{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

 -- the CPP seems to confuse GHC; we have uniplate patterns
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Syntax.Tree
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable

-- Generic syntax tree handling functions
module Yi.Syntax.Tree (IsTree(..), toksAfter, allToks, tokAtOrBefore,
                       toksInRegion, sepBy, sepBy1,
                       getLastOffset, getFirstOffset,
                       getFirstElement, getLastElement,
                       tokenBasedAnnots, tokenBasedStrokes,
                       fromLeafToLeafAfter, fromNodeToFinal)

-- Some of this might be replaced by a generic package
-- such as multirec, uniplace, emgm, ...

import           Prelude             hiding (concatMap, error)

import           Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>), many))
import           Control.Arrow       (first)
import           Data.Foldable       (concatMap, toList)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty  (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty  as NE (reverse, toList, (<|))
import           Data.Maybe          (catMaybes, listToMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid         (First (First, getFirst), Last (Last, getLast), (<>))
import           Yi.Buffer.Basic     (Point)
import           Yi.Debug            (error, trace)
import           Yi.Lexer.Alex       (posnLine, posnOfs,
                                      Tok (tokPosn), tokBegin, tokEnd)
import           Yi.Region           (Region (regionEnd, regionStart), mkRegion)
import           Yi.String           (showT)

-- Fundamental types
type Path = [Int]
type Node t = (Path, t)

class Foldable tree => IsTree tree where
    -- | Direct subtrees of a tree
    subtrees :: tree t -> [tree t]
    subtrees = fst . uniplate
    uniplate :: tree t -> ([tree t], [tree t] -> tree t)
    emptyNode :: tree t

toksAfter :: Foldable t1 => t -> t1 a -> [a]
toksAfter _begin = allToks

allToks :: Foldable t => t a -> [a]
allToks = toList

tokAtOrBefore :: Foldable t => Point -> t (Tok t1) -> Maybe (Tok t1)
tokAtOrBefore p res =
  listToMaybe $ reverse $ toksInRegion (mkRegion 0 (p+1)) res

toksInRegion :: Foldable t1 => Region -> t1 (Tok t) -> [Tok t]
toksInRegion reg = takeWhile (\t -> tokBegin t <= regionEnd   reg)
                   . dropWhile (\t -> tokEnd t < regionStart reg)
                   . toksAfter (regionStart reg)

tokenBasedAnnots :: (Foldable t1) => (a1 -> Maybe a) -> t1 a1 -> t -> [a]
tokenBasedAnnots tta t begin = catMaybes (tta <$> toksAfter begin t)

tokenBasedStrokes :: (Foldable t3) => (a -> b) -> t3 a -> t -> t2 -> t1 -> [b]
tokenBasedStrokes tts t _point begin _end = tts <$> toksAfter begin t

-- | Prune the nodes before the given point.
-- The path is used to know which nodes we can force or not.
pruneNodesBefore :: IsTree tree => Point -> Path -> tree (Tok a) -> tree (Tok a)
pruneNodesBefore _ [] t = t
pruneNodesBefore p (x:xs) t = rebuild $ left' <> (pruneNodesBefore p xs c : rs)
    where (children,rebuild) = uniplate t
          (left,c:rs) = splitAt x children
          left' = fmap replaceEmpty left
          replaceEmpty s = if getLastOffset s < p then emptyNode else s

-- | Given an approximate path to a leaf at the end of the region,
-- return: (path to leaf at the end of the region,path from focused
-- node to the leaf, small node encompassing the region)
fromNodeToFinal :: IsTree tree => Region -> Node (tree (Tok a))
                -> Node (tree (Tok a))
fromNodeToFinal r (xs,root) =
    trace ("r = " <> showT r) $
    trace ("focused ~ " <> showT (subtreeRegion focused) ) $
    trace ("pathFromFocusedToLeaf = " <> showT focusedToLeaf) $
    trace ("pruned ~ " <> showT (subtreeRegion focused)) (xs', pruned)

    where n@(xs',_) = fromLeafToLeafAfter (regionEnd r) (xs,root)
          (_,(focusedToLeaf,focused)) = fromLeafAfterToFinal p0 n
          p0 = regionStart r
          pruned = pruneNodesBefore p0 focusedToLeaf focused

-- | Return the first element that matches the predicate, or the last
-- of the list if none matches.
firstThat :: (a -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> a
firstThat _ (x :| []) = x
firstThat p (x :| [y]) = if p x then x else y
firstThat p (x :| y : xs) = if p x then x else firstThat p (y :| xs)

-- | Return the element before first element that violates the
-- predicate, or the first of the list if that one violates the
-- predicate.
lastThat :: (a -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> a
lastThat p (x :| xs) = if p x then work x xs else x
    where work x0 [] = x0
          work x0 (y:ys) = if p y then work y ys else x0

-- | Given a path to a node, return a path+node which node that
-- encompasses the given node + a point before it.
fromLeafAfterToFinal :: IsTree tree => Point -> Node (tree (Tok a))
                     -> (Path, Node (tree (Tok a)))
fromLeafAfterToFinal p n =
    -- trace ("reg = " <> showT (fmap (subtreeRegion . snd) nsPth)) $
      firstThat (\(_,(_,s)) -> getFirstOffset s <= p) ns
    where ns = NE.reverse (nodesOnPath n)

-- | Search the tree in pre-order starting at a given node, until
-- finding a leaf which is at or after the given point. An effort is
-- also made to return a leaf as close as possible to @p@.
-- TODO: rename to fromLeafToLeafAt
fromLeafToLeafAfter :: IsTree tree => Point
                    -> Node (tree (Tok a))
                    -> Node (tree (Tok a))
fromLeafToLeafAfter p (xs, root) =
  trace "fromLeafToLeafAfter:" $
  trace ("xs = " <> showT xs) $
  trace ("xsValid = " <> showT xsValid) $
  trace ("p = " <> showT p) $
  trace ("leafBeforeP = " <> showT leafBeforeP) $
  trace ("leaf ~ " <> showT (subtreeRegion leaf)) $
  trace ("xs' = " <> showT xs') result
    xs' = case candidateLeaves of
      [] -> []
      c:cs -> fst $ firstOrLastThat (\(_,s) -> getFirstOffset s >= p) (c :| cs)
    candidateLeaves = allLeavesRelative relChild n
    (firstOrLastThat,relChild) = if leafBeforeP then (firstThat,afterChild)
                                                else (lastThat,beforeChild)
    (xsValid,leaf) = wkDown (xs,root)
    leafBeforeP = getFirstOffset leaf <= p
    n = (xsValid,root)
    result = (xs',root)

allLeavesRelative :: IsTree tree => (Int -> [(Int, tree a)] -> [(Int, tree a)])
                  -> Node (tree a)
                  -> [Node (tree a)]
allLeavesRelative select
   = filter (not . nullSubtree . snd) . allLeavesRelative' select
     . NE.toList . NE.reverse . nodesAndChildIndex
     -- we remove empty subtrees because their region is [0,0].

-- | Takes a list of (node, index of already inspected child), and
-- return all leaves in this node after the said child).
allLeavesRelative' :: IsTree tree => (Int -> [(Int, tree a)] -> [(Int, tree a)])
                   -> [(Node (tree a), Int)] -> [Node (tree a)]
allLeavesRelative' select l =
  [(xs <> xs', t') | ((xs,t),c) <- l
                   , (xs',t') <- allLeavesRelativeChild select c t]

-- | Given a root, return all the nodes encountered along it, their
-- paths, and the index of the child which comes next.
nodesAndChildIndex :: IsTree tree => Node (tree a)
                   -> NonEmpty (Node (tree a), Int)
nodesAndChildIndex ([],t) = return (([],t),negate 1)
nodesAndChildIndex (x:xs, t) = case index x (subtrees t) of
  Just c' -> (([],t), x)
             NE.<| fmap (first $ first (x:)) (nodesAndChildIndex (xs,c'))
  Nothing -> return (([],t),negate 1)

nodesOnPath :: IsTree tree => Node (tree a) -> NonEmpty (Path, Node (tree a))
nodesOnPath ([],t) = return ([],([],t))
nodesOnPath (x:xs,t) = ([],(x:xs,t)) NE.<| case index x (subtrees t) of
  Nothing -> error "nodesOnPath: non-existent path"
  Just c -> fmap (first (x:)) (nodesOnPath (xs,c))

beforeChild :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

beforeChild (-1) = reverse -- (-1) indicates that all children should be taken.
beforeChild c = reverse . take (c-1)

afterChild :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
afterChild c = drop (c+1)

-- | Return all leaves after or before child depending on the relation
-- which is given.
allLeavesRelativeChild :: IsTree tree => (Int -> [(Int, tree a)]
                                          -> [(Int, tree a)])
                       -> Int
                       -> tree a -> [Node (tree a)]
allLeavesRelativeChild select c t
  | null ts = return ([], t)
  | otherwise = [(x:xs,t') | (x,ct) <- select c (zip [0..] ts),
                 (xs, t') <- allLeavesIn select ct]
 where ts = subtrees t

-- | Return all leaves (with paths) inside a given root.
allLeavesIn :: (IsTree tree) => (Int -> [(Int, tree a)] -> [(Int, tree a)])
            -> tree a -> [Node (tree a)]
allLeavesIn select = allLeavesRelativeChild select (-1)

-- | Return all subtrees in a tree; each element of the return list
-- contains paths to nodes. (Root is at the start of each path)
getAllPaths :: IsTree tree => tree t -> [[tree t]]
getAllPaths t = fmap (<>[t]) ([] : concatMap getAllPaths (subtrees t))

goDown :: IsTree tree => Int -> tree t -> Maybe (tree t)
goDown i = index i . subtrees

index :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
index _ [] = Nothing
index 0 (h:_) = Just h
index n (_:t) = index (n-1) t

walkDown :: IsTree tree => Node (tree t) -> Maybe (tree t)
walkDown ([],t) = return t
walkDown (x:xs,t) = goDown x t >>= curry walkDown xs

wkDown :: IsTree tree => Node (tree a) -> Node (tree a)
wkDown ([],t) = ([],t)
wkDown (x:xs,t) = case goDown x t of
    Nothing -> ([],t)
    Just t' -> first (x:) $ wkDown (xs,t')

-- | Search the given list, and return the last tree before the given
-- point; with path to the root. (Root is at the start of the path)
getLastPath :: IsTree tree => [tree (Tok t)] -> Point -> Maybe [tree (Tok t)]
getLastPath roots offset =
    case takeWhile ((< offset) . posnOfs . snd) allSubPathPosn of
      [] -> Nothing
      xs -> Just $ fst $ last xs
      allSubPathPosn = [ (p,posn) | root <- roots
                                  , p@(t':_) <- getAllPaths root
                                  , Just tok <- [getFirstElement t']
                                  , let posn = tokPosn tok

-- | Return all subtrees in a tree, in preorder.
getAllSubTrees :: IsTree tree => tree t -> [tree t]
getAllSubTrees t = t : concatMap getAllSubTrees (subtrees t)

-- | Return the 1st token of a subtree.
getFirstElement :: Foldable t => t a -> Maybe a
getFirstElement tree = getFirst $ foldMap (First . Just) tree

nullSubtree :: Foldable t => t a -> Bool
nullSubtree = null . toList

getFirstTok, getLastTok :: Foldable t => t a -> Maybe a

getFirstTok = getFirstElement
getLastTok = getLastElement

-- | Return the last token of a subtree.
getLastElement :: Foldable t => t a -> Maybe a
getLastElement tree = getLast $ foldMap (Last . Just) tree

getFirstOffset, getLastOffset :: Foldable t => t (Tok t1) -> Point
getFirstOffset = maybe 0 tokBegin . getFirstTok
getLastOffset = maybe 0 tokEnd . getLastTok

subtreeRegion :: Foldable t => t (Tok t1) -> Region
subtreeRegion t = mkRegion (getFirstOffset t) (getLastOffset t)

-- | Given a tree, return (first offset, number of lines).
getSubtreeSpan :: (Foldable tree) => tree (Tok t) -> (Point, Int)
getSubtreeSpan tree = (posnOfs firstOff, lastLine - firstLine)
    where bounds@[firstOff, _last] = fmap (tokPosn . assertJust)
                                     [getFirstElement tree, getLastElement tree]
          [firstLine, lastLine] = fmap posnLine bounds
          assertJust (Just x) = x
          assertJust _ = error "assertJust: Just expected"

-- Should be in Control.Applicative.?

sepBy :: (Alternative f) => f a -> f v -> f [a]
sepBy p s   = sepBy1 p s <|> pure []

sepBy1 :: (Alternative f) => f a -> f v -> f [a]
sepBy1 p s  = (:) <$> p <*> many (s *> p)