-- Copyright (c) 2005 Don Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons

-- | String manipulation utilities

module Yi.String (isBlank,
                  padLeft, padRight
                 ) where

import Data.List.Split
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, intercalate)
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower, isSpace, isAlphaNum)

capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : map toLower cs

capitalizeFirst :: String -> String
capitalizeFirst [] = []
capitalizeFirst (c:cs)
    | isAlphaNum c = toUpper c : map toLower cs
    | otherwise = c : capitalizeFirst cs

-- | Remove any trailing strings matching /irs/ (input record separator)
-- from input string. Like perl's chomp(1).
chomp :: String -> String -> String
chomp irs st
    | irs `isSuffixOf` st
    = let st' = reverse $ drop (length irs) (reverse st) in chomp irs st'
    | otherwise = st
{-# INLINE chomp #-}

-- | Trim spaces at beginning /and/ end
dropSpace :: String -> String
dropSpace = let f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace in f . f

isBlank :: String -> Bool
isBlank = all isSpace

fillText :: Int -> String -> [String]
fillText margin = map (unwords . reverse) . fill 0 [] . words
   where fill _ acc [] = [acc]
         fill n acc (w:ws)
           | n + length w >= margin = acc : fill (length w) [w] ws
           | otherwise = fill (n + 1 + length w) (w:acc) ws

-- | Inverse of 'lines''. In contrast to 'Prelude.unlines', this does
-- not add an empty line at the end.
unlines' :: [String] -> String
unlines' = intercalate "\n"

-- | Split a String in lines. Unlike 'Prelude.lines', this does not
-- remove any empty line at the end.
lines' :: String -> [String]
lines' = splitOn "\n"

-- | A helper function for creating functions suitable for
-- 'modifySelectionB' and 'modifyRegionB'.
-- To be used when the desired function should map across
-- the lines of a region.
mapLines :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
mapLines transform = onLines (fmap transform)

onLines :: ([String] -> [String]) -> String -> String
onLines transform = unlines' . transform . lines'

padLeft, padRight :: Int -> String -> String
padLeft n [] = replicate n ' '
padLeft n (x:xs) = x : padLeft (n-1) xs

padRight n = reverse . padLeft n . reverse