# Zeolite Parser Example *Also see [a highlighted version of the example code](https://ta0kira.github.io/zeolite/example/parser).* This example demonstrates parsing text using a parser-combinator approach inspired by [`parsec`][parsec]. (The Haskell library that the `zeolite` compiler originally used to parse source and config files.) ## Notes This example highlights several distinguishing features of the [Zeolite language][zeolite]: - **Encapsulation.** Data encapsulation is mandatory in Zeolite. This forces the code author to think about usage patterns before data representation. - **Factory Functions.** There is no "default construction" in Zeolite; the code author must explicitly expose factory functions if needed. In this example, most of the factory functions return an interface, rather than the actual `concrete` type being constructed. - **Internal Inheritance.** `ParseState` inherits `ParseContext` internally (see `parser.0rp` and `parser.0rx`), which allows `ParseState` to conditionally expose the `ParseContext` interface to other functions. - **Parameter Variance.** Several categories used in this example (e.g., `ParseState` and `ParseContext`) have a *covariant* parameter, which allows their parameters to be converted to other types. Specifically: - Any `ParseContext<#x>` can be converted to `ParseContext` when calling `Parser.run`. (In C++ this would require a `template` and in Java it would require using ``.) - The `ParseState` returned from `ParseContext.setBrokenInput` can be converted to all other `ParseState<#x>`. (In C++ or Java this would require the caller to explicitly pass a type parameter to `setBrokenInput`.) - **Multiple Returns.** Many of the functions in this example return more than one value to the caller. (In C++ and Java this would require a data structure for grouping objects together.) - **Test Sources.** The `parser-test.0rt` source file contains a `testcase` that the compiler itself can execute. - **Expression Pragmas.** `parser-test.0rt` uses the `$ExprLookup[MODULE_PATH]$` pragma to get the absolute path to its own module in order to locate a data file. This might otherwise require hard-coding a path or relying on the tests being executed from the module path. - **Module Config.** The `.zeolite-module` file contains the build configuration for this example. This means that building and running the example does not require special instructions, scripting, or `Makefile`s. - **Type Inference.** Several of the function definitions in the `.0rx` files request parameter type-inference using `?`, e.g., `ErrorOr:value(match)`. This is useful when the parameter value can be easily guessed by the reader of the code from its context. - **The `#self` Param.** Using `#self` as a return type in an `interface` allows it to require that an implementation returns *its own type*, rather than *the type of the `interface`*. `ParseContext.advance` uses this to allow callers of `advance` to get an instance of the derived type rather than an instance of `ParseContext`. This is useful because `ParseContext` lacks other functions that the derived type defines. ## Running (Included with compiler package starting with version ``.) To run the example: ```shell # This is just to locate the example code. Not for normal use! ZEOLITE_PATH=$(zeolite --get-path) # Compile the example. zeolite -p "$ZEOLITE_PATH" -r example/parser # Run the unit tests. zeolite -p "$ZEOLITE_PATH" -t example/parser ``` (There is currently no binary target in this example.) [parsec]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/parsec [zeolite]: https://github.com/ta0kira/zeolite