zifter- zifter

Safe HaskellNone




getRootDir :: Zift (Path Abs Dir) Source #

Get the root directory of the zift.hs script that is being executed.

getTmpDir :: Zift (Path Abs Dir) Source #

Get the temporary directory of the zift.hs script that is being executed.

To persist any state between runs, use this directory.

getSetting :: (Settings -> a) -> Zift a Source #

Get a single setting

ziftP :: [Zift ()] -> Zift () Source #

Declare a given list of Zift actions to be execute in parallel.

mapZ :: (a -> Zift b) -> [a] -> Zift [b] Source #

Like mapA, but specialised to Zift and '[]', and ensures that the output of actions is printed in the right order, even if they are executed in an arbitrary order.

mapZ_ :: (a -> Zift b) -> [a] -> Zift () Source #

Like mapA_, but specialised to Zift and '[]', and ensures that the output of actions is printed in the right order, even if they are executed in an arbitrary order.

forZ :: [a] -> (a -> Zift b) -> Zift [b] Source #

Like for, but specialised to Zift and '[]', and ensures that the output of actions is printed in the right order, even if they are executed in an arbitrary order.

forZ_ :: [a] -> (a -> Zift b) -> Zift () Source #

Like for_, but specialised to Zift and '[]', and ensures that the output of actions is printed in the right order.

printZift :: String -> Zift () Source #

Print a message (with a newline appended to the end).

printZiftMessage :: String -> Zift () Source #

Print a message (with a newline appended to the end), in the standard zift script color. This is the function that the zift script uses to output information about the stages of the zift script run.

printPreprocessingDone :: String -> Zift () Source #

Print a message (with a newline appended to the end) that signifies that a part of the processing is now done.


doThingZift :: Zift ()
doThingZift = do
    printProcessingDone "doThing completed successfully."

printPreprocessingError :: String -> Zift () Source #

Print a message (with a newline appended to the end) that signifies that a part of the processing failed. This message will not cause the zift script run to fail.


doDangerousThing :: Zift ()
doDangerousThing = do
    errOrResult <- doThing
    case errOrResult of
        Left err ->
            printPreprocessingError $
                unwords ["doThing failed with error:", err]
            fail "doThing failed."
        Right result -> do
                unwords ["doThing succeeded with result:", result]

printWithColors :: [SGR] -> String -> Zift () Source #

Print a message (with a newline appended to the end) with custom colors.

See the ansi-terminal package for more details.

liftIO :: MonadIO m => forall a. IO a -> m a #

Lift a computation from the IO monad.