Changelog for z3-4.0.0

Release Notes


This release brings support for the new Z3 4.x API, and removes support for the old API. We are following a new version policy, yet compatible with Haskell's PVP. So new versions are of the form x.y.z, where x is the version of Z3 API supported, y is a major revision of the bindings, and z is a minor revision of the bindings. Consequently, we bumped the version to 4.0.0 :-).

Special thanks to Nadia Polikarpova, who diagnosed a problem in our use of ForeignPtr finalizers, and proposed a fix.

Cabal package

New features and API functions

Removals and API-breaking changes

Refactoring and clean-up


Thanks to Scott West and Nadia Polikarpova for contributing to this release.


Refactoring and clean-up

New features

Newly supported API functions

