module Network.CommandList ( CommandList , defaultCommandList , getAction , getHelp , getComp , quitFTP , systemFTP , pwdFTP , listFTP , directoryFTP , changeDirectoryLocal , changeDirectoryFTP , getFileFTP , putFileFTP , showFileFTP , removeFileFTP , makeDirectoryFTP , removeDirectoryFTP , moveFileFTP , copyFileFTP , editBy , readBy , getEnv , const2 , compRemoteFile , compLs , filenameCompletionFunction ) where import Network.FTP.Client (FTPConnection, getbinary, putbinary, uploadbinary, downloadbinary, nlst, dir, pwd, cwd, rename, delete, mkdir, rmdir) import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hPutStr) import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory, removeFile, getTemporaryDirectory) import System.Environment (getEnv) import System.Cmd (system) import System.IO.Error (isUserError) import System.Posix.Temp (mkstemp) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Control.Exception (catchJust, ioErrors, ioError, bracketOnError) import System.Console.Readline type Action = FTPConnection -> [String] -> IO Bool type Command = (Action, String, FTPConnection -> String -> IO [String]) type CommandList = [(String, Command)] getAction :: Command -> Action getAction (act, _, _) = act getHelp :: Command -> String getHelp (_, help, _) = help getComp :: Command -> FTPConnection -> String -> IO [String] getComp (_, _, comp) = comp defaultCommandList :: CommandList defaultCommandList = [ ("q", (quitFTP, "exit from yjftp", const2 $ return [])) , ("quit", (quitFTP, "exit from yjftp", const2 $ return [])) , ("exit", (quitFTP, "exit from yjftp", const2 $ return [])) , ("bye", (quitFTP, "exit from yjftp", const2 $ return [])) , ("!", (systemFTP, "run system command", const2 $ return [])) , ("pwd", (pwdFTP, "print where directory you are at", const2 $ return [])) , ("ls", (\h args -> case args of ("-l":args_) -> directoryFTP h args_ _ -> listFTP h args , "list directory contents\n\toption -l list detail of contents", compLs)) , ("cd", (changeDirectoryFTP, "change directory in remote", compRemoteFile)) , ("lcd", (changeDirectoryLocal, "change directory in local", const filenameCompletionFunction)) , ("put", (putFileFTP, "upload file", const filenameCompletionFunction)) , ("get", (getFileFTP, "download file", compRemoteFile)) , ("cat", (showFileFTP, "show remote file", compRemoteFile)) , ("rm", (removeFileFTP, "delete remote file", compRemoteFile)) , ("mkdir", (makeDirectoryFTP, "make directory in remote", const2 $ return [])) , ("rmdir", (removeDirectoryFTP, "delete directory in remote", compRemoteFile)) , ("mv", (moveFileFTP, "move/change name file in remote", compRemoteFile)) , ("cp", (copyFileFTP, "copy file in remote", compRemoteFile)) , ("edit", (editBy $ \fn -> do edt <- catch (getEnv "EDITOR") (const $ return "vi") return $ edt ++ " " ++ fn , "edit by $EDITOR", compRemoteFile)) , ("show", (readBy $ \fn -> do pgr <- catch (getEnv "PAGER") (const $ return "less") return $ pgr ++ " " ++ fn , "show by $PAGER", compRemoteFile)) ] const2 :: a -> b -> c -> a const2 = const . const quitFTP :: Action quitFTP = const2 $ return False systemFTP :: Action systemFTP = const $ (>> return True) . system . unwords pwdFTP :: Action pwdFTP h [] = pwd h >>= putStrLn . fromJust . fst >> return True pwdFTP _ _ = error "pwdFTP: args incorrect" listFTP :: Action listFTP h [] = nlst h Nothing >>= putStrLn . unwords >> return True listFTP h [path] = nlst h (Just path) >>= putStrLn . unwords >> return True listFTP _ _ = error "listFTP: args incorrect" directoryFTP :: Action directoryFTP h [] = dir h Nothing >>= putStrLn . unlines >> return True directoryFTP h [path] = dir h (Just path) >>= putStrLn . unlines >> return True directoryFTP _ _ = error "directoryFTP: args incorrect" changeDirectoryFTP :: Action changeDirectoryFTP h [dirPath] = cwd h dirPath >> return True changeDirectoryFTP _ _ = error "changeDirectoryFTP: args incorrect" changeDirectoryLocal :: Action changeDirectoryLocal _ [dirPath] = setCurrentDirectory dirPath >> return True changeDirectoryLocal _ _ = error "changeDirectoryLocal: args incorrect" putFileFTP :: Action putFileFTP h [file] = uploadbinary h file >> return True putFileFTP _ _ = error "putFileFTP: args incorrect" getFileFTP :: Action getFileFTP h [file] = downloadbinary h file >> return True getFileFTP _ _ = error "getFileFTP: args incorrect" showFileFTP :: Action showFileFTP h [file] = getbinary h file >>= putStr . fst >> return True showFileFTP _ _ = error "showFileFTP: args incorrect" removeFileFTP :: Action removeFileFTP h [file] = delete h file >> return True removeFileFTP _ _ = error "removeFileFTP: args incorrect" makeDirectoryFTP :: Action makeDirectoryFTP h [dr] = mkdir h dr >> return True makeDirectoryFTP _ _ = error "makeDirectoryFTP: args incorrect" removeDirectoryFTP :: Action removeDirectoryFTP h [dr] = rmdir h dr >> return True removeDirectoryFTP _ _ = error "removeDirectoryFTP: args incorrect" moveFileFTP :: Action moveFileFTP h [src, dst] = rename h src dst >> return True moveFileFTP _ _ = error "moveFileFTP: args incorrect" copyFileFTP :: Action copyFileFTP h [src, dst] = getbinary h src >>= flush >>= putbinary h dst . fst >> return True where flush s@(c,_) = putStr (take (length c - length c) "dummy") >> return s copyFileFTP _ _ = error "Usage: cp src dist" editBy :: (String -> IO String) -> Action editBy mkEdtr h [fp] = bracketOnError (mkTempFile $ "ftpvi_" ++ basename fp) (\(fn, fd) -> hClose fd >> tmpFileSave fn) $ \(fn, fd) -> do catchJust ioErrors (getbinary h fp >>= hPutStr fd . fst) (\err -> if isUserError err then return () else ioError err) hClose fd edt <- mkEdtr fn system edt readFile fn >>= putbinary h fp removeFile fn return True where tmpFileSave n = putStrLn $ "temp file save as " ++ "'" ++ n ++ "'" editBy _ _ _ = error "editBy: bad args" readBy :: (String -> IO String) -> Action readBy vwr h [fp] = bracketOnError (mkTempFile $ "ftpview_" ++ basename fp) (\(fn, fd) -> hClose fd >> removeFile fn) $ \(fn, fd) -> do getbinary h fp >>= hPutStr fd . fst hClose fd pgr <- vwr fn system pgr removeFile fn return True readBy _ _ _ = error "readBy: bad arguments" basename :: FilePath -> FilePath basename = reverse . takeWhile (/='/') . reverse mkTempFile :: String -> IO (String, Handle) mkTempFile fn = do tmpDir <- getTemporaryDirectory mkstemp $ tmpDir ++ "/" ++ fn ++ "-XXXXXX" compLs :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO [String] compLs h str | elem '/' str = do let d = reverse $ dropWhile (/='/') $ reverse str fns <- myNlst h $ Just d return $ addExcess $ filter (isPrefixOf str) $ "-l" : map (d++) fns | otherwise = do fns <- myNlst h Nothing return $ addExcess $ filter (isPrefixOf str) $ "-l" : fns compRemoteFile :: FTPConnection -> String -> IO [String] compRemoteFile h str | elem '/' str = do let d = reverse $ dropWhile (/='/') $ reverse str fns <- myNlst h $ Just d return $ addExcess $ filter (isPrefixOf str) $ map (d++) fns | otherwise = do fns <- myNlst h Nothing return $ addExcess $ filter (isPrefixOf str) fns addExcess :: [String] -> [String] addExcess [""] = [""] addExcess [fp] | last fp == '/' = [fp, fp++" "] | otherwise = [fp] addExcess fps = fps myNlst :: FTPConnection -> Maybe String -> IO [String] myNlst h str = do cnt <- dir h str return $ map mkRet cnt where mkRet ('d':rest) = last (words rest) ++ "/" mkRet ('-':rest) = last (words rest) mkRet ('l':rest) = last (words rest) mkRet _ = error "myNlst error"