{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables, NoMonomorphismRestriction, Haskell2010, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- Copyright '2012 by Michal J. Gajda
-- | This module implements persistence across different Yi runs.
--   It includes minibuffer command history, marks, VimTagStack etc.
--   Warning: Current version will _not_ check whether two or more instances
--   of Yi are run at the same time.

module Yi.PersistentState(loadPersistentState,

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Binary
import Data.DeriveTH
import Data.Default
import System.Directory(doesFileExist)
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Control.Exc(ignoringException)
import Control.Lens

import Yi.Dynamic
import Yi.Config.Simple.Types(customVariable, Field)
import Yi.History
import Yi.Editor
import Yi.Keymap(YiM)
import Yi.Keymap.Vim.TagStack(VimTagStack(..), getTagStack, setTagStack)
import Yi.KillRing(Killring(..))
import Yi.Search(getRegexE, setRegexE)
import Yi.Regex(SearchExp(..))
import Yi.Paths(getPersistentStateFilename)
import Yi.Utils

data PersistentState = PersistentState { histories     :: !Histories
                                       , vimTagStack   :: !VimTagStack
                                       , aKillring     :: !Killring
                                       , aCurrentRegex :: Maybe SearchExp

$(derive makeBinary ''PersistentState)

newtype MaxHistoryEntries = MaxHistoryEntries { unMaxHistoryEntries :: Int }
  deriving(Typeable, Binary)

instance Default MaxHistoryEntries where
  def = MaxHistoryEntries 1000

instance YiConfigVariable MaxHistoryEntries

makeLensesWithSuffix "A" ''MaxHistoryEntries

maxHistoryEntries :: Field Int
maxHistoryEntries = customVariable . unMaxHistoryEntriesA

-- | Trims per-command histories to contain at most N completions each.
trimHistories :: Int -> Histories -> Histories
trimHistories maxHistory = M.map trimH
    trimH (History cur content prefix) = History cur (trim content) prefix
    trim content = drop (max 0 (length content - maxHistory)) content

-- | Trims VimTagStack to contain at most N values.
trimTagStack :: Int -> VimTagStack -> VimTagStack
trimTagStack maxHistory = VimTagStack . take maxHistory . tagsStack

-- | Here is a persistent history saving part.
--   We assume each command is a single line.
--   To add new components, one has to:
--   * add new field in @PersistentState@ structure,
--   * add write and read parts in @loadPersistentState@/@savePersistentState@,
--   * add a trimming code in @savePersistentState@ to prevent blowing up
--     of save file.
savePersistentState :: YiM ()
savePersistentState = do
    MaxHistoryEntries histLimit <- withEditor askConfigVariableA
    pStateFilename      <- getPersistentStateFilename
    (hist :: Histories) <- withEditor $ use dynA
    tagStack            <- withEditor   getTagStack
    kr                  <- withEditor $ use killringA
    curRe               <- withEditor   getRegexE
    let pState = PersistentState {
                   histories     = trimHistories histLimit hist
                 , vimTagStack   = trimTagStack  histLimit tagStack
                 , aKillring     = kr    -- trimmed during normal operation
                 , aCurrentRegex = curRe -- just a single value -> no need to trim
    io $ encodeFile pStateFilename pState

-- | Reads and decodes a persistent state in both strict, and exception robust
--   way.
readPersistentState :: YiM (Maybe PersistentState)
readPersistentState = do pStateFilename <- getPersistentStateFilename
                         pStateExists <- io $ doesFileExist pStateFilename
                         if not pStateExists
                           then return Nothing
                           else io $ ignoringException $ strictDecoder pStateFilename
    strictDecoder filename = do (state :: PersistentState) <- decodeFile filename
                                state `seq` return (Just state)

-- | Loads a persistent state, and sets Yi state variables accordingly.
loadPersistentState :: YiM ()
loadPersistentState = do
    maybePState <- readPersistentState
    case maybePState of
      Nothing     -> return ()
      Just pState -> do withEditor $ assign dynA                 $ histories     pState
                        withEditor $ setTagStack                 $ vimTagStack   pState
                        withEditor $ assign killringA            $ aKillring     pState
                        withEditor $ maybe (return ()) setRegexE $ aCurrentRegex pState