z3-0.3.2: Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover

Copyright(c) Iago Abal, 2012-2014 (c) David Castro, 2012-2013
MaintainerIago Abal <mail@iagoabal.eu>, David Castro <david.castro.dcp@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




Low-level bindings to Z3 API.

There is (mostly) a one-to-one correspondence with Z3 C API, thus see http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/z3/group__capi.html for further details.

Note that these bindings still focus on the old Z3 3.x API, and will not handle reference counting for you if you decide to use Z3 4.x API functions. Mixing both API is known to cause some segmentation faults!

Supporting Z3 4.x API (and removing support for 3.x) is planned for the 0.4 version of these bindings.



data Config Source

A Z3 configuration object.


data Context Source

A Z3 logical context.


data Symbol Source

A Z3 symbol.

Used to name types, constants and functions.

data AST Source

A Z3 AST node.

This is the data-structure used in Z3 to represent terms, formulas and types.

data Sort Source

A kind of AST representing types.

data FuncDecl Source

A kind of AST representing function symbols.

data App Source

A kind of AST representing constant and function declarations.


data Pattern Source

A kind of AST representing pattern and multi-patterns to guide quantifier instantiation.

data Model Source

A model for the constraints asserted into the logical context.


data FuncInterp Source

An interpretation of a function in a model.


data FuncEntry Source

Representation of the value of a Z3_func_interp at a particular point.


data Params Source

A Z3 parameter set.

Starting at Z3 4.0, parameter sets are used to configure many components such as: simplifiers, tactics, solvers, etc.


data Solver Source

A Z3 solver engine.

A(n) (incremental) solver, possibly specialized by a particular tactic or logic.


Satisfiability result

data Result Source

Result of a satisfiability check.

This corresponds to the z3_lbool type in the C API.




mkConfig :: IO Config Source

Create a configuration.

delConfig :: Config -> IO () Source

Delete a configuration.

withConfig :: (Config -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Run a computation using a temporally created configuration.

Note that the configuration object can be thrown away once it has been used to create the Z3 Context.

setParamValue :: Config -> String -> String -> IO () Source

Set a configuration parameter.


mkContext :: Config -> IO Context Source

Create a context using the given configuration.

delContext :: Context -> IO () Source

Delete the given logical context.

withContext :: Config -> (Context -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Run a computation using a temporally created context.

contextToString :: Context -> IO String Source

Convert the given logical context into a string.

showContext :: Context -> IO String Source

Deprecated: Use contextToString instead.

Alias for contextToString.


mkIntSymbol :: Integral int => Context -> int -> IO Symbol Source

Create a Z3 symbol using an integer.

mkIntSymbol c i requires 0 <= i < 2^30

mkStringSymbol :: Context -> String -> IO Symbol Source

Create a Z3 symbol using a string.


mkUninterpretedSort :: Context -> Symbol -> IO Sort Source

Create a free (uninterpreted) type using the given name (symbol).

Two free types are considered the same iff the have the same name.

mkBoolSort :: Context -> IO Sort Source

Create the boolean type.

This type is used to create propositional variables and predicates.

mkIntSort :: Context -> IO Sort Source

Create an integer type.

This is the type of arbitrary precision integers. A machine integer can be represented using bit-vectors, see mkBvSort.

mkRealSort :: Context -> IO Sort Source

Create a real type.

This type is not a floating point number. Z3 does not have support for floating point numbers yet.

mkBvSort :: Context -> Int -> IO Sort Source

Create a bit-vector type of the given size.

This type can also be seen as a machine integer.

mkBvSort c sz requires sz >= 0

mkArraySort :: Context -> Sort -> Sort -> IO Sort Source

Create an array type

We usually represent the array type as: [domain -> range]. Arrays are usually used to model the heap/memory in software verification.

mkTupleSort Source


:: Context


-> Symbol

Name of the sort

-> [(Symbol, Sort)]

Name and sort of each field

-> IO (Sort, FuncDecl, [FuncDecl])

Resulting sort, and function declarations for the constructor and projections.

Create a tuple type

A tuple with n fields has a constructor and n projections. This function will also declare the constructor and projection functions.

Constants and Applications

mkFuncDecl Source


:: Context

Logical context.

-> Symbol

Name of the function (or constant).

-> [Sort]

Function domain (empty for constants).

-> Sort

Return sort of the function.

-> IO FuncDecl 

Declare a constant or function.

mkApp :: Context -> FuncDecl -> [AST] -> IO AST Source

Create a constant or function application.

mkConst :: Context -> Symbol -> Sort -> IO AST Source

Declare and create a constant.

This is a shorthand for: do xd <- mkFunDecl c x [] s; mkApp c xd []

mkTrue :: Context -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing true.

mkFalse :: Context -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing false.

mkEq :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing l = r.

mkNot :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing not(a).

mkIte :: Context -> AST -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing an if-then-else: ite(t1, t2, t3).

mkIff :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing t1 iff t2.

mkImplies :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing t1 implies t2.

mkXor :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing t1 xor t2.

mkAnd :: Context -> [AST] -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing args[0] and ... and args[num_args-1].

mkOr :: Context -> [AST] -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing args[0] or ... or args[num_args-1].

mkDistinct :: Context -> [AST] -> IO AST Source

The distinct construct is used for declaring the arguments pairwise distinct.

That is, and [ args!!i /= args!!j | i <- [0..length(args)-1], j <- [i+1..length(args)-1] ]

mkAdd :: Context -> [AST] -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing args[0] + ... + args[num_args-1].

mkMul :: Context -> [AST] -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing args[0] * ... * args[num_args-1].

mkSub :: Context -> [AST] -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing args[0] - ... - args[num_args - 1].

mkUnaryMinus :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing -arg.

mkDiv :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing arg1 div arg2.

mkMod :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing arg1 mod arg2.

mkRem :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an AST node representing arg1 rem arg2.

mkLt :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create less than.

mkLe :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create less than or equal to.

mkGt :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create greater than.

mkGe :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create greater than or equal to.

mkInt2Real :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Coerce an integer to a real.

mkReal2Int :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Coerce a real to an integer.

mkIsInt :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Check if a real number is an integer.


mkBvnot :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Bitwise negation.

mkBvredand :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Take conjunction of bits in vector, return vector of length 1.

mkBvredor :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Take disjunction of bits in vector, return vector of length 1.

mkBvand :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Bitwise and.

mkBvor :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Bitwise or.

mkBvxor :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Bitwise exclusive-or.

mkBvnand :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Bitwise nand.

mkBvnor :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Bitwise nor.

mkBvxnor :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Bitwise xnor.

mkBvneg :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Standard two's complement unary minus.

mkBvadd :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Standard two's complement addition.

mkBvsub :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Standard two's complement subtraction.

mkBvmul :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Standard two's complement multiplication.

mkBvudiv :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Unsigned division.

mkBvsdiv :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Two's complement signed division.

mkBvurem :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Unsigned remainder.

mkBvsrem :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Two's complement signed remainder (sign follows dividend).

mkBvsmod :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Two's complement signed remainder (sign follows divisor).

mkBvult :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Unsigned less than.

mkBvslt :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Two's complement signed less than.

mkBvule :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Unsigned less than or equal to.

mkBvsle :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Two's complement signed less than or equal to.

mkBvuge :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Unsigned greater than or equal to.

mkBvsge :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Two's complement signed greater than or equal to.

mkBvugt :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Unsigned greater than.

mkBvsgt :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Two's complement signed greater than.

mkConcat :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Concatenate the given bit-vectors.

mkExtract :: Context -> Int -> Int -> AST -> IO AST Source

Extract the bits high down to low from a bitvector of size m to yield a new bitvector of size n, where n = high - low + 1.

mkSignExt :: Context -> Int -> AST -> IO AST Source

Sign-extend of the given bit-vector to the (signed) equivalent bitvector of size m+i, where m is the size of the given bit-vector.

mkZeroExt :: Context -> Int -> AST -> IO AST Source

Extend the given bit-vector with zeros to the (unsigned) equivalent bitvector of size m+i, where m is the size of the given bit-vector.

mkRepeat :: Context -> Int -> AST -> IO AST Source

Repeat the given bit-vector up length i.

mkBvshl :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Shift left.

mkBvlshr :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Logical shift right.

mkBvashr :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Arithmetic shift right.

mkRotateLeft :: Context -> Int -> AST -> IO AST Source

Rotate bits of t1 to the left i times.

mkRotateRight :: Context -> Int -> AST -> IO AST Source

Rotate bits of t1 to the right i times.

mkExtRotateLeft :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Rotate bits of t1 to the left t2 times.

mkExtRotateRight :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Rotate bits of t1 to the right t2 times.

mkInt2bv :: Context -> Int -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an n bit bit-vector from the integer argument t1.

mkBv2int :: Context -> AST -> Bool -> IO AST Source

Create an integer from the bit-vector argument t1.

If is_signed is false, then the bit-vector t1 is treated as unsigned. So the result is non-negative and in the range [0..2^N-1], where N are the number of bits in t1. If is_signed is true, t1 is treated as a signed bit-vector.

mkBvnegNoOverflow :: Context -> AST -> IO AST Source

Check that bit-wise negation does not overflow when t1 is interpreted as a signed bit-vector.

mkBvaddNoOverflow :: Context -> AST -> AST -> Bool -> IO AST Source

Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise addition of t1 and t2 does not overflow.

mkBvaddNoUnderflow :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed addition of t1 and t2 does not underflow.

mkBvsubNoOverflow :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed subtraction of t1 and t2 does not overflow.

mkBvsubNoUnderflow :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise subtraction of t1 and t2 does not underflow.

mkBvmulNoOverflow :: Context -> AST -> AST -> Bool -> IO AST Source

Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise multiplication of t1 and t2 does not overflow.

mkBvmulNoUnderflow :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed multiplication of t1 and t2 does not underflow.

mkBvsdivNoOverflow :: Context -> AST -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed division of t1 and t2 does not overflow.


mkSelect Source


:: Context 
-> AST


-> AST

Index of the array to read.

-> IO AST 

Array read. The argument a is the array and i is the index of the array that gets read.

mkStore Source


:: Context 
-> AST


-> AST

Index i of the array.

-> AST

New value for i.

-> IO AST 

Array update.

The result of this function is an array that is equal to the input array (with respect to select) on all indices except for i, where it maps to v.

The semantics of this function is given by the theory of arrays described in the SMT-LIB standard. See http://smtlib.org for more details.

mkConstArray Source


:: Context 
-> Sort

Domain sort of the array.

-> AST

Value v that the array maps to.

-> IO AST 

Create the constant array.

The resulting term is an array, such that a select on an arbitrary index produces the value v.

mkMap Source


:: Context 
-> FuncDecl

Function f.

-> [AST]

List of arrays.

-> IO AST 

Map a function f on the the argument arrays.

The n nodes args must be of array sorts [domain -> range_i]. The function declaration f must have type range_1 .. range_n -> range. The sort of the result is [domain -> range].

mkArrayDefault Source


:: Context 
-> AST


-> IO AST 

Access the array default value.

Produces the default range value, for arrays that can be represented as finite maps with a default range value.


mkNumeral :: Context -> String -> Sort -> IO AST Source

Create a numeral of a given sort.

mkInt :: Integral a => Context -> a -> IO AST Source

Create a numeral of sort int.

mkReal :: Real r => Context -> r -> IO AST Source

Create a numeral of sort real.


mkPattern Source


:: Context 
-> [AST]


-> IO Pattern 

Create a pattern for quantifier instantiation.

Z3 uses pattern matching to instantiate quantifiers. If a pattern is not provided for a quantifier, then Z3 will automatically compute a set of patterns for it. However, for optimal performance, the user should provide the patterns.

Patterns comprise a list of terms. The list should be non-empty. If the list comprises of more than one term, it is a called a multi-pattern.

In general, one can pass in a list of (multi-)patterns in the quantifier constructor.

mkBound Source


:: Context 
-> Int

de-Bruijn index.

-> Sort 
-> IO AST 

Create a bound variable.

Bound variables are indexed by de-Bruijn indices.

See http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/z3/group__capi.html#ga1d4da8849fca699b345322f8ee1fa31e

mkForall Source


:: Context 
-> [Pattern]

Instantiation patterns (see mkPattern).

-> [Symbol]

Bound (quantified) variables xs.

-> [Sort]

Sorts of the bound variables.

-> AST

Body of the quantifier.

-> IO AST 

Create a forall formula.

The bound variables are de-Bruijn indices created using mkBound.

Z3 applies the convention that the last element in xs refers to the variable with index 0, the second to last element of xs refers to the variable with index 1, etc.

mkExists :: Context -> [Pattern] -> [Symbol] -> [Sort] -> AST -> IO AST Source

Create an exists formula.

Similar to mkForall.

mkForallConst Source


:: Context 
-> [Pattern]

Instantiation patterns (see mkPattern).

-> [App]

Constants to be abstracted into bound variables.

-> AST

Quantifier body.

-> IO AST 

Create a universal quantifier using a list of constants that will form the set of bound variables.

mkExistsConst Source


:: Context 
-> [Pattern]

Instantiation patterns (see mkPattern).

-> [App]

Constants to be abstracted into bound variables.

-> AST

Quantifier body.

-> IO AST 

Create a existential quantifier using a list of constants that will form the set of bound variables.


getBvSortSize :: Context -> Sort -> IO Int Source

Return the size of the given bit-vector sort.

getSort :: Context -> AST -> IO Sort Source

Return the sort of an AST node.

getBool :: Context -> AST -> IO (Maybe Bool) Source

Return Z3_L_TRUE if a is true, Z3_L_FALSE if it is false, and Z3_L_UNDEF otherwise.

getInt :: Context -> AST -> IO Integer Source

Return Z3Int value

getReal :: Context -> AST -> IO Rational Source

Return Z3Real value

toApp :: Context -> AST -> IO App Source

Convert an ast into an APP_AST. This is just type casting.


data FuncModel Source

The interpretation of a function.




interpMap :: [([AST], AST)]

Mapping from arguments to values.

interpElse :: AST

Default value.

eval Source


:: Context 
-> Model

Model m.

-> AST

Expression to evaluate t.

-> IO (Maybe AST) 

Evaluate an AST node in the given model.

The evaluation may fail for the following reasons:

  • t contains a quantifier.
  • the model m is partial.
  • t is type incorrect.

evalT :: Traversable t => Context -> Model -> t AST -> IO (Maybe (t AST)) Source

Evaluate a collection of AST nodes in the given model.

evalFunc :: Context -> Model -> FuncDecl -> IO (Maybe FuncModel) Source

Evaluate a function declaration to a list of argument/value pairs.

evalArray :: Context -> Model -> AST -> IO (Maybe FuncModel) Source

Evaluate an array as a function, if possible.

getFuncInterp :: Context -> Model -> FuncDecl -> IO (Maybe FuncInterp) Source

Return the interpretation of the function f in the model m. Return NULL, if the model does not assign an interpretation for f. That should be interpreted as: the f does not matter.

isAsArray :: Context -> AST -> IO Bool Source

The (_ as-array f) AST node is a construct for assigning interpretations for arrays in Z3. It is the array such that forall indices i we have that (select (_ as-array f) i) is equal to (f i). This procedure returns Z3_TRUE if the a is an as-array AST node.

getAsArrayFuncDecl :: Context -> AST -> IO FuncDecl Source

Return the function declaration f associated with a (_ as_array f) node.

funcInterpGetNumEntries :: Context -> FuncInterp -> IO Int Source

Return the number of entries in the given function interpretation.

funcInterpGetEntry :: Context -> FuncInterp -> Int -> IO FuncEntry Source

Return a _point_ of the given function intepretation. It represents the value of f in a particular point.

funcInterpGetElse :: Context -> FuncInterp -> IO AST Source

Return the 'else' value of the given function interpretation.

funcInterpGetArity :: Context -> FuncInterp -> IO Int Source

Return the arity (number of arguments) of the given function interpretation.

funcEntryGetValue :: Context -> FuncEntry -> IO AST Source

Return the value of this point.

funcEntryGetNumArgs :: Context -> FuncEntry -> IO Int Source

Return the number of arguments in a Z3_func_entry object.

funcEntryGetArg :: Context -> FuncEntry -> Int -> IO AST Source

Return an argument of a Z3_func_entry object.

modelToString :: Context -> Model -> IO String Source

Convert the given model into a string.

showModel :: Context -> Model -> IO String Source

Deprecated: Use modelToString instead.

Alias for modelToString.


assertCnstr :: Context -> AST -> IO () Source

Assert a constraing into the logical context.

check :: Context -> IO Result Source

Check whether the given logical context is consistent or not.

checkAndGetModel :: Context -> IO (Result, Maybe Model) Source

Check whether the given logical context is consistent or not.

If the logical context is not unsatisfiable and model construction is enabled (via mkConfig), then a model is returned. The caller is responsible for deleting the model using the function delModel.

getModel :: Context -> IO (Result, Maybe Model) Source

Deprecated: Use checkAndGetModel instead.

Check whether the given logical context is consistent or not.

delModel :: Context -> Model -> IO () Source

Delete a model object.

push :: Context -> IO () Source

Create a backtracking point.

pop :: Context -> Int -> IO () Source

Backtrack n backtracking points.


mkParams :: Context -> IO Params Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

paramsSetBool :: Context -> Params -> Symbol -> Bool -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

paramsSetUInt :: Context -> Params -> Symbol -> Int -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

paramsSetDouble :: Context -> Params -> Symbol -> Double -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

paramsSetSymbol :: Context -> Params -> Symbol -> Symbol -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

paramsToString :: Context -> Params -> IO String Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!


data Logic Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

Solvers available in Z3.

These are described at http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/logics.html

WARNING: Support for solvers is fragile, you may experience segmentation faults!



Closed formulas over the theory of linear integer arithmetic and arrays extended with free sort and function symbols but restricted to arrays with integer indices and values.


Closed linear formulas with free sort and function symbols over one- and two-dimentional arrays of integer index and real value.


Closed formulas with free function and predicate symbols over a theory of arrays of arrays of integer index and real value.


Closed linear formulas in linear real arithmetic.


Closed quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays.


Closed quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays extended with free sort and function symbols.


Closed quantifier-free linear formulas over the theory of integer arrays extended with free sort and function symbols.


Closed quantifier-free formulas over the theory of arrays with extensionality.


Closed quantifier-free formulas over the theory of fixed-size bitvectors.


Difference Logic over the integers. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are integer variables and b is an integer constant.


Unquantified linear integer arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over integer variables.


Unquantified linear real arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over real variables.


Quantifier-free integer arithmetic.


Quantifier-free real arithmetic.


Difference Logic over the reals. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are real variables and b is a rational constant.


Unquantified formulas built over a signature of uninterpreted (i.e., free) sort and function symbols.


Unquantified formulas over bitvectors with uninterpreted sort function and symbols.


Difference Logic over the integers (in essence) but with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.


Unquantified linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.


Unquantified linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.


Unquantified non-linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.


Linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.


Non-linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.


mkSolver :: Context -> IO Solver Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

mkSimpleSolver :: Context -> IO Solver Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

mkSolverForLogic :: Context -> Logic -> IO Solver Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverSetParams :: Context -> Solver -> Params -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverPush :: Context -> Solver -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverPop :: Context -> Solver -> Int -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverReset :: Context -> Solver -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverGetNumScopes :: Context -> Solver -> IO Int Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

Number of backtracking points.

solverAssertCnstr :: Context -> Solver -> AST -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverAssertAndTrack :: Context -> Solver -> AST -> AST -> IO () Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverCheck :: Context -> Solver -> IO Result Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

Check whether the assertions in a given solver are consistent or not.

solverCheckAndGetModel :: Context -> Solver -> IO (Result, Maybe Model) Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverGetReasonUnknown :: Context -> Solver -> IO String Source

Warning: New Z3 API support is still incomplete and fragile: you may experience segmentation faults!

solverToString :: Context -> Solver -> IO String Source

Convert the given solver into a string.

String Conversion

data ASTPrintMode Source

Pretty-printing mode for converting ASTs to strings. The mode can be one of the following:

  • Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB_FULL: Print AST nodes in SMTLIB verbose format.
  • Z3_PRINT_LOW_LEVEL: Print AST nodes using a low-level format.
  • Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB_COMPLIANT: Print AST nodes in SMTLIB 1.x compliant format.
  • Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT: Print AST nodes in SMTLIB 2.x compliant format.

setASTPrintMode :: Context -> ASTPrintMode -> IO () Source

Set the pretty-printing mode for converting ASTs to strings.

astToString :: Context -> AST -> IO String Source

Convert an AST to a string.

patternToString :: Context -> Pattern -> IO String Source

Convert a pattern to a string.

sortToString :: Context -> Sort -> IO String Source

Convert a sort to a string.

funcDeclToString :: Context -> FuncDecl -> IO String Source

Convert a FuncDecl to a string.

benchmarkToSMTLibString Source


:: Context 
-> String


-> String


-> String


-> String


-> [AST]


-> AST


-> IO String 

Convert the given benchmark into SMT-LIB formatted string.

The output format can be configured via setASTPrintMode.


data Version Source




z3Major :: !Int
z3Minor :: !Int
z3Build :: !Int
z3Revision :: !Int

getVersion :: IO Version Source

Return Z3 version number information.

Error Handling

data Z3Error Source

Z3 exceptions.

