# `$TestsOnly$` Visibility Test - Conflicting Definition and Declaration Compiling this module should **always fail**. It tests that a category *declared* in a non-`$TestsOnly$` `.0rp` cannot be *defined* in a `$TestsOnly$` `.0rx`. To compile: ```shell ZEOLITE_PATH=$(zeolite --get-path) zeolite -p $ZEOLITE_PATH -r tests/tests-only3 ``` The compiler errors should look something like this: ```text Zeolite execution failed. In compilation of module "/home/ta0kira/checkouts/zeolite/tests/tests-only3" Category NotTestsOnly ["tests/tests-only3/public.0rx" (line 21, column 1)] was not declared as $TestsOnly$ ["tests/tests-only3/public.0rp" (line 19, column 1)] ```