{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators #-}
-- Copyright (c) 2005,2007,2008 Jean-Philippe Bernardy

-- | This module aims at a mode that should be (mostly) intuitive to
-- emacs users, but mapping things into the Yi world when
-- convenient. Hence, do not go into the trouble of trying 100%
-- emulation. For example, M-x gives access to Yi (Haskell) functions,
-- with their native names.

module Yi.Keymap.Emacs (keymap,
                        ModeMap(..)) where
import Prelude ()
import Data.Prototype
import Yi.Command (shellCommandE)
import Yi.Core
import Yi.Dired
import Yi.File
import Yi.MiniBuffer
import Yi.Misc (adjBlock, adjIndent)
import Yi.Rectangle
import Yi.TextCompletion
import Yi.Keymap
import Yi.Keymap.Emacs.KillRing
import Yi.Mode.Buffers ( listBuffers )
import Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Utils
  ( askQuitEditor
  , evalRegionE
  , executeExtendedCommandE
  , findFile
  , findFileNewTab
  , promptFile
  , insertNextC
  , isearchKeymap
  , killBufferE
  , queryReplaceE
  , readUniversalArg
  , scrollDownE
  , scrollUpE
  , cabalConfigureE
  , switchBufferE
  , askSaveEditor
  , argToInt
  , promptTag
  , justOneSep
  , joinLinesE
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char

import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

data ModeMap = ModeMap { eKeymap :: Keymap
                       , completionCaseSensitive :: Bool

keymap :: KeymapSet
keymap = mkKeymap defKeymap

mkKeymap :: Proto ModeMap -> KeymapSet
mkKeymap = modelessKeymapSet . eKeymap . extractValue

defKeymap :: Proto ModeMap
defKeymap = Proto template
    template self = ModeMap { eKeymap = emacsKeymap
                            , completionCaseSensitive = False }
        emacsKeymap :: Keymap
        emacsKeymap = selfInsertKeymap Nothing isDigit <|> completionKm (completionCaseSensitive self) <|>
             do univArg <- readUniversalArg
                selfInsertKeymap univArg (not . isDigit) <|> emacsKeys univArg

selfInsertKeymap :: Maybe Int -> (Char -> Bool) -> Keymap
selfInsertKeymap univArg condition = do
  c <- printableChar
  when (not . condition $ c) empty
  let n = argToInt univArg
  write (adjBlock n >> replicateM_ n (insertB c))

completionKm :: Bool -> Keymap
completionKm caseSensitive = do some ((meta (char '/') ?>>! wordComplete' caseSensitive))
                                write resetComplete
           -- 'adjustPriority' is there to lift the ambiguity between "continuing" completion
           -- and resetting it (restarting at the 1st completion).

placeMark :: BufferM ()
placeMark = do
  putA highlightSelectionA True
  pointB >>= setSelectionMarkPointB

selectAll ::BufferM()
selectAll =  botB >> placeMark >> topB >> setVisibleSelection True

deleteB' :: BufferM ()
deleteB' = adjBlock (-1) >> deleteN 1

emacsKeys :: Maybe Int -> Keymap
emacsKeys univArg = 
  choice [ -- First all the special key bindings
           spec KTab            ?>>! (adjIndent IncreaseCycle)
         , (shift $ spec KTab)  ?>>! (adjIndent DecreaseCycle)
         , spec KEnter          ?>>! (repeatingArg $ insertB '\n')
         , spec KDel            ?>>! (repeatingArg (blockKillring >> deleteB'))
         , spec KBS             ?>>! (repeatingArg (blockKillring >>
                                                    adjBlock (-1) >> 
         , spec KHome           ?>>! (repeatingArg moveToSol)
         , spec KEnd            ?>>! (repeatingArg moveToEol)
         , spec KLeft           ?>>! (repeatingArg leftB)
         , spec KRight          ?>>! (repeatingArg rightB)
         , spec KUp             ?>>! (repeatingArg $ moveB VLine Backward)
         , spec KDown           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ moveB VLine Forward)
         , spec KPageDown       ?>>! (repeatingArg downScreenB)
         , spec KPageUp         ?>>! (repeatingArg upScreenB)

         , shift (spec KUp)     ?>>! (repeatingArg (scrollB (-1)))
         , shift (spec KDown)   ?>>! (repeatingArg (scrollB 1))

         -- All the keybindings of the form 'Ctrl + special key'
         , (ctrl $ spec KLeft)  ?>>! (repeatingArg prevWordB)
         , (ctrl $ spec KRight) ?>>! (repeatingArg nextWordB)
         , (ctrl $ spec KHome)  ?>>! (repeatingArg topB)
         , (ctrl $ spec KEnd)   ?>>! (repeatingArg botB)
         , (ctrl $ spec KUp)    ?>>! (repeatingArg $ prevNParagraphs 1)
         , (ctrl $ spec KDown)  ?>>! (repeatingArg $ nextNParagraphs 1)

         -- All the keybindings of the form "C-c" where 'c' is some character
         , ctrlCh '@'           ?>>! placeMark
         , ctrlCh ' '           ?>>! placeMark
         , ctrlCh '/'           ?>>! repeatingArg undoB
         , ctrlCh '_'           ?>>! repeatingArg undoB
         , ctrlCh 'a'           ?>>! (repeatingArg (maybeMoveB Line Backward))
         , ctrlCh 'b'           ?>>! (repeatingArg leftB)
         , ctrlCh 'd'           ?>>! (repeatingArg (blockKillring >> deleteB'))
         , ctrlCh 'e'           ?>>! (repeatingArg (maybeMoveB Line Forward))
         , ctrlCh 'f'           ?>>! (repeatingArg rightB)
         , ctrlCh 'g'           ?>>! (setVisibleSelection False)               
         , ctrlCh 'h'           ?>> char 'b' ?>>! acceptedInputs               
         , ctrlCh 'i'           ?>>! (adjIndent IncreaseOnly)
         , ctrlCh 'j'           ?>>! newlineAndIndentB
         , ctrlCh 'k'           ?>>! killLineE univArg
         , ctrlCh 'l'           ?>>! (withBuffer scrollToCursorB >> userForceRefresh)
         , ctrlCh 'm'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ insertB '\n')
         , ctrlCh 'n'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ moveB VLine Forward)
         , ctrlCh 'o'           ?>>! (repeatingArg (insertB '\n' >> leftB))
         , ctrlCh 'p'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ moveB VLine Backward)
         , ctrlCh 'q'           ?>>  insertNextC univArg
         , ctrlCh 'r'           ?>>  (isearchKeymap Backward)
         , ctrlCh 's'           ?>>  (isearchKeymap Forward)
         , ctrlCh 't'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ swapB)
         , ctrlCh 'v'           ?>>! scrollDownE univArg
         , ctrlCh 'w'           ?>>! killRegion
         , ctrlCh 'y'           ?>>! yankE
         , ctrlCh 'z'           ?>>! suspendEditor

         -- All the keybindings of the form "C-M-c" where 'c' is some character
         , ( ctrl $ metaCh 'w') ?>>! appendNextKillE

         -- All the key-bindings which are preceded by a 'C-x'
         , ctrlCh 'x' ?>>      ctrlX

         , ctrlCh 'c' ?>>      ctrlC
         -- All The key-bindings of the form M-c where 'c' is some character.
         , metaCh ' '           ?>>! justOneSep
         , metaCh 'v'           ?>>! scrollUpE univArg
         , metaCh '!'           ?>>! shellCommandE
         , metaCh 'p'           ?>>! cabalConfigureE
         , metaCh '<'           ?>>! (repeatingArg topB)
         , metaCh '>'           ?>>! (repeatingArg botB)
         , metaCh '%'           ?>>! queryReplaceE
         , metaCh '^'           ?>>! joinLinesE univArg
         , metaCh ';'           ?>>! withModeB modeToggleCommentSelection
         , metaCh 'a'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ moveB unitSentence Backward)
         , metaCh 'b'           ?>>! (repeatingArg prevWordB)
         , metaCh 'c'           ?>>! (repeatingArg capitaliseWordB)
         , metaCh 'd'           ?>>! (repeatingArg killWordB)
         , metaCh 'e'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ moveB unitSentence Forward)
         , metaCh 'f'           ?>>! (repeatingArg nextWordB)
         , metaCh 'h'           ?>>! (setSelectRegionB =<< regionOfB unitParagraph)
         , metaCh 'k'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ deleteB unitSentence Forward)
         , metaCh 'l'           ?>>! (repeatingArg lowercaseWordB)
         , metaCh 'm'           ?>>! firstNonSpaceB
         , metaCh 'q'           ?>>! (withSyntax modePrettify)
         , metaCh 'u'           ?>>! (repeatingArg uppercaseWordB)
         , metaCh 't'           ?>>! (repeatingArg $ transposeB unitWord Forward)
         , metaCh 'w'           ?>>! killRingSaveE
         , metaCh 'x'           ?>>! executeExtendedCommandE
         , metaCh 'y'           ?>>! yankPopE
         , metaCh '.'           ?>>! promptTag

         -- Other meta key-bindings
         , meta (spec KBS)      ?>>! (repeatingArg bkillWordB)
         , metaCh 'g' ?>> 
             optMod meta (char 'g') >>! (gotoLn . fromDoc :: Int ::: LineNumber -> BufferM Int)
  -- inserting the empty string prevents the deletion from appearing in the killring
  -- which is a good thing when we are deleting individuals characters. See 
  -- http://code.google.com/p/yi-editor/issues/detail?id=212
  blockKillring = insertN ""

  withUnivArg :: YiAction (m ()) () => (Maybe Int -> m ()) -> YiM ()
  withUnivArg cmd = do runAction $ makeAction (cmd univArg)

  repeatingArg :: (Monad m, YiAction (m ()) ()) => m () -> YiM ()
  repeatingArg f = withIntArg $ \n -> replicateM_ n f

  withIntArg :: YiAction (m ()) () => (Int -> m ()) -> YiM ()
  withIntArg cmd = withUnivArg $ \arg -> cmd (fromMaybe 1 arg)

  ctrlC = choice [ ctrlCh 'c' ?>>! withModeB modeToggleCommentSelection ]

  rectangleFuntions = choice [char 'a' ?>>! alignRegionOn,
                              char 'o' ?>>! openRectangle,
                              char 't' ?>>! stringRectangle,
                              char 'k' ?>>! killRectangle,
                              char 'y' ?>>! yankRectangle

  tabFunctions :: Keymap
  tabFunctions = choice [ optMod ctrl (char 'n') >>! nextTabE
                        , optMod ctrl (char 'p') >>! previousTabE
                        , optMod ctrl (char 't') >>! newTabE
                        , optMod ctrl (char 'e') >>! findFileNewTab
                        , optMod ctrl (char 'd') >>! deleteTabE
                        , charOf id '0' '9' >>=! moveTab . Just . digitToInt
  -- These keybindings are all preceded by a 'C-x' so for example to
  -- quit the editor we do a 'C-x C-c'
  ctrlX = choice [ ctrlCh 'o'    ?>>! deleteBlankLinesB
                 , char '^'      ?>>! (repeatingArg enlargeWinE)
                 , char '0'      ?>>! closeWindow
                 , char '1'      ?>>! closeOtherE
                 , char '2'      ?>>! splitE
                 , char 'h'      ?>>! selectAll
                 , char 's'      ?>>! askSaveEditor
                 , ctrlCh 'b'    ?>>! listBuffers
                 , ctrlCh 'c'    ?>>! askQuitEditor
                 , ctrlCh 'f'    ?>>! findFile
                 , ctrlCh 'q'      ?>>! (withBuffer $ modA readOnlyA not)
                 , ctrlCh 's'    ?>>! fwriteE
                 , ctrlCh 'w'    ?>>! promptFile "Write file:" fwriteToE
                 , ctrlCh 'x'    ?>>! (exchangePointAndMarkB >> 
                                       putA highlightSelectionA True)
                 , char 'b'      ?>>! switchBufferE
                 , char 'd'      ?>>! dired
                 , char 'e' ?>> 
                   char 'e'      ?>>! evalRegionE
                 , char 'o'      ?>>! nextWinE
                 , char 'k'      ?>>! killBufferE
                 , char 'r'      ?>> rectangleFuntions
                 , char 'u'      ?>>! (repeatingArg undoB)
                 , char 'v'      ?>>! (repeatingArg shrinkWinE)
                 , optMod ctrl (char 't') >> tabFunctions