{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, GADTs,
  ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, QuasiQuotes,
  TypeOperators, TypeSynonymInstances, Rank2Types, ViewPatterns #-}

{- |

Module      :  Data.Yoko.Reflect
Copyright   :  (c) The University of Kansas 2011
License     :  BSD3

Maintainer  :  nicolas.frisby@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  see LANGUAGE pragmas (... GHC)

Definitions on top of the basic @yoko@ reflection concepts "Data.Yoko.ReflectBase".


module Data.Yoko.Reflect
  (module Data.Yoko.Reflect, module Data.Yoko.ReflectBase) where

import Type.Yoko

import Data.Yoko.Generic
import Data.Yoko.ReflectBase

type instance Tag (N dc) = Tag dc

type instance Recurs (D a) = V
type instance Recurs (F f c) = Recurs c
type instance Recurs (FF ff c d) =
  NormW (Recurs c) (Recurs d) -- NormW avoiding duplication
type instance Recurs (M i c) = Recurs c
type instance Recurs (N t) = Recurs (Rep t)
type instance Recurs (R t) = N t
type instance Recurs U = V
type instance Recurs V = V

type SiblingsU t = Uni (Siblings t)

data IsDC dc where IsDC :: DC dc => IsDC dc
type instance Pred IsDC t = True
instance DC dc => dc ::: IsDC where inhabits = IsDC

newtype RMNTo m b dc = RMNTo {rmnTo :: RMN m dc -> b}
type instance Unwrap (RMNTo m b) dc = RMN m dc -> b
instance Wrapper (RMNTo m b) where wrap = RMNTo; unwrap = rmnTo

-- | Just a specialization: @dcDispatch = (. disband) . dcDispatch'@.
dcDispatch :: DT t => NT (DCU t) (RMNTo IdM b) -> t -> b
dcDispatch = (. disband) . dcDispatch'

-- | Just a specialization: @dcDispatch' nt ('NP' ('DCOf' tag) fds) = 'appNT'
-- nt tag fds@.
dcDispatch' :: DT t => NT (DCU t) (RMNTo IdM b) -> Disbanded IdM t -> b
dcDispatch' nt (NP (DCOf tag) fds) = appNT nt tag fds

{- | A fundamental notion of identity in @yoko@, the @TagRepIs tag c@ universe
contains all constructor types @dc@ where @(Tag dc ~ tag, c ~ Rep dc)@.

  type instance Pred (TagRepIs tag c) dc =
    And (IsEQ (Compare (Tag dc) tag)) (IsEQ (Compare (Rep dc) c))

data TagRepIs tag c dc where
  TagRepIs :: (Tag dc ~ tag, c ~ Rep dc) => TagRepIs tag c dc
instance (Tag dc ~ tag, c ~ Rep dc) => dc ::: TagRepIs tag c where
  inhabits = TagRepIs
type instance Pred (TagRepIs tag c) dc =
  And (IsEQ (Compare (Tag dc) tag)) (IsEQ (Compare (Rep dc) c))

{-data TagGistEQ tag gst m dc where
  TagGistEQ :: (Tag dc ~ tag, Gist (N dc), Gst (N dc) m ~ gst
               ) => TagGistEQ tag gst m dc
instance (Tag dc ~ tag, Gist (N dc), Gst (N dc) m ~ gst
         ) => dc ::: TagGistEQ tag gst m where inhabits = TagGistEQ
type instance Pred (TagGistEQ tag gst m) dc =
  And (IsEQ (Compare (Tag dc) tag))
      (IsEQ (Compare (Gst (N dc) m) gst))-}

-- | Just a specialization: @bandDCs = band@.
bandDCs :: DT t => Disbanded IdM t -> t; bandDCs = band

fr_DCOf :: DCOf t dc -> RMNI dc -> t; fr_DCOf (DCOf _) = fr