{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Utils
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module is aimed at being a helper for the Emacs keybindings.
-- In particular this should be useful for anyone that has a custom
-- keymap derived from or based on the Emacs one.

module Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Utils
  ( UnivArgument
  , argToInt
  , askQuitEditor
  , askSaveEditor
  , modifiedQuitEditor
  , withMinibuffer
  , queryReplaceE
  , isearchKeymap
  , cabalConfigureE
  , cabalBuildE
  , reloadProjectE
  , executeExtendedCommandE
  , evalRegionE
  , readUniversalArg
  , scrollDownE
  , scrollUpE
  , switchBufferE
  , killBufferE
  , insertNextC
  , findFile
  , findFileReadOnly
  , findFileNewTab
  , promptFile
  , promptTag
  , justOneSep
  , joinLinesE
  , countWordsRegion

import           Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>), many, some), optional)
import           Lens.Micro.Platform          (use, (.=))
import           Control.Monad       (filterM, replicateM_, void)
import           Control.Monad.Base  ()
import           Data.List           ((\\))
import           Data.Maybe          (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid         ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text           as T (Text, concat, null, pack, singleton, snoc, unpack, unwords)
import           System.FilePath     (takeDirectory, takeFileName, (</>))
import           System.FriendlyPath ()
import           Yi.Buffer
import           Yi.Command          (cabalBuildE, cabalConfigureE, reloadProjectE)
import           Yi.Core             (quitEditor)
import           Yi.Editor
import           Yi.Eval             (execEditorAction, getAllNamesInScope)
import           Yi.File             (deservesSave, editFile, fwriteBufferE, openingNewFile)
import           Yi.Keymap           (Keymap, KeymapM, YiM, write)
import           Yi.Keymap.Keys
import           Yi.MiniBuffer
import           Yi.Misc             (promptFile)
import           Yi.Monad            (gets)
import           Yi.Rectangle        (getRectangle)
import           Yi.Regex            (makeSearchOptsM)
import qualified Yi.Rope             as R (countNewLines, fromText, length, replicateChar, toText, words)
import           Yi.Search
import           Yi.String           (showT)
import           Yi.Tag
import           Yi.Utils            (io)

type UnivArgument = Maybe Int

-- | Quits the editor if there are no unmodified buffers
-- if there are unmodified buffers then we ask individually for
-- each modified buffer whether or not the user wishes to save
-- it or not. If we get to the end of this list and there are still
-- some modified buffers then we ask again if the user wishes to
-- quit, but this is then a simple yes or no.
askQuitEditor :: YiM ()
askQuitEditor = askIndividualSave True =<< getModifiedBuffers

askSaveEditor :: YiM ()
askSaveEditor = askIndividualSave False =<< getModifiedBuffers

getModifiedBuffers :: YiM [FBuffer]
getModifiedBuffers = filterM deservesSave =<< gets bufferSet

-- Takes in a list of buffers which have been identified
-- as modified since their last save.

askIndividualSave :: Bool -> [FBuffer] -> YiM ()
askIndividualSave True []  = modifiedQuitEditor
askIndividualSave False [] = return ()
askIndividualSave hasQuit allBuffers@(firstBuffer : others) =
  void (withEditor (spawnMinibufferE saveMessage (const askKeymap)))
  saveMessage = T.concat [ "do you want to save the buffer: "
                         , bufferName
                         , "? (y/n/", if hasQuit then "q/" else "", "c/!)"
  bufferName  = identString firstBuffer

  askKeymap = choice ([ char 'n' ?>>! noAction
                      , char 'y' ?>>! yesAction
                      , char '!' ?>>! allAction
                      , oneOf [char 'c', ctrl $ char 'g']
                        >>! closeBufferAndWindowE
                        -- cancel
                      ] ++ [char 'q' ?>>! quitEditor | hasQuit])
  yesAction = do void $ fwriteBufferE (bkey firstBuffer)
                 withEditor closeBufferAndWindowE

  noAction = do withEditor closeBufferAndWindowE

  allAction = do mapM_ fwriteBufferE $ fmap bkey allBuffers
                 withEditor closeBufferAndWindowE
                 askIndividualSave hasQuit []

  continue = askIndividualSave hasQuit others


-- | Quits the editor if there are no unmodified buffers
-- if there are then simply confirms with the user that they
-- with to quit.
modifiedQuitEditor :: YiM ()
modifiedQuitEditor =
  do modifiedBuffers <- getModifiedBuffers
     if null modifiedBuffers
        then quitEditor
        else withEditor $ void (spawnMinibufferE modifiedMessage (const askKeymap))
  modifiedMessage = "Modified buffers exist really quit? (y/n)"

  askKeymap = choice [ char 'n' ?>>! noAction
                     , char 'y' ?>>! quitEditor

  noAction        = closeBufferAndWindowE

-- isearch
selfSearchKeymap :: Keymap
selfSearchKeymap = do
  Event (KASCII c) [] <- anyEvent
  write . isearchAddE $ T.singleton c

searchKeymap :: Keymap
searchKeymap = selfSearchKeymap <|> choice
               [ -- ("C-g", isearchDelE) -- Only if string is not empty.
                 ctrl (char 'r') ?>>! isearchPrevE
               , ctrl (char 's') ?>>! isearchNextE
               , ctrl (char 'w') ?>>! isearchWordE
               , meta (char 'p') ?>>! isearchHistory 1
               , meta (char 'n') ?>>! isearchHistory (-1)
               , spec KBS        ?>>! isearchDelE

isearchKeymap :: Direction -> Keymap
isearchKeymap dir =
  do write $ isearchInitE dir
     void $ many searchKeymap
     choice [ ctrl (char 'g') ?>>! isearchCancelE
            , oneOf [ctrl (char 'm'), spec KEnter]
              >>! isearchFinishWithE resetRegexE
       <|| write isearchFinishE

-- query-replace
queryReplaceE :: YiM ()
queryReplaceE = withMinibufferFree "Replace:" $ \replaceWhat ->
  withMinibufferFree "With:" $ \replaceWith -> do
    b <- gets currentBuffer
    win <- use currentWindowA
    let repStr = R.fromText replaceWith
        replaceKm =
          choice [ char 'n'                  ?>>! qrNext win b re
                 , char '!'                  ?>>! qrReplaceAll win b re repStr
                 , oneOf [char 'y', char ' '] >>! qrReplaceOne win b re repStr
                 , oneOf [char 'q', ctrl (char 'g')] >>! qrFinish
        -- TODO: Yi.Regex to Text
        Right re = makeSearchOptsM [] (T.unpack replaceWhat)
        question = T.unwords [ "Replacing", replaceWhat
                             , "with", replaceWith, " (y,n,q,!):"
    withEditor $ do
      setRegexE re
      void $ spawnMinibufferE question (const replaceKm)
      qrNext win b re

executeExtendedCommandE :: YiM ()
executeExtendedCommandE = withMinibuffer "M-x" scope act
    act = execEditorAction . T.unpack
    scope = const $ map T.pack <$> getAllNamesInScope

evalRegionE :: YiM ()
evalRegionE = do
  -- FIXME: do something sensible.
  void $ withCurrentBuffer (getSelectRegionB >>= readRegionB)
  return ()

-- * Code for various commands
-- This ideally should be put in their own module,
-- without a prefix, so M-x ... would be easily implemented
-- by looking up that module's contents

-- | Insert next character, "raw"
insertNextC :: UnivArgument -> KeymapM ()
insertNextC a = do c <- anyEvent
                   write $ replicateM_ (argToInt a) $ insertB (eventToChar c)

-- | Convert the universal argument to a number of repetitions
argToInt :: UnivArgument -> Int
argToInt = fromMaybe 1

digit :: (Event -> Event) -> KeymapM Char
digit f = charOf f '0' '9'

-- TODO: replace tt by digit meta
tt :: KeymapM Char
tt = do
  Event (KASCII c) _ <- foldr1 (<|>) $ fmap (event . metaCh ) ['0'..'9']
  return c

-- doing the argument precisely is kind of tedious.
-- read: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/Arguments.html
-- and: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/elisp-manual/html_node/elisp_318.html
readUniversalArg :: KeymapM (Maybe Int)
readUniversalArg = optional ((ctrlCh 'u' ?>> (read <$> some (digit id) <|> pure 4)) <|> (read <$> some tt))

-- | Finds file and runs specified action on the resulting buffer
findFileAndDo :: T.Text -- ^ Prompt
              -> BufferM a -- ^ Action to run on the resulting buffer
              -> YiM ()
findFileAndDo prompt act = promptFile prompt $ \filename -> do
  printMsg $ "loading " <> filename
  openingNewFile (T.unpack filename) act

-- | Open a file using the minibuffer. We have to set up some stuff to
-- allow hints and auto-completion.
findFile :: YiM ()
findFile = findFileAndDo "find file:" $ return ()

-- | Like 'findFile' but sets the resulting buffer to read-only.
findFileReadOnly :: YiM ()
findFileReadOnly = findFileAndDo "find file (read only):" $ readOnlyA .= True

-- | Open a file in a new tab using the minibuffer.
findFileNewTab :: YiM ()
findFileNewTab = promptFile "find file (new tab): " $ \filename -> do
  withEditor newTabE
  printMsg $ "loading " <> filename
  void . editFile $ T.unpack filename

scrollDownE :: UnivArgument -> BufferM ()
scrollDownE a = case a of
                 Nothing -> downScreenB
                 Just n -> scrollB n

scrollUpE :: UnivArgument -> BufferM ()
scrollUpE a = case a of
                 Nothing -> upScreenB
                 Just n -> scrollB (negate n)

-- | Prompts the user for a buffer name and switches to the chosen buffer.
switchBufferE :: YiM ()
switchBufferE = promptingForBuffer "switch to buffer:"
                  (withEditor . switchToBufferE) (\o b -> (b \\ o) ++ o)

-- | Prompts the user for a buffer name and kills the chosen buffer.
-- Prompts about really closing if the buffer is marked as changed
-- since last save.
killBufferE :: YiM ()
killBufferE = promptingForBuffer "kill buffer:" k (\o b -> o ++ (b \\ o))
    k :: BufferRef -> YiM ()
    k b = do
      buf <- withEditor . gets $ findBufferWith b
      ch <- deservesSave buf
      let askKeymap = choice [ char 'n' ?>>! closeBufferAndWindowE
                             , char 'y' ?>>! delBuf >> closeBufferAndWindowE
                             , ctrlCh 'g' ?>>! closeBufferAndWindowE
          delBuf = deleteBuffer b
          question = identString buf <> " changed, close anyway? (y/n)"
      withEditor $
         if ch
         then void $ spawnMinibufferE question (const askKeymap)
         else delBuf

-- | If on separators (space, tab, unicode seps), reduce multiple
-- separators to just a single separator (or however many given
-- through 'UnivArgument').
-- If we aren't looking at a separator, insert a single space. This is
-- like emacs ‘just-one-space’ but doesn't deal with negative argument
-- case but works with other separators than just space. What counts
-- as a separator is decided by 'isAnySep' modulo @\n@ character.
-- Further, it will only reduce a single type of separator at once: if
-- we have hard tabs followed by spaces, we are able to reduce one and
-- not the other.
justOneSep :: UnivArgument -> BufferM ()
justOneSep u = readB >>= \c ->
  pointB >>= \point -> case point of
    Point 0 -> if isSep c then deleteSeparators else insertMult c
    Point x ->
      if isSep c
      then deleteSeparators
      else readAtB (Point $ x - 1) >>= \d ->
        -- We weren't looking at separator but there might be one behind us
        if isSep d
          then moveB Character Backward >> deleteSeparators
          else insertMult ' ' -- no separators, insert a space just
                              -- like emacs does
    isSep c = c /= '\n' && isAnySep c
    insertMult c = insertN $ R.replicateChar (maybe 1 (max 1) u) c

    deleteSeparators = do
      genMaybeMoveB unitSepThisLine (Backward, InsideBound) Backward
      moveB Character Forward
      doIfCharB isSep $ deleteB unitSepThisLine Forward

-- | Join this line to previous (or next N if universal)
joinLinesE :: UnivArgument -> BufferM ()
joinLinesE Nothing = return ()
joinLinesE (Just _) = do
  moveB VLine Forward
  moveToSol >> transformB (const " ") Character Backward >> justOneSep Nothing

-- | Shortcut to use a default list when a blank list is given.
-- Used for default values to emacs queries
maybeList :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
maybeList def [] = def
maybeList _   ls = ls

maybeTag :: Tag -> T.Text -> Tag
maybeTag def t = if T.null t then def else Tag t

-- TAGS - See Yi.Tag for more info

-- | Prompt the user to give a tag and then jump to that tag
promptTag :: YiM ()
promptTag = do
  -- default tag is where the buffer is on
  defaultTag <- withCurrentBuffer $ Tag . R.toText <$> readUnitB unitWord
  -- if we have tags use them to generate hints
  tagTable <- withEditor getTags
  -- Hints are expensive - only lazily generate 10
  let hinter =  return . take 10 . maybe (fail . T.unpack) hintTags tagTable
  -- Completions are super-cheap. Go wild
  let completer =  return . maybe id completeTag tagTable
      p = "Find tag: (default " <> _unTag defaultTag `T.snoc` ')'
  withMinibufferGen "" hinter p completer (const $ return ()) $
    -- if the string is "" use the defaultTag
    gotoTag . maybeTag defaultTag

-- | Opens the file that contains @tag@. Uses the global tag table and prompts
-- the user to open one if it does not exist
gotoTag :: Tag -> YiM ()
gotoTag tag =
    visitTagTable $ \tagTable ->
        case lookupTag tag tagTable of
          [] -> printMsg $ "No tags containing " <> _unTag tag
          (filename, line):_ -> openingNewFile filename $ gotoLn line

-- | Call continuation @act@ with the TagTable. Uses the global table
-- and prompts the user if it doesn't exist
visitTagTable :: (TagTable -> YiM ()) -> YiM ()
visitTagTable act = do
  posTagTable <- withEditor getTags
  -- does the tagtable exist?
  case posTagTable of
    Just tagTable -> act tagTable
    Nothing -> promptFile "Visit tags table: (default tags)" $ \path -> do
      -- default emacs behavior, append tags
        let p = T.unpack path
            filename = maybeList "tags" $ takeFileName p
        tagTable <- io $ importTagTable $ takeDirectory p </> filename
        withEditor $ setTags tagTable
        act tagTable

-- TODO: use TextUnit to count things inside region for better experience
-- | Counts the number of lines, words and characters inside selected
-- region. Coresponds to emacs' @count-words-region@.
countWordsRegion :: YiM ()
countWordsRegion = do
  (l, w, c) <- withEditor $ do
    t <- withCurrentBuffer $ getRectangle >>= \(reg, _, _) -> readRegionB reg
    let nls = R.countNewLines t
    return (if nls == 0 then 1 else nls, length $ R.words t, R.length t)
  printMsg $ T.unwords [ "Region has", showT l, p l "line" <> ","
                        , showT w, p w "word" <> ", and"
                        , showT c, p w "character" <> "."
    p x w = if x == 1 then w else w <> "s"