{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Keymap.Vim.InsertMap
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable

module Yi.Keymap.Vim.InsertMap (defInsertMap) where

import           Prelude                  hiding (head)

import           Lens.Micro.Platform               (use)
import           Control.Monad            (forM, liftM2, replicateM_, void, when)
import           Data.Char                (isDigit)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty       (NonEmpty (..), head, toList)
import           Data.Monoid              ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text                as T (pack, unpack)
import qualified Yi.Buffer                as B (bdeleteB, deleteB, deleteRegionB, insertB, insertN)
import           Yi.Buffer.Adjusted       as BA hiding (Insert)
import           Yi.Editor                (EditorM, getEditorDyn, withCurrentBuffer)
import           Yi.Event                 (Event)
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Common
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Digraph    (charFromDigraph)
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.EventUtils (eventToEventString, parseEvents)
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Motion     (Move (Move), stringToMove)
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.StateUtils
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Utils      (selectBinding, selectPureBinding)
import           Yi.Monad                 (whenM)
import qualified Yi.Rope                  as R (fromString, fromText)
import           Yi.TextCompletion        (CompletionScope (..), completeWordB)

defInsertMap :: [(String, Char)] -> [VimBinding]
defInsertMap digraphs =
    [rawPrintable] <> specials digraphs <> [printable]

specials :: [(String, Char)] -> [VimBinding]
specials digraphs =
    [exitBinding digraphs, pasteRegisterBinding, digraphBinding digraphs
    , oneshotNormalBinding, completionBinding, cursorBinding]

exitBinding :: [(String, Char)] -> VimBinding
exitBinding digraphs = VimBindingE f
    f :: EventString -> VimState -> MatchResult (EditorM RepeatToken)
    f evs (VimState { vsMode = (Insert _) })
      | evs `elem` ["<Esc>", "<C-c>"]
      = WholeMatch $ do
        count <- getCountE
        (Insert starter) <- fmap vsMode getEditorDyn
        when (count > 1) $ do
            inputEvents <- fmap (parseEvents . vsOngoingInsertEvents) getEditorDyn
            replicateM_ (count - 1) $ do
                when (starter `elem` ['O', 'o']) $ withCurrentBuffer $ insertB '\n'
                replay digraphs inputEvents
        modifyStateE $ \s -> s { vsOngoingInsertEvents = mempty }
        withCurrentBuffer $ moveXorSol 1
        modifyStateE $ \s -> s { vsSecondaryCursors = mempty }
        switchModeE Normal
        withCurrentBuffer $ whenM isCurrentLineAllWhiteSpaceB $ moveToSol >> deleteToEol
        return Finish
    f _ _ = NoMatch

rawPrintable :: VimBinding
rawPrintable = VimBindingE f
    f :: EventString -> VimState -> MatchResult (EditorM RepeatToken)
    f evs s@(VimState { vsMode = (Insert _)})
          | vsPaste s && evs `notElem` ["<Esc>", "<C-c>"]
              = WholeMatch . withCurrentBuffer $ do
            case evs of
              "<lt>"       -> insertB '<'
              "<CR>"       -> newlineB
              "<Tab>"      -> insertB '\t'
              "<BS>"       -> bdeleteB
              "<C-h>"      -> bdeleteB
              "<Del>"      -> deleteB Character Forward
              "<Home>"     -> moveToSol
              "<End>"      -> moveToEol
              "<PageUp>"   -> scrollScreensB (-1)
              "<PageDown>" -> scrollScreensB   1
              c -> insertN (R.fromText $ _unEv c)
            return Continue
    f _ _ = NoMatch

replay :: [(String, Char)] -> [Event] -> EditorM ()
replay _ [] = return ()
replay digraphs (e1:es1) = do
    state <- getEditorDyn
    let recurse = replay digraphs
        evs1 = eventToEventString e1
        bindingMatch1 = selectPureBinding evs1 state (defInsertMap digraphs)
    case bindingMatch1 of
        WholeMatch action -> void action >> recurse es1
        PartialMatch -> case es1 of
            [] -> return ()
            (e2:es2) -> do
                let evs2 = evs1 <> eventToEventString e2
                    bindingMatch2 = selectPureBinding evs2 state (defInsertMap digraphs)
                case bindingMatch2 of
                    WholeMatch action -> void action >> recurse es2
                    _ -> recurse es2
        _ -> recurse es1

oneshotNormalBinding :: VimBinding
oneshotNormalBinding = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    f "<C-o>" (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
    f ('<':'C':'-':'o':'>':evs) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) =
        action evs <$ stringToMove (Ev . T.pack $ dropWhile isDigit evs)
    f _ _ = NoMatch
    action evs = do
        let (countString, motionCmd) = span isDigit evs
            WholeMatch (Move _style _isJump move) = stringToMove . Ev . T.pack $ motionCmd
        withCurrentBuffer $ move (if null countString then Nothing else Just (read countString))
        return Continue

pasteRegisterBinding :: VimBinding
pasteRegisterBinding = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    where f "<C-r>" (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
          f ('<':'C':'-':'r':'>':regName:[]) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ })
              = WholeMatch $ do
                  mr <- getRegisterE regName
                  case mr of
                    Nothing -> return ()
                    Just (Register _style rope) -> withCurrentBuffer $ insertRopeWithStyleB rope Inclusive
                  return Continue
          f _ _ = NoMatch

digraphBinding :: [(String, Char)] -> VimBinding
digraphBinding digraphs = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    where f ('<':'C':'-':'k':'>':c1:c2:[]) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ })
            = WholeMatch $ do
                  maybe (return ()) (withCurrentBuffer . insertB) $ charFromDigraph digraphs c1 c2
                  return Continue
          f ('<':'C':'-':'k':'>':_c1:[]) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
          f "<C-k>" (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
          f _ _ = NoMatch

printable :: VimBinding
printable = VimBindingE f
    where f evs state@(VimState { vsMode = Insert _ } ) =
              case selectBinding evs state (specials undefined) of
                  NoMatch -> WholeMatch (printableAction evs)
                  _ -> NoMatch
          f _ _ = NoMatch

printableAction :: EventString -> EditorM RepeatToken
printableAction evs = do
    saveInsertEventStringE evs
    currentCursor <- withCurrentBuffer pointB
    IndentSettings et _ sw <- withCurrentBuffer indentSettingsB
    secondaryCursors <- fmap vsSecondaryCursors getEditorDyn
    let allCursors = currentCursor :| secondaryCursors
    marks <- withCurrentBuffer $ forM' allCursors $ \cursor -> do
        moveTo cursor
        getMarkB Nothing

    -- Using autoindenting with multiple cursors
    -- is just too broken.
    let (insertB', insertN', deleteB', bdeleteB', deleteRegionB') =
            if null secondaryCursors
            then (BA.insertB, BA.insertN, BA.deleteB,
                BA.bdeleteB, BA.deleteRegionB)
            else (B.insertB, B.insertN, B.deleteB,
                B.bdeleteB, B.deleteRegionB)

    let bufAction = case T.unpack . _unEv $ evs of
          (c:[]) -> insertB' c
          "<CR>" -> do
              isOldLineEmpty <- isCurrentLineEmptyB
              shouldTrimOldLine <- isCurrentLineAllWhiteSpaceB
              if isOldLineEmpty
              then newlineB
              else if shouldTrimOldLine
              then savingPointB $ do
              else do
          "<Tab>" -> do
              if et
              then insertN' . R.fromString $ replicate sw ' '
              else insertB' '\t'
          "<C-t>"      -> modifyIndentB (+ sw)
          "<C-d>"      -> modifyIndentB (max 0 . subtract sw)
          "<C-e>"      -> insertCharWithBelowB
          "<C-y>"      -> insertCharWithAboveB
          "<BS>"       -> bdeleteB'
          "<C-h>"      -> bdeleteB'
          "<Home>"     -> moveToSol
          "<End>"      -> moveToEol >> leftOnEol
          "<PageUp>"   -> scrollScreensB (-1)
          "<PageDown>" -> scrollScreensB   1
          "<Del>"      -> deleteB' Character Forward
          "<C-w>"      -> deleteRegionB' =<< regionOfPartNonEmptyB unitViWordOnLine Backward
          "<C-u>"      -> bdeleteLineB
          "<lt>"       -> insertB' '<'
          evs'         -> error $ "Unhandled event " <> show evs' <> " in insert mode"

    updatedCursors <- withCurrentBuffer $ do
        updatedCursors <- forM' marks $ \mark -> do
            moveTo =<< use (markPointA mark)
        mapM_ deleteMarkB $ toList marks
        moveTo $ head updatedCursors
        return $ toList updatedCursors
    modifyStateE $ \s -> s { vsSecondaryCursors = drop 1 updatedCursors }
    return Continue
    forM' :: Monad m => NonEmpty a -> (a -> m b) -> m (NonEmpty b)
    forM' (x :| xs) f = liftM2 (:|) (f x) (forM xs f)

completionBinding :: VimBinding
completionBinding = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    where f evs (VimState { vsMode = (Insert _) })
            | evs `elem` ["<C-n>", "<C-p>"]
            = WholeMatch $ do
                  let _direction = if evs == "<C-n>" then Forward else Backward
                  completeWordB FromAllBuffers
                  return Continue
          f _ _ = NoMatch

cursorBinding :: VimBinding
cursorBinding = VimBindingE f
    where f evs (VimState { vsMode = (Insert _) })
            | evs `elem` ["<Up>", "<Left>", "<Down>", "<Right>"]
            = WholeMatch $ do
                  let WholeMatch (Move _style _isJump move) = stringToMove evs
                  withCurrentBuffer $ move Nothing
                  return Continue
          f _ _ = NoMatch