{- This file aims to provide (the essential subset of) the same functionality
   that vim plugins ctrlp and command-t provide.


     Add something like this to your config:

       (ctrlCh 'p' ?>>! fuzzyOpen)


     <C-p> (or whatever mapping user chooses) starts fuzzy open dialog.

     Typing something filters filelist.

     <Enter> opens currently selected file
     in current (the one that fuzzyOpen was initited from) window.

     <C-t> opens currently selected file in a new tab.
     <C-s> opens currently selected file in a split.

     <KUp> and <C-p> moves selection up
     <KDown> and <C-n> moves selection down

     Readline shortcuts <C-a> , <C-e>, <C-u> and <C-k> work as usual.

module Yi.FuzzyOpen
    ( fuzzyOpen
    ) where

import Prelude ()
import Yi
import Yi.MiniBuffer
import Yi.Completion

import Control.Monad (replicateM, replicateM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath (FilePath, (</>))
import Data.List (filter, map, intersperse, drop)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)

fuzzyOpen :: YiM ()
fuzzyOpen = do
    withEditor splitE
    bufRef <- withEditor newTempBufferE
    fileList <- liftIO $ getRecursiveContents "."
    updateMatchList bufRef fileList
    withEditor $ spawnMinibufferE "" $ const $ localKeymap bufRef fileList
    return ()

-- shamelessly stolen from Chapter 9 of Real World Haskell
-- takes about 3 seconds to traverse linux kernel, which is not too outrageous
-- TODO: check if it works at all with cyclic links 
-- TODO: perform in background, limit file count or directory depth
getRecursiveContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getRecursiveContents topdir = do
    names <- getDirectoryContents topdir
    let properNames = filter (`notElem` [".", "..", ".git", ".svn"]) names
    paths <- forM properNames $ \name -> do
        let path = topdir </> name
        isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist path
        if isDirectory
            then getRecursiveContents path
            else return [path]
    return (concat paths)

localKeymap :: BufferRef -> [FilePath] -> Keymap
localKeymap bufRef fileList =
              choice [spec KEnter  ?>>! openInThisWindow bufRef
                     , ctrlCh 't'  ?>>! openInNewTab bufRef
                     , ctrlCh 's'  ?>>! openInSplit bufRef
                     , spec KEsc   ?>>! replicateM 2 closeBufferAndWindowE
                     , ctrlCh 'h'  ?>>! updatingB (deleteB Character Backward)
                     , spec KBS    ?>>! updatingB (deleteB Character Backward)
                     , spec KDel   ?>>! updatingB (deleteB Character Backward)
                     , ctrlCh 'a'  ?>>! moveToSol
                     , ctrlCh 'e'  ?>>! moveToEol
                     , spec KLeft  ?>>! moveXorSol 1
                     , spec KRight ?>>! moveXorEol 1
                     , ctrlCh 'p'  ?>>! moveSelectionUp bufRef
                     , spec KUp    ?>>! moveSelectionUp bufRef
                     , ctrlCh 'n'  ?>>! moveSelectionDown bufRef
                     , spec KDown  ?>>! moveSelectionDown bufRef
                     , ctrlCh 'w'  ?>>! updatingB (deleteB unitWord Backward)
                     , ctrlCh 'u'  ?>>! updatingB (moveToSol >> deleteToEol)
                     , ctrlCh 'k'  ?>>! updatingB deleteToEol
             <|| (insertChar >>! update)
    where update = updateMatchList bufRef fileList
          updatingB bufAction = withBuffer bufAction >> update
          updatingE editorAction = withEditor editorAction >> update

showFileList :: [FilePath] -> String
showFileList = concat . intersperse "\n" . map ("  " ++)

{- Implementation detail:
   The index of selected file is stored as vertical cursor position.
   Asterisk position is always synchronized with cursor position.

   TODO: store index of selected file explicitly to make things more obvious.

updateMatchList :: BufferRef -> [FilePath] -> YiM ()
updateMatchList bufRef fileList = do
    needle <- withBuffer elemsB
    let filteredFiles = filter (subsequenceMatch needle) fileList
    withEditor $ withGivenBuffer0 bufRef $ do
        replaceBufferContent $ showFileList filteredFiles
        moveTo 0
        replaceCharB '*'
    return ()

openInThisWindow :: BufferRef -> YiM ()
openInThisWindow = openRoutine (return ())

openInSplit :: BufferRef -> YiM ()
openInSplit = openRoutine splitE

openInNewTab :: BufferRef -> YiM ()
openInNewTab = openRoutine newTabE

openRoutine :: EditorM () -> BufferRef -> YiM ()
openRoutine preOpenAction bufRef = do
    chosenFile <- fmap (drop 2) $ withEditor $ withGivenBuffer0 bufRef readLnB
    withEditor $ do
        replicateM_ 2 closeBufferAndWindowE
    discard $ editFile chosenFile

insertChar :: Keymap
insertChar = textChar >>= write . insertB

moveSelectionUp :: BufferRef -> EditorM ()
moveSelectionUp bufRef = withGivenBuffer0 bufRef $ do
    replaceCharB ' '
    replaceCharB '*'

moveSelectionDown :: BufferRef -> EditorM ()
moveSelectionDown bufRef = withGivenBuffer0 bufRef $ do
    replaceCharB ' '
    replaceCharB '*'