-- -*- haskell -*- -- -- Simple syntax highlighting for Latex source files -- -- This is not intended to be a lexical analyser for -- latex, merely good enough to provide some syntax -- highlighting for latex source files. -- { {-# OPTIONS -w #-} module Yi.Lexer.Latex ( initState, alexScanToken, Token(..), HlState, tokenToText ) where import Yi.Lexer.Alex import Yi.Style } $special = [\[\]\{\}\$\\\%\(\)\ ] $textChar = [~$special $white] $idchar = [a-zA-Z 0-9_\-] @reservedid = begin|end|newcommand @ident = $idchar+ @text = $textChar+ haskell :- "%"\-*[^\n]* { c $ Comment } $special { cs $ \(c:_) -> Special c } \\"begin{"@ident"}" { cs $ \s -> Begin (drop 6 s) } \\"end{"@ident"}" { cs $ \s -> End (drop 4 s) } \\$special { cs $ \(_:cs) -> Command cs } \\newcommand { c $ NewCommand } \\@ident { cs $ \(_:cs) -> Command cs } @text { c $ Text } { data Token = Comment | Text | Special !Char | Command !String | Begin !String | End !String | NewCommand deriving (Eq, Show, Ord) type HlState = Int {- See Haskell.x which uses this to say whether we are in a comment (perhaps a nested comment) or not. -} stateToInit x = 0 initState :: HlState initState = 0 tokenToText (Command "alpha") = Just "α" tokenToText (Command "beta") = Just "β" tokenToText (Command "gamma") = Just "γ" tokenToText (Command "delta") = Just "δ" tokenToText (Command "epsilon") = Just "∊" tokenToText (Command "varepsilon") = Just "ε" tokenToText (Command "zeta") = Just "ζ" tokenToText (Command "eta") = Just "η" tokenToText (Command "theta") = Just "θ" tokenToText (Command "vartheta") = Just "ϑ" tokenToText (Command "iota") = Just "ι" tokenToText (Command "kappa") = Just "κ" tokenToText (Command "lambda") = Just "λ" tokenToText (Command "mu") = Just "μ" tokenToText (Command "nu") = Just "ν" tokenToText (Command "xi") = Just "ξ" tokenToText (Command "pi") = Just "π" tokenToText (Command "varpi") = Just "ϖ" tokenToText (Command "rho") = Just "ρ" tokenToText (Command "varrho") = Just "ϱ" tokenToText (Command "sigma") = Just "σ" tokenToText (Command "varsigma") = Just "ς" tokenToText (Command "tau") = Just "τ" tokenToText (Command "upsilon") = Just "υ" tokenToText (Command "phi") = Just "φ" tokenToText (Command "varphi") = Just "ϕ" tokenToText (Command "chi") = Just "χ" tokenToText (Command "psi") = Just "ψ" tokenToText (Command "omega") = Just "ω" tokenToText (Command "Gamma") = Just "Γ" tokenToText (Command "Delta") = Just "Δ" tokenToText (Command "Theta") = Just "Θ" tokenToText (Command "Lambda") = Just "Λ" tokenToText (Command "Xi") = Just "Ξ" tokenToText (Command "Pi") = Just "Π" tokenToText (Command "Upsilon") = Just "Υ" tokenToText (Command "Phi") = Just "Φ" tokenToText (Command "Psi") = Just "Ψ" tokenToText (Command "Omega") = Just "Ω" tokenToText (Command "leq") = Just "≤" tokenToText (Command "ll") = Just "≪" tokenToText (Command "prec") = Just "≺" tokenToText (Command "preceq") = Just "≼" tokenToText (Command "subset") = Just "⊂" tokenToText (Command "subseteq") = Just "⊆" tokenToText (Command "sqsubset") = Just "⊏" tokenToText (Command "sqsubseteq") = Just "⊑" tokenToText (Command "in") = Just "∈" tokenToText (Command "vdash") = Just "⊢" tokenToText (Command "mid") = Just "∣" tokenToText (Command "smile") = Just "⌣" tokenToText (Command "geq") = Just "≥" tokenToText (Command "gg") = Just "≫" tokenToText (Command "succ") = Just "≻" tokenToText (Command "succeq") = Just "≽" tokenToText (Command "supset") = Just "⊃" tokenToText (Command "supseteq") = Just "⊇" tokenToText (Command "sqsupset") = Just "⊐" tokenToText (Command "sqsupseteq") = Just "⊒" tokenToText (Command "ni") = Just "∋" tokenToText (Command "dashv") = Just "⊣" tokenToText (Command "parallel") = Just "∥" tokenToText (Command "frown") = Just "⌢" tokenToText (Command "notin") = Just "∉" tokenToText (Command "equiv") = Just "≡" tokenToText (Command "doteq") = Just "≐" tokenToText (Command "sim") = Just "∼" tokenToText (Command "simeq") = Just "≃" tokenToText (Command "approx") = Just "≈" tokenToText (Command "cong") = Just "≅" tokenToText (Command "Join") = Just "⋈" tokenToText (Command "bowtie") = Just "⋈" tokenToText (Command "propto") = Just "∝" tokenToText (Command "models") = Just "⊨" tokenToText (Command "perp") = Just "⊥" tokenToText (Command "asymp") = Just "≍" tokenToText (Command "neq") = Just "≠" tokenToText (Command "pm") = Just "±" tokenToText (Command "cdot") = Just "⋅" tokenToText (Command "times") = Just "×" tokenToText (Command "cup") = Just "∪" tokenToText (Command "sqcup") = Just "⊔" tokenToText (Command "vee") = Just "∨" tokenToText (Command "oplus") = Just "⊕" tokenToText (Command "odot") = Just "⊙" tokenToText (Command "otimes") = Just "⊗" tokenToText (Command "bigtriangleup") = Just "△" tokenToText (Command "lhd") = Just "⊲" tokenToText (Command "unlhd") = Just "⊴" tokenToText (Command "mp") = Just "∓" tokenToText (Command "div") = Just "÷" tokenToText (Command "setminus") = Just "∖" tokenToText (Command "cap") = Just "∩" tokenToText (Command "sqcap") = Just "⊓" tokenToText (Command "wedge") = Just "∧" tokenToText (Command "ominus") = Just "⊖" tokenToText (Command "oslash") = Just "⊘" tokenToText (Command "bigcirc") = Just "○" tokenToText (Command "bigtriangledown") = Just "▽" tokenToText (Command "rhd") = Just "⊳" tokenToText (Command "unrhd") = Just "⊵" tokenToText (Command "triangleleft") = Just "◁" tokenToText (Command "triangleright") = Just "▷" tokenToText (Command "star") = Just "⋆" tokenToText (Command "ast") = Just "∗" tokenToText (Command "circ") = Just "∘" tokenToText (Command "bullet") = Just "∙" tokenToText (Command "diamond") = Just "⋄" tokenToText (Command "uplus") = Just "⊎" tokenToText (Command "dagger") = Just "†" tokenToText (Command "ddagger") = Just "‡" tokenToText (Command "wr") = Just "≀" tokenToText (Command "sum") = Just "∑" tokenToText (Command "prod") = Just "∏" tokenToText (Command "coprod") = Just "∐" tokenToText (Command "int") = Just "∫" tokenToText (Command "bigcup") = Just "⋃" tokenToText (Command "bigcap") = Just "⋂" tokenToText (Command "bigsqcup") = Just "⊔" tokenToText (Command "oint") = Just "∮" tokenToText (Command "bigvee") = Just "⋁" tokenToText (Command "bigwedge") = Just "⋀" tokenToText (Command "bigoplus") = Just "⊕" tokenToText (Command "bigotimes") = Just "⊗" tokenToText (Command "bigodot") = Just "⊙" tokenToText (Command "biguplus") = Just "⊎" tokenToText (Command "leftarrow") = Just "←" tokenToText (Command "rightarrow") = Just "→" tokenToText (Command "leftrightarrow") = Just "↔" tokenToText (Command "Leftarrow") = Just "⇐" tokenToText (Command "Rightarrow") = Just "⇒" tokenToText (Command "Leftrightarrow") = Just "⇔" tokenToText (Command "mapsto") = Just "↦" tokenToText (Command "hookleftarrow") = Just "↩" tokenToText (Command "leftharpoonup") = Just "↼" tokenToText (Command "leftharpoondown") = Just "↽" tokenToText (Command "hookrightarrow") = Just "↪" tokenToText (Command "rightharpoonup") = Just "⇀" tokenToText (Command "rightharpoondown") = Just "⇁" tokenToText (Command "longleftarrow") = Just "←" tokenToText (Command "longrightarrow") = Just "→" tokenToText (Command "longleftrightarrow") = Just "↔" tokenToText (Command "Longleftarrow") = Just "⇐" tokenToText (Command "Longrightarrow") = Just "⇒" tokenToText (Command "Longleftrightarrow") = Just "⇔" tokenToText (Command "longmapsto") = Just "⇖" tokenToText (Command "uparrow") = Just "↑" tokenToText (Command "downarrow") = Just "↓" tokenToText (Command "updownarrow") = Just "↕" tokenToText (Command "Uparrow") = Just "⇑" tokenToText (Command "Downarrow") = Just "⇓" tokenToText (Command "Updownarrow") = Just "⇕" tokenToText (Command "nearrow") = Just "↗" tokenToText (Command "searrow") = Just "↘" tokenToText (Command "swarrow") = Just "↙" tokenToText (Command "nwarrow") = Just "↖" tokenToText (Command "leadsto") = Just "↝" tokenToText (Command "dots") = Just "…" tokenToText (Command "cdots") = Just "⋯" tokenToText (Command "vdots") = Just "⋮" tokenToText (Command "ddots") = Just "⋱" tokenToText (Command "hbar") = Just "ℏ" tokenToText (Command "ell") = Just "ℓ" tokenToText (Command "Re") = Just "ℜ" tokenToText (Command "Im") = Just "ℑ" tokenToText (Command "aleph") = Just "א" tokenToText (Command "wp") = Just "℘" tokenToText (Command "forall") = Just "∀" tokenToText (Command "exists") = Just "∃" tokenToText (Command "mho") = Just "℧" tokenToText (Command "partial") = Just "∂" tokenToText (Command "prime") = Just "′" tokenToText (Command "emptyset") = Just "∅" tokenToText (Command "infty") = Just "∞" tokenToText (Command "nabla") = Just "∇" tokenToText (Command "triangle") = Just "△" tokenToText (Command "Box") = Just "□" tokenToText (Command "Diamond") = Just "◇" tokenToText (Command "bot") = Just "⊥" tokenToText (Command "top") = Just "⊤" tokenToText (Command "angle") = Just "∠" tokenToText (Command "surd") = Just "√" tokenToText (Command "diamondsuit") = Just "♢" tokenToText (Command "heartsuit") = Just "♡" tokenToText (Command "clubsuit") = Just "♣" tokenToText (Command "spadesuit") = Just "♠" tokenToText (Command "neg") = Just "¬" tokenToText (Command "flat") = Just "♭" tokenToText (Command "natural") = Just "♮" tokenToText (Command "sharp") = Just "♯" tokenToText (Command "digamma") = Just "Ϝ" tokenToText (Command "varkappa") = Just "ϰ" tokenToText (Command "beth") = Just "ב" tokenToText (Command "daleth") = Just "ד" tokenToText (Command "gimel") = Just "ג" tokenToText (Command "lessdot") = Just "⋖" tokenToText (Command "leqslant") = Just "≤" tokenToText (Command "leqq") = Just "≦" tokenToText (Command "lll") = Just "⋘" tokenToText (Command "lesssim") = Just "≲" tokenToText (Command "lessgtr") = Just "≶" tokenToText (Command "lesseqgtr") = Just "⋚" tokenToText (Command "preccurlyeq") = Just "≼" tokenToText (Command "curlyeqprec") = Just "⋞" tokenToText (Command "precsim") = Just "≾" tokenToText (Command "Subset") = Just "⋐" tokenToText (Command "sqsubset") = Just "⊏" tokenToText (Command "therefore") = Just "∴" tokenToText (Command "smallsmile") = Just "⌣" tokenToText (Command "vartriangleleft") = Just "⊲" tokenToText (Command "trianglelefteq") = Just "⊴" tokenToText (Command "gtrdot") = Just "⋗" tokenToText (Command "geqq") = Just "≧" tokenToText (Command "ggg") = Just "⋙" tokenToText (Command "gtrsim") = Just "≳" tokenToText (Command "gtrless") = Just "≷" tokenToText (Command "gtreqless") = Just "⋛" tokenToText (Command "succcurlyeq") = Just "≽" tokenToText (Command "curlyeqsucc") = Just "⋟" tokenToText (Command "succsim") = Just "≿" tokenToText (Command "Supset") = Just "⋑" tokenToText (Command "sqsupset") = Just "⊐" tokenToText (Command "because") = Just "∵" tokenToText (Command "shortparallel") = Just "∥" tokenToText (Command "smallfrown") = Just "⌢" tokenToText (Command "vartriangleright") = Just "⊳" tokenToText (Command "trianglerighteq") = Just "⊵" tokenToText (Command "doteqdot") = Just "≑" tokenToText (Command "risingdotseq") = Just "≓" tokenToText (Command "fallingdotseq") = Just "≒" tokenToText (Command "eqcirc") = Just "≖" tokenToText (Command "circeq") = Just "≗" tokenToText (Command "triangleq") = Just "≜" tokenToText (Command "bumpeq") = Just "≏" tokenToText (Command "Bumpeq") = Just "≎" tokenToText (Command "thicksim") = Just "∼" tokenToText (Command "thickapprox") = Just "≈" tokenToText (Command "approxeq") = Just "≊" tokenToText (Command "backsim") = Just "∽" tokenToText (Command "vDash") = Just "⊨" tokenToText (Command "Vdash") = Just "⊩" tokenToText (Command "Vvdash") = Just "⊪" tokenToText (Command "backepsilon") = Just "∍" tokenToText (Command "varpropto") = Just "∝" tokenToText (Command "between") = Just "≬" tokenToText (Command "pitchfork") = Just "⋔" tokenToText (Command "blacktriangleleft") = Just "◀" tokenToText (Command "blacktriangleright") = Just "▷" tokenToText (Command "dashleftarrow") = Just "⇠" tokenToText (Command "leftleftarrows") = Just "⇇" tokenToText (Command "leftrightarrows") = Just "⇆" tokenToText (Command "Lleftarrow") = Just "⇚" tokenToText (Command "twoheadleftarrow") = Just "↞" tokenToText (Command "leftarrowtail") = Just "↢" tokenToText (Command "leftrightharpoons") = Just "⇋" tokenToText (Command "Lsh") = Just "↰" tokenToText (Command "looparrowleft") = Just "↫" tokenToText (Command "curvearrowleft") = Just "↶" tokenToText (Command "circlearrowleft") = Just "↺" tokenToText (Command "dashrightarrow") = Just "⇢" tokenToText (Command "rightrightarrows") = Just "⇉" tokenToText (Command "rightleftarrows") = Just "⇄" tokenToText (Command "Rrightarrow") = Just "⇛" tokenToText (Command "twoheadrightarrow") = Just "↠" tokenToText (Command "rightarrowtail") = Just "↣" tokenToText (Command "rightleftharpoons") = Just "⇌" tokenToText (Command "Rsh") = Just "↱" tokenToText (Command "looparrowright") = Just "↬" tokenToText (Command "curvearrowright") = Just "↷" tokenToText (Command "circlearrowright") = Just "↻" tokenToText (Command "multimap") = Just "⊸" tokenToText (Command "upuparrows") = Just "⇈" tokenToText (Command "downdownarrows") = Just "⇊" tokenToText (Command "upharpoonleft") = Just "↿" tokenToText (Command "upharpoonright") = Just "↾" tokenToText (Command "downharpoonleft") = Just "⇃" tokenToText (Command "downharpoonright") = Just "⇂" tokenToText (Command "rightsquigarrow") = Just "⇝" tokenToText (Command "leftrightsquigarrow") = Just "↭" tokenToText (Command "dotplus") = Just "∔" tokenToText (Command "ltimes") = Just "⋉" tokenToText (Command "Cup") = Just "⋓" tokenToText (Command "veebar") = Just "⊻" tokenToText (Command "boxplus") = Just "⊞" tokenToText (Command "boxtimes") = Just "⊠" tokenToText (Command "leftthreetimes") = Just "⋋" tokenToText (Command "curlyvee") = Just "⋎" tokenToText (Command "centerdot") = Just "⋅" tokenToText (Command "rtimes") = Just "⋈" tokenToText (Command "Cap") = Just "⋒" tokenToText (Command "barwedge") = Just "⊼" tokenToText (Command "boxminus") = Just "⊟" tokenToText (Command "boxdot") = Just "⊡" tokenToText (Command "rightthreetimes") = Just "⋌" tokenToText (Command "curlywedge") = Just "⋏" tokenToText (Command "intercal") = Just "⊺" tokenToText (Command "divideontimes") = Just "⋇" tokenToText (Command "smallsetminus") = Just "∖" tokenToText (Command "circleddash") = Just "⊝" tokenToText (Command "circledcirc") = Just "⊚" tokenToText (Command "circledast") = Just "⊛" tokenToText (Command "hbar") = Just "ℏ" tokenToText (Command "hslash") = Just "ℏ" tokenToText (Command "square") = Just "□" tokenToText (Command "blacksquare") = Just "■" tokenToText (Command "circledS") = Just "Ⓢ" tokenToText (Command "vartriangle") = Just "△" tokenToText (Command "blacktriangle") = Just "▲" tokenToText (Command "complement") = Just "∁" tokenToText (Command "triangledown") = Just "▽" tokenToText (Command "blacktriangledown") = Just "▼" tokenToText (Command "lozenge") = Just "◊" tokenToText (Command "blacklozenge") = Just "◆" tokenToText (Command "bigstar") = Just "★" tokenToText (Command "angle") = Just "∠" tokenToText (Command "measuredangle") = Just "∡" tokenToText (Command "sphericalangle") = Just "∢" tokenToText (Command "backprime") = Just "‵" tokenToText (Command "nexists") = Just "∄" tokenToText (Command "Finv") = Just "Ⅎ" tokenToText (Command "varnothing") = Just "∅" tokenToText (Command "eth") = Just "ð" tokenToText (Command "mho") = Just "℧" tokenToText (Command "AA") = Just "Å" tokenToText (Command "euro") = Just "€" tokenToText (Command "degree") = Just "°" tokenToText (Command "lnot") = Just "¬" tokenToText (Command "textdegree") = Just "°" tokenToText (Command "textlnot") = Just "¬" tokenToText (Command "textsurd") = Just "√" tokenToText (Command "textdiv") = Just "÷" tokenToText (Command "textpm") = Just "±" tokenToText _ = Nothing #include "common.hsinc" }