{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Fuzzy
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable

--   TODO if need arises: factor out generic part that captures a pattern of
--   having an interactive minibuffer and a window that just renders some state.

module Yi.Fuzzy (fuzzyOpen, fuzzyOpenWithDepth, defaultDepth) where

import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Base (liftBase)
import Control.Monad.State (gets)
import Data.Binary (Binary(..), Word8)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import Data.List.PointedList (PointedList(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.Error (tryIOError)

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.List.PointedList as PL

import Data.List.PointedList.Extras as PL

import Yi
import Yi.Completion
import Yi.MiniBuffer
import Yi.Types
import Yi.Utils ()
import qualified Yi.Rope as R

-- FuzzyState is stored in minibuffer's dynamic state
data FuzzyState = FuzzyState
  { items :: !(Maybe (PointedList FuzzyItem))
  , search :: !Text
  } deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)

data FuzzyItem
  = FileItem !Text
  | BufferItem !BufferId
  deriving (Typeable)

instance Show FuzzyItem where
  show :: FuzzyItem -> String
  show i = case i of
    FileItem   _ -> "File  "   <> itemAsStr i
    BufferItem _ -> "Buffer  " <> itemAsStr i

itemAsTxt :: FuzzyItem -> Text
itemAsTxt f = case f of
  FileItem   x              -> x
  BufferItem (MemBuffer  x) -> x
  BufferItem (FileBuffer x) -> T.pack x

itemAsStr :: FuzzyItem -> String
itemAsStr = T.unpack . itemAsTxt

-- | The depth 'fuzzyOpen' should traverse by default. Currently __5__.
defaultDepth :: Natural
defaultDepth = 5

-- | Fuzzy open the current directory. The depth searched is
-- 'defaultDepth', use fuzzyOpenWithDepth if you want to customise
-- this.
fuzzyOpen :: YiM ()
fuzzyOpen = fuzzyOpenWithDepth defaultDepth

-- | Fuzzy-opens the directory to the specified depth. The depth needs
-- to be at least @1@ for it to do anything meaningful.
fuzzyOpenWithDepth :: Natural -> YiM ()
fuzzyOpenWithDepth d = do
  fileList  <- (fmap . fmap) (FileItem . T.pack) (liftBase $ getRecursiveContents d ".")
  bufList   <- (fmap . fmap) (BufferItem . ident . attributes) (withEditor (gets (M.elems . buffers)))
  promptRef <- withEditor (spawnMinibufferE "" (const localKeymap))

  let initialState = FuzzyState (PL.fromList (filterNotCommon bufList <> fileList)) ""
  withGivenBuffer promptRef $ putBufferDyn initialState
  withEditor (renderE initialState)
  filterNotCommon :: [FuzzyItem] -> [FuzzyItem]
  filterNotCommon = filter ((\n -> not (n == "console" || n == "messages")) . itemAsTxt)

-- takes about 3 seconds to traverse linux kernel, which is not too outrageous
-- TODO: check if it works at all with cyclic links
-- TODO: perform in background, limit file count or directory depth
getRecursiveContents :: Natural -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getRecursiveContents d t
  | d == 0 = return mempty
  | otherwise = do
    x <- tryIOError (getDirectoryContents t)
    case x of
      Left  _     -> return mempty
      Right names -> do
        paths <- mapM withName (filter isProperName names)
        return $ mconcat paths
  isProperName :: FilePath -> Bool
  isProperName fileName = and
    [ fileName `notElem` [".", "..", ".git", ".svn"]
    , not (".hi" `isSuffixOf` fileName)
    , not ("-boot" `isSuffixOf` fileName)

  withName :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
  withName name = do
    let path = t </> name
    isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist path
    if isDirectory then getRecursiveContents (d - 1) path else pure [path]

localKeymap :: Keymap
localKeymap =
      [ spec KEnter ?>>! openInThisWindow
      , ctrlCh 't' ?>>! openInNewTab
      , ctrlCh 's' ?>>! openInSplit
      , spec KEsc ?>>! cleanupE
      , ctrlCh 'g' ?>>! cleanupE
      , ctrlCh 'h' ?>>! updatingB (deleteB Character Backward)
      , spec KBS ?>>! updatingB (deleteB Character Backward)
      , spec KDel ?>>! updatingB (deleteB Character Backward)
      , ctrlCh 'a' ?>>! moveToSol
      , ctrlCh 'e' ?>>! moveToEol
      , spec KLeft ?>>! moveXorSol 1
      , spec KRight ?>>! moveXorEol 1
      , ctrlCh 'p' ?>>! modifyE goPrevious
      , ctrlCh 'n' ?>>! modifyE goNext
      , spec KDown ?>>! modifyE goNext
      , Event KTab [MShift] ?>>! modifyE goPrevious
      , Event KTab [] ?>>! modifyE goNext
      , ctrlCh 'w' ?>>! updatingB (deleteB unitWord Backward)
      , ctrlCh 'u' ?>>! updatingB (moveToSol >> deleteToEol)
      , ctrlCh 'k' ?>>! updatingB deleteToEol
    <|| (insertChar >>! (withCurrentBuffer updateNeedleB >>= renderE))
  updatingB :: BufferM () -> EditorM ()
  updatingB bufAction = withCurrentBuffer (bufAction >> updateNeedleB) >>= renderE

updateNeedleB :: BufferM FuzzyState
updateNeedleB = do
  s        <- R.toText <$> readLnB
  oldState <- getBufferDyn
  let newState = oldState `filterState` s
  putBufferDyn newState
  return newState
  filterState :: FuzzyState -> Text -> FuzzyState
  filterState old s = old { search = s, items = newItems }
    newItems :: Maybe (PointedList FuzzyItem)
    newItems = do
      o <- items old
      f <- filterItems s o
      PL.moveTo 0 f

filterItems :: Text -> PointedList FuzzyItem -> Maybe (PointedList FuzzyItem)
filterItems s zipper = PL.filterr (subsequenceTextMatch s . itemAsTxt) zipper

modifyE :: (FuzzyState -> FuzzyState) -> EditorM ()
modifyE f = do
  prevState <- withCurrentBuffer getBufferDyn
  let newState = f prevState
  withCurrentBuffer (putBufferDyn newState)
  renderE newState

goNext :: FuzzyState -> FuzzyState
goNext = changeIndex PL.next

goPrevious :: FuzzyState -> FuzzyState
goPrevious = changeIndex PL.previous

changeIndex :: (PointedList FuzzyItem -> Maybe (PointedList FuzzyItem)) -> FuzzyState -> FuzzyState
changeIndex dir fs = fs { items = items fs >>= dir }

renderE :: FuzzyState -> EditorM ()
renderE (FuzzyState maybeZipper s) = do
  case mcontent of
    Nothing      -> printMsg "No match found"
    Just content -> setStatus (toList content, defaultStyle)
  tshow :: Show s => s -> Text
  tshow = T.pack . show
  mcontent :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
  mcontent = do
    zipper  <- maybeZipper
    zipper' <- PL.withFocus <$> filterItems s zipper
    nonEmpty . toList $ fmap (uncurry $ flip renderItem) zipper'

  -- TODO justify to actual screen width
  renderItem :: Bool -> FuzzyItem -> Text
  renderItem isFocus fi = renderStar isFocus (T.justifyLeft 79 ' ' . T.pack . show $ fi)

  renderStar :: Bool -> (Text -> Text)
  renderStar y = if y then ("* "<>) else ("  "<>)

openInThisWindow :: YiM ()
openInThisWindow = openRoutine (return ())

openInSplit :: YiM ()
openInSplit = openRoutine splitE

openInNewTab :: YiM ()
openInNewTab = openRoutine newTabE

openRoutine :: EditorM () -> YiM ()
openRoutine preOpenAction = do
  mzipper <- items <$> withCurrentBuffer getBufferDyn
  case mzipper of
    Nothing                  -> printMsg "Nothing selected"
    Just (PointedList _ f _) -> do
      withEditor $ do
      action f
  action :: FuzzyItem -> YiM ()
  action fi = case fi of
    FileItem   x -> void (editFile (T.unpack x))
    BufferItem x -> withEditor $ do
      bufs <- gets (M.assocs . buffers)
      case filter ((==x) . ident . attributes . snd) bufs of
        []            -> error ("Couldn't find " <> show x)
        (bufRef, _):_ -> switchToBufferE bufRef

insertChar :: Keymap
insertChar = textChar >>= write . insertB

cleanupE :: EditorM ()
cleanupE = clrStatus >> closeBufferAndWindowE

instance Binary FuzzyItem where
  put (FileItem x) = put (0 :: Word8) >> put x
  put (BufferItem x) = put (1 :: Word8) >> put x
  get = do
    tag :: Word8 <- get
    case tag of
      0 -> FileItem <$> get
      1 -> BufferItem <$> get
      _ -> error "Unexpected FuzzyItem Binary."

instance Binary FuzzyState where
  put (FuzzyState mzipper s) = do
    put mzipper
    put (T.encodeUtf8 s)

  get = FuzzyState <$> get <*> fmap T.decodeUtf8 get

instance Default FuzzyState where
  def = FuzzyState Nothing mempty

instance YiVariable FuzzyState