name: yi-vty version: 0.2 category: Editor synopsis: Vty backend for Yi description: Core functions for the Vty backend of Yi. Note that you will need the yi package to use this. license: GPL license-file: LICENSE author: Don Stewart maintainer: build-depends: ghc>=6.6, base, mtl, vty>=3.0, regex-posix, filepath>=1.0 exposed-modules: Yi Yi.Buffer Yi.Char Yi.CharMove Yi.Core Yi.CoreUI Yi.Debug Yi.Editor Yi.Eval Yi.Event Yi.FastBuffer Yi.History Yi.Interact Yi.Kernel Yi.Keymap Yi.Keymap.Completion Yi.Keymap.Ee Yi.Keymap.Emacs Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Keys Yi.Keymap.Emacs.KillRing Yi.Keymap.Emacs.UnivArgument Yi.Keymap.Joe Yi.Keymap.Mg -- Yi.Keymap.Movements ?? Investigate the contents of this module Yi.Keymap.Nano Yi.Keymap.Vi Yi.Keymap.Vim Yi.MkTemp Yi.Process Yi.Region Yi.Search Yi.String Yi.Style Yi.Syntax Yi.Syntax.Table Yi.UI Yi.Undo Yi.Version Yi.Vty Yi.Window Yi.Yi include-dirs: cbits hs-source-dirs: vty, . c-sources: cbits/YiUtils.c other-modules: Yi.Syntax.Haskell extensions: CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface ghc-options: -Wall -fglasgow-exts -O -funbox-strict-fields -fasm -optl-Wl,-s extra-source-files: vty/Yi/UI.hs-boot Yi/Editor.hs-boot cbits/YiUtils.h Yi/Syntax/alex.hsinc