module Main (main) where import qualified YouTube import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc import qualified System.Environment as Env import qualified System.Exit as Exit import qualified System.Process as Proc import qualified System.IO as IO import Utility (exitFailureMsg, ) boundary :: String boundary = "20ura9wrejfoegsnvgengnesg893ut9834" writeBody :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO.Handle -> IO () writeBody xml video h = do IO.hPutStrLn h $ "--" ++ boundary IO.hPutStrLn h "Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8" IO.hPutStrLn h "" BL.readFile xml >>= BL.hPut h IO.hPutStrLn h $ "--" ++ boundary IO.hPutStrLn h "Content-Type: video/avi" IO.hPutStrLn h "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" IO.hPutStrLn h "" BL.readFile video >>= BL.hPut h IO.hPutStrLn h "" IO.hPutStrLn h $ "--" ++ boundary ++ "--" runCurl :: String -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () runCurl developerKey auth xml video = do (inp,out,err,pid) <- Proc.runInteractiveProcess "curl" [ "--header", "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=" ++ auth, "--header", "X-GData-Key: key=" ++ developerKey, "--header", "GData-Version: 2", "--header", "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"" ++ boundary ++ "\"", "--header", "Slug: " ++ video, "--data-binary", "@-", -- "http://localhost:8080/" "" ] Nothing Nothing term <- MVar.newEmptyMVar let transfer from to = IO.hGetContents from >>= IO.hPutStr to >> MVar.putMVar term () -- BL.hGetContents from >>= BL.hPutStr to >> MVar.putMVar term () _ <- Conc.forkIO $ transfer out IO.stdout _ <- Conc.forkIO $ transfer err IO.stderr writeBody xml video inp IO.hClose inp exit <- Proc.waitForProcess pid case exit of Exit.ExitFailure _ -> Exit.exitWith exit _ -> return () MVar.takeMVar term MVar.takeMVar term main :: IO () main = do args <- Env.getArgs case args of [keyPath, xml, video] -> do auth <- Env.getEnv YouTube.authVar key <- readFile keyPath case lines key of k:_ -> runCurl k auth xml video _ -> exitFailureMsg "empty developerKey file" _ -> do prog <- Env.getProgName exitFailureMsg $ "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " developerKeyPath xmlPath videoPath"