module Text.CxML.NavList where

import Text.CxML.Types
import Text.CxML.Tags
import Text.CxML.HTML
import Text.CxML.CSS

-- this should really be renamed CxML.Components

-- this module defines a navigation list component which can be used for tabs, left-hand vertical menu or breadcrumbs. 
-- see " a list apart" on taming lists but I don't like their breadcrumbs solution with nested markup.

data NavListStyle = Tabs | Vertical | Breadcrumbs | HoverCols String String | NoUnderline | LinesBetween | AnyCSS StyleDecl
                  | TextCol String  | CurrentLinkCSS [(String, String)] | CurrentItemCSS [(String, String)]

--navList ::[NavListStyle] -> String -> [(String, String)]  -> CxML a
navList styls tid (item:items) = ul^#tid^%(('#':tid) *> (concatMap navStyles styls))/- ((litemf item):(map litem items))
    where litem (txt,targ) = li /- [a^>targ /- [modHElems processText $ t txt]]
          litemf (txt,targ) = li^."first" /- [a^>targ /- [t txt]]
          navStyles Tabs = []
          navStyles Vertical = [CSSRule ["li a"] [("padding","4px"), ("font-size", "116%")]]
          navStyles (CurrentLinkCSS sty) = [CSSRule ["li.current a"] sty]
          navStyles (CurrentItemCSS sty) = [CSSRule ["li a"] sty]
          navStyles (TextCol cl) = [CSSRule ["li a"] [("color",cl)]]
          navStyles (HoverCols tx bg) = [CSSRule ["li:hover"] [("background-color",bg)],
                                         CSSRule ["li:hover a"] [("color",tx)]]
          navStyles NoUnderline = [CSSRule ["li a"] [("text-decoration","none")]]
          navStyles LinesBetween = [CSSRule ["li"] [("border-top","1px solid #bbbbbb")],
                                    CSSRule ["li.first"] [("border-top","none")]
          navStyles Breadcrumbs = [CSSRule ["li","ul"] [("display","inline"), ("margin", "0"),("padding", "0")]]
          prependChar Breadcrumbs = "» "
          prependChar _ = ""
          processText (HText t)= HText ((concatMap prependChar styls )++t)
          processText h = h

vertNav = navList [Vertical, NoUnderline, LinesBetween, TextCol "#000", HoverCols "#f33" "#ccc"] "vertNav"

h1logo txt imgpath = h1^#"h1logo"^%rls /- [t txt] 
 where rls = [CSSRule ["#h1logo"] [("text-indent","-9999px"),
                                   ("background", "url("++imgpath++") no-repeat;"),
                                   ("width", "100%"),("height","60px")

formTo :: String -> [CxML a] -> CxML a
formTo actionUrl chs = 
             /- chs

submitBtn lbl = button!("name","action")!("value","submit") /- [t lbl]

{- from formerly RequestCtx.hs -}

--yuiMenu  = div^."yuimenu" // div^."bd" // [ul^."first-of-type" // "hello world"]

--div^."yuimenu" // div^."bd" // ul^."first-of-type" // "hello world" -- yawn

formSection nm contents = if null nm 
                             then fieldset /- [ol /- contents]
                             else fieldset /- [legend /- [t nm],
                                               ol /- contents]

--setValFromCtx :: (a -> String) -> CxML a -> CxML a
--setValFromCtx stLam (CxML (h,c,j))= CxML (\ctx-> map (add_attr "value" (stLam ctx)) $ h ctx, c,j )