{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts,
  MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, ConstraintKinds,
  ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-}

{- |

Module      :  Data.Yoko
Copyright   :  (c) The University of Kansas 2011
License     :  BSD3

Maintainer  :  nicolas.frisby@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  see LANGUAGE pragmas (... GHC)

This omnibus module is the only necessary import for using the @yoko@ generic
programming library.

However, some sophisticated functions' types might need to import the
"Data.Yoko.TypeBasics" or "Data.Yoko.Each" modules.

The "Data.Yoko.HCompos" function defines the generic homomorphism; see the
paper \"A Pattern for Almost Homomorphic Functions\" at
<http://www.ittc.ku.edu/~nfrisby/papers/yoko.pdf>, submitted to ICFP 2012.

@dc@ type variables abstract over /fields types/.

@dcs@ and @sum@ type variables abstract over sums of /fields types/.

Types of the form @'DCsOf' t dcs@ are /disbanded data types/; for each fields
type @dc@ in @dcs@, @'Range' dc ~ t@.

A Template Haskell deriver is provided in the "Data.Yoko.TH" module.


module Data.Yoko
  (module Data.Yoko.Representation,
   module Data.Yoko.View,
   -- * Building fields type consumers
   one, (||.), (.||), (.|.),
   -- * Operations on disbanded data types
   disbanded, band, ConDCOf, exact_case,
   -- * Operations on sums of fields types
   (:-:), Embed, Partition,
   inject, partition, project,
   -- * Forgetting @yoko@'s extra structure
   reps, EachGeneric, EachRep, ig_from,
   -- * Bundled Template Haskell
   module Data.Yoko.TH) where

import Data.Yoko.TypeBasics
import Data.Yoko.Representation
import Data.Yoko.View
import Data.Yoko.TypeSums (Embed, Partition, (:-:))
import qualified Data.Yoko.TypeSums as TypeSums
import Data.Yoko.Each

import Data.Yoko.TH

import Control.Arrow (right, (+++))

-- | @one@ extends a function that consumes a fields type to a function that
-- consumes a disbanded data type containing just that fields type.
one :: (dc -> a) -> DCsOf (Range dc) (N dc) -> a
one = (. unDCsOf) . foldN

infixl 9 .|.
infixr 8 .||, ||.
-- | @f .|. g = one f '|||' one g@
f .|. g = one f ||| one g
-- | @f .|| g = one f '|||' g@
f .|| g = one f ||| g
-- | @f ||. g = f '|||' one g@
f ||. g = f ||| one g

-- | @disbanded@ injects a fields type into its disbanded range
disbanded :: Embed (N dc) (DCs (Range dc)) => dc -> Disbanded (Range dc)
disbanded = DCsOf . TypeSums.inject

-- | @band@s a disbanded data type back into its normal data type.
-- Since 'Disbanded' is a type family, the range of @band@ determines the @t@
-- type variable.
band :: forall t. Each (ConDCOf t) (DCs t) => Disbanded t -> t
band = each (Proxy :: Proxy (ConDCOf t)) rejoin

class (Range dc ~ t, DC dc) => ConDCOf t dc
instance (Range dc ~ t, DC dc) => ConDCOf t dc

-- | @inject@s a fields type into a sum of fields types.
inject :: Embed (N dc) sum => dc -> sum
inject = TypeSums.inject

-- | @partition@s a sum of fields type into a specified sum of fields types and
-- the remaining sum.
partition :: Partition sum sub (sum :-: sub) =>
             DCsOf t sum -> Either (DCsOf t sub) (DCsOf t (sum :-: sub))
partition = (DCsOf +++ DCsOf) . TypeSums.partition . unDCsOf

-- | @project@s a single fields type out of a disbanded data type.
project :: Partition sum (N dc) (sum :-: N dc) =>
           DCsOf (Range dc) sum -> Either dc (DCsOf (Range dc) (sum :-: N dc))
project = right DCsOf . TypeSums.project . unDCsOf

-- TODO need a MapSum just like MapRs, use a RPV for rep

-- | @reps@ maps a disbanded data type to its sum-of-products representation.
reps :: EachGeneric sum => DCsOf t sum -> EachRep sum
reps = repEach . unDCsOf

type family EachRep sum
type instance EachRep (N a) = Rep a
type instance EachRep (a :+: b) = EachRep a :+: EachRep b
class EachGeneric sum where
  repEach :: sum -> EachRep sum   ;   objEach :: EachRep sum -> sum
instance Generic a => EachGeneric (N a) where
  repEach (N x) = rep x   ;   objEach = N . obj
instance (EachGeneric a, EachGeneric b) => EachGeneric (a :+: b) where
  repEach = mapPlus repEach repEach
  objEach = mapPlus objEach objEach

-- | @exact_case@ is an exactly-typed case: the second argument is the
-- discriminant, the first argument is the default case, and the third argument
-- approximates a list of alternatives.
-- @
-- exact_case default x $
--   (\(C0_ ...) -> ...) '.||'
--   (\(C1_ ...) -> ...) '.|.'
--   (\(C2_ ...) -> ...)
-- @
-- In this example, @C0_@, @C1_@, and @C2_@ are fields types. The other fields
-- types for the same data type are handled with the @default@ function.
exact_case :: (DT t, Partition (DCs t) dcs (DCs t :-: dcs)) =>
  (DCsOf t (DCs t :-: dcs) -> a) -> t -> (DCsOf t dcs -> a) -> a
exact_case g x f =
  either f g $ partition $ disband x

-- | @ig_from x =@ 'reps $ disband' @x@ is a convenience. It approximates the
-- @instant-generics@ view, less the @CEq@ annotations.
ig_from :: (DT t, EachGeneric (DCs t)) => t -> EachRep (DCs t)
ig_from x = reps $ disband x