scroll <- new _YiScrollView scroll # setDocumentView v scroll # setAutoresizingMask allSizable scroll # setHasVerticalScroller True scroll # setHasHorizontalScroller False scroll # setAutohidesScrollers (configAutoHideScrollBar $ uiConfig ui) scroll # setIVar _leftScroller (configLeftSideScrollBar $ uiConfig ui) addSubviewWithTextLine before scroll (uiBox ui) -- TODO: Support focused modeline... ml # setColors (Style.modelineAttributes sty) s <- newTextStorage (configStyle $ uiConfig ui) (snd $ runBuffer win b revertPendingUpdatesB) win layoutManager v >>= replaceTextStorage s responds <- layoutManager v >>= respondsToSelector (getSelectorForName "setAllowsNonContiguousLayout:") when responds $ layoutManager v >>= setAllowsNonContiguousLayout True k <- newUnique flip (setIVar _runBuffer) v $ \act -> do wCache <- readIORef (windowCache ui) uiActionCh ui $ makeAction $ do (modA windowsA) $ fromJust $ PL.move $ fromJust $ L.findIndex ((k ==) . wikey) wCache withGivenBufferAndWindow0 win (bkey b) act return $ WinInfo { wikey = k , window = win , textview = v , modeline = ml , widget = view , storage = s } getSelectedRegions :: BufferM [Region] getSelectedRegions = do rect <- getA rectangleSelectionA if (not rect) then singleton <$> (getSelectRegionB >>= charRegionB) else do (reg, x1, x2) <- getRectangle ls <- fmap (fromIntegral . L.length) <$> lines' <$> readRegionB reg mapM charRegionB $ catMaybes $ snd $ L.mapAccumL (lineRegions (fromIntegral x1) (fromIntegral x2)) (regionStart reg) ls where lineRegions :: Size -> Size -> Point -> Size -> (Point, Maybe Region) lineRegions x1 x2 p l | l <= x1 = (p +~ succ l, Nothing) | l <= x2 = (p +~ succ l, Just $ mkRegion (p+~x1) (p +~ l)) | otherwise = (p +~ succ l, Just $ mkRegion (p+~x1) (p +~ x2)) refresh :: UI -> Editor -> IO () refresh ui e = withAutoreleasePool $ logNSException "refresh" $ do _YiApplication # sharedApplication >>= pushClipboard (snd $ runEditor (uiFullConfig ui) getRegE e) . toYiApplication (uiCmdLine ui) # setStringValue (toNSString $ statusLine e) cache <- readRef $ windowCache ui (uiWindow ui) # setAutodisplay False -- avoid redrawing while window syncing cache' <- syncWindows e ui (toList $ PL.withFocus $ windows e) cache writeRef (windowCache ui) cache' (uiBox ui) # adjustSubviews -- FIX: maybe it is not needed (uiWindow ui) # setAutodisplay True -- reenable automatic redrawing forM_ cache' $ \w -> do let buf = findBufferWith (bufkey (window w)) e (storage w) # setMonospaceFont -- FIXME: Why is this needed for mini buffers? (storage w) # setTextStorageBuffer e buf let ((p0,txt,rs),_) = runBuffer (window w) buf $ (,,) <$> (pointB >>= charIndexB) <*> getModeLine (commonNamePrefix e) <*> getSelectedRegions a <- castObject <$> _NSMutableArray # array :: IO (NSMutableArray ()) mapM_ ((flip addObject a =<<) . flip valueWithRange _NSValue . mkRegionRange) rs (textview w) # setSelectedRanges (castObject a) (textview w) # scrollRangeToVisible (NSRange (fromIntegral p0) 0) (modeline w) # setStringValue (toNSString txt) (textview w) # visibleRange >>= flip visibleRangeChanged (storage w)