{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, DeriveDataTypeable, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2006-2014 Duncan Coutts
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  duncan@community.haskell.org
-- Pure and IO stream based interfaces to lower level zlib wrapper
module Codec.Compression.Zlib.Internal (

  -- * Pure interface

  -- * Monadic incremental interface
  -- $incremental-compression

  -- ** Using incremental compression
  -- $using-incremental-compression


  -- ** Using incremental decompression
  -- $using-incremental-decompression


  -- * The compression parameter types

  ) where

import Prelude hiding (length)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throw, assert)
import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy hiding (stToIO)
import Control.Monad.ST.Strict (stToIO)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as L
import qualified Data.ByteString          as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S

import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream as Stream
import Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream (Stream)

-- | The full set of parameters for compression. The defaults are
-- 'defaultCompressParams'.
-- The 'compressBufferSize' is the size of the first output buffer containing
-- the compressed data. If you know an approximate upper bound on the size of
-- the compressed data then setting this parameter can save memory. The default
-- compression output buffer size is @16k@. If your extimate is wrong it does
-- not matter too much, the default buffer size will be used for the remaining
-- chunks.
data CompressParams = CompressParams {
  compressLevel       :: !Stream.CompressionLevel,
  compressMethod      :: !Stream.Method,
  compressWindowBits  :: !Stream.WindowBits,
  compressMemoryLevel :: !Stream.MemoryLevel,
  compressStrategy    :: !Stream.CompressionStrategy,
  compressBufferSize  :: !Int,
  compressDictionary  :: Maybe S.ByteString

-- | The full set of parameters for decompression. The defaults are
-- 'defaultDecompressParams'.
-- The 'decompressBufferSize' is the size of the first output buffer,
-- containing the uncompressed data. If you know an exact or approximate upper
-- bound on the size of the decompressed data then setting this parameter can
-- save memory. The default decompression output buffer size is @32k@. If your
-- extimate is wrong it does not matter too much, the default buffer size will
-- be used for the remaining chunks.
-- One particular use case for setting the 'decompressBufferSize' is if you
-- know the exact size of the decompressed data and want to produce a strict
-- 'Data.ByteString.ByteString'. The compression and deccompression functions
-- use lazy 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString's but if you set the
-- 'decompressBufferSize' correctly then you can generate a lazy
-- 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString' with exactly one chunk, which can be
-- converted to a strict 'Data.ByteString.ByteString' in @O(1)@ time using
-- @'Data.ByteString.concat' . 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.toChunks'@.
data DecompressParams = DecompressParams {
  decompressWindowBits :: !Stream.WindowBits,
  decompressBufferSize :: !Int,
  decompressDictionary :: Maybe S.ByteString

-- | The default set of parameters for compression. This is typically used with
-- the @compressWith@ function with specific parameters overridden.
defaultCompressParams :: CompressParams
defaultCompressParams = CompressParams {
  compressLevel       = Stream.defaultCompression,
  compressMethod      = Stream.deflateMethod,
  compressWindowBits  = Stream.defaultWindowBits,
  compressMemoryLevel = Stream.defaultMemoryLevel,
  compressStrategy    = Stream.defaultStrategy,
  compressBufferSize  = defaultCompressBufferSize,
  compressDictionary  = Nothing

-- | The default set of parameters for decompression. This is typically used with
-- the @compressWith@ function with specific parameters overridden.
defaultDecompressParams :: DecompressParams
defaultDecompressParams = DecompressParams {
  decompressWindowBits = Stream.defaultWindowBits,
  decompressBufferSize = defaultDecompressBufferSize,
  decompressDictionary = Nothing

-- | The default chunk sizes for the output of compression and decompression
-- are 16k and 32k respectively (less a small accounting overhead).
defaultCompressBufferSize, defaultDecompressBufferSize :: Int
defaultCompressBufferSize   = 16 * 1024 - L.chunkOverhead
defaultDecompressBufferSize = 32 * 1024 - L.chunkOverhead

-- | The unfolding of the decompression process, where you provide a sequence
-- of compressed data chunks as input and receive a sequence of uncompressed
-- data chunks as output. The process is incremental, in that the demand for
-- input and provision of output are interleaved.
data DecompressStream m
   = DecompressInputRequired  (S.ByteString -> m (DecompressStream m))
   | DecompressOutputAvailable S.ByteString (m (DecompressStream m))
   -- | Includes any trailing unconsumed /input/ data.
   | DecompressStreamEnd S.ByteString
   -- | An error code
   | DecompressStreamError DecompressError

-- | The possible error cases when decompressing a stream.
-- This can be 'show'n to give a human readable error message.
data DecompressError =
     -- | The compressed data stream ended prematurely. This may happen if the
     -- input data stream was truncated.

     -- | It is possible to do zlib compression with a custom dictionary. This
     -- allows slightly higher compression ratios for short files. However such
     -- compressed streams require the same dictionary when decompressing. This
     -- error is for when we encounter a compressed stream that needs a
     -- dictionary, and it's not provided.
   | DictionaryRequired

     -- | If the stream requires a dictionary and you provide one with the
     -- wrong 'DictionaryHash' then you will get this error.
   | DictionaryMismatch

     -- | If the compressed data stream is corrupted in any way then you will
     -- get this error, for example if the input data just isn't a compressed
     -- zlib data stream. In particular if the data checksum turns out to be
     -- wrong then you will get all the decompressed data but this error at the
     -- end, instead of the normal sucessful 'StreamEnd'.
   | DataFormatError String
  deriving (Eq, Typeable)

instance Show DecompressError where
  show TruncatedInput     = modprefix "premature end of compressed data stream"
  show DictionaryRequired = modprefix "compressed data stream requires custom dictionary"
  show DictionaryMismatch = modprefix "given dictionary does not match the expected one"
  show (DataFormatError detail) = modprefix ("compressed data stream format error (" ++ detail ++ ")")

modprefix :: ShowS
modprefix = ("Codec.Compression.Zlib: " ++)

instance Exception DecompressError

-- | A fold over the 'DecompressStream' in the given monad.
-- One way to look at this is that it runs the stream, using callback functions
-- for the four stream events.
foldDecompressStream :: Monad m
                     => ((S.ByteString -> m a) -> m a)
                     -> (S.ByteString -> m a -> m a)
                     -> (S.ByteString -> m a)
                     -> (DecompressError -> m a)
                     -> DecompressStream m -> m a
foldDecompressStream input output end err = fold
    fold (DecompressInputRequired next) =
      input (\x -> next x >>= fold)

    fold (DecompressOutputAvailable outchunk next) =
      output outchunk (next >>= fold)

    fold (DecompressStreamEnd inchunk) = end inchunk
    fold (DecompressStreamError derr)  = err derr

-- | A variant on 'foldCompressStream' that is pure rather than operating in a
-- monad and where the input is provided by a lazy 'L.ByteString'. So we only
-- have to deal with the output, end and error parts, making it like a foldr on
-- a list of output chunks.
-- For example:
-- > toChunks = foldDecompressStreamWithInput (:) [] throw
foldDecompressStreamWithInput :: (S.ByteString -> a -> a)
                              -> (L.ByteString -> a)
                              -> (DecompressError -> a)
                              -> (forall s. DecompressStream (ST s))
                              -> L.ByteString
                              -> a
foldDecompressStreamWithInput chunk end err = \s lbs ->
    runST (fold s (L.toChunks lbs))
    fold (DecompressInputRequired next) [] =
      next S.empty >>= \strm -> fold strm []

    fold (DecompressInputRequired next) (inchunk:inchunks) =
      next inchunk >>= \s -> fold s inchunks

    fold (DecompressOutputAvailable outchunk next) inchunks = do
      r <- next >>= \s -> fold s inchunks
      return $ chunk outchunk r

    fold (DecompressStreamEnd inchunk) inchunks =
      return $ end (L.fromChunks (inchunk:inchunks))

    fold (DecompressStreamError derr) _ =
      return $ err derr

-- $incremental-compression
-- The pure 'compress' and 'decompress' functions are streaming in the sense
-- that they can produce output without demanding all input, however they need
-- the input data stream as a lazy 'L.ByteString'. Having the input data
-- stream as a lazy 'L.ByteString' often requires using lazy I\/O which is not
-- appropriate in all cicumstances.
-- For these cases an incremental interface is more appropriate. This interface
-- allows both incremental input and output. Chunks of input data to be
-- supplied one by one (e.g. as they are obtained from an input source like a
-- file or network source). Output is also produced chunk by chunk.
-- The incremental input and output is managed via the 'CompressStream' and
-- 'DecompressStream' types. They represents the unfolding of the process of
-- compressing and decompressing. They operates in either the 'ST' or 'IO'
-- monads. They can be lifted into other incremental abstractions like pipes or
-- conduits, or they can be used directly in the following style.

-- $using-incremental-compression
-- In a loop:
--  * Inspect the status of the stream
--  * When it is 'CompressInputRequired' then you should call the action,
--    passing a chunk of input (or 'BS.empty' when no more input is available)
--    to get the next state of the stream and continue the loop.
--  * When it is 'CompressOutputAvailable' then do something with the given
--    chunk of output, and call the action to get the next state of the stream
--    and continue the loop.
--  * When it is 'CompressStreamEnd' then terminate the loop.
-- Note that you cannot stop as soon as you have no more input, you need to
-- carry on until all the output has been collected, i.e. until you get to
-- 'CompressStreamEnd'.
-- Here is an example where we get input from one file handle and send the
-- compressed output to another file handle.
-- > go :: Handle -> Handle -> CompressStream IO -> IO ()
-- > go inh outh (CompressInputRequired next) = do
-- >    inchunk <- BS.hGet inh 4096
-- >    go inh outh =<< next inchunk
-- > go inh outh (CompressOutputAvailable outchunk next) =
-- >    BS.hPut outh outchunk
-- >    go inh outh =<< next
-- > go _ _ CompressStreamEnd = return ()
-- The same can be achieved with 'foldCompressStream':
-- > foldCompressStream
-- >   (\next -> do inchunk <- BS.hGet inh 4096; next inchunk)
-- >   (\outchunk next -> do BS.hPut outh outchunk; next)
-- >   (return ())

-- $using-incremental-decompression
-- The use of 'DecompressStream' is very similar to 'CompressStream' but with
-- a few differences:
-- * There is the extra possibility of a 'DecompressStreamError'
-- * There can be extra trailing data after a compressed stream, and the
--   'DecompressStreamEnd' includes that.
-- Otherwise the same loop style applies, and there are fold functions.

-- | The unfolding of the compression process, where you provide a sequence
-- of uncompressed data chunks as input and receive a sequence of compressed
-- data chunks as output. The process is incremental, in that the demand for
-- input and provision of output are interleaved.
data CompressStream m
   = CompressInputRequired  (S.ByteString -> m (CompressStream m))
   | CompressOutputAvailable S.ByteString (m (CompressStream m))
   | CompressStreamEnd

-- | A fold over the 'CompressStream' in the given monad.
-- One way to look at this is that it runs the stream, using callback functions
-- for the three stream events.
foldCompressStream :: Monad m
                   => ((S.ByteString -> m a) -> m a)
                   -> (S.ByteString -> m a -> m a)
                   -> m a
                   -> CompressStream m -> m a
foldCompressStream input output end = fold
    fold (CompressInputRequired next) =
      input (\x -> next x >>= fold)

    fold (CompressOutputAvailable outchunk next) =
      output outchunk (next >>= fold)

    fold CompressStreamEnd =

-- | A variant on 'foldCompressStream' that is pure rather than operating in a
-- monad and where the input is provided by a lazy 'L.ByteString'. So we only
-- have to deal with the output and end parts, making it just like a foldr on a
-- list of output chunks.
-- For example:
-- > toChunks = foldCompressStreamWithInput (:) []
foldCompressStreamWithInput :: (S.ByteString -> a -> a)
                            -> a
                            -> (forall s. CompressStream (ST s))
                            -> L.ByteString
                            -> a
foldCompressStreamWithInput chunk end = \s lbs ->
    runST (fold s (L.toChunks lbs))
    fold (CompressInputRequired next) [] =
      next S.empty >>= \strm -> fold strm []

    fold (CompressInputRequired next) (inchunk:inchunks) =
      next inchunk >>= \s -> fold s inchunks

    fold (CompressOutputAvailable outchunk next) inchunks = do
      r <- next >>= \s -> fold s inchunks
      return $ chunk outchunk r

    fold CompressStreamEnd _inchunks =
      return end

-- | Compress a data stream provided as a lazy 'L.ByteString'.
-- There are no expected error conditions. All input data streams are valid. It
-- is possible for unexpected errors to occur, such as running out of memory,
-- or finding the wrong version of the zlib C library, these are thrown as
-- exceptions.
compress   :: Stream.Format -> CompressParams -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString

-- | Incremental compression in the 'ST' monad. Using 'ST' makes it possible
-- to write pure /lazy/ functions while making use of incremental compression.
compressST :: Stream.Format -> CompressParams -> CompressStream (ST s)

-- | Incremental compression in the 'IO' monad.
compressIO :: Stream.Format -> CompressParams -> CompressStream IO

compress   format params = compressStreamToLBS (compressStream format params)
compressST format params = compressStreamToST  (compressStream format params)
compressIO format params = compressStreamToIO  (compressStream format params)

compressStream :: Stream.Format -> CompressParams -> CompressStream Stream
compressStream format (CompressParams compLevel method bits memLevel
                                strategy initChunkSize mdict) =

    CompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
      Stream.deflateInit format compLevel method bits memLevel strategy
      setDictionary mdict
      case chunk of
        _ | S.null chunk ->
          fillBuffers 20   --gzip header is 20 bytes, others even smaller

        S.PS inFPtr offset length -> do
          Stream.pushInputBuffer inFPtr offset length
          fillBuffers initChunkSize

    -- we flick between two states:
    --   * where one or other buffer is empty
    --       - in which case we refill one or both
    --   * where both buffers are non-empty
    --       - in which case we compress until a buffer is empty

  fillBuffers :: Int -> Stream (CompressStream Stream)
  fillBuffers outChunkSize = do
#ifdef DEBUG

    -- in this state there are two possabilities:
    --   * no outbut buffer space is available
    --       - in which case we must make more available
    --   * no input buffer is available
    --       - in which case we must supply more
    inputBufferEmpty <- Stream.inputBufferEmpty
    outputBufferFull <- Stream.outputBufferFull

    assert (inputBufferEmpty || outputBufferFull) $ return ()

    when outputBufferFull $ do
      outFPtr <- Stream.unsafeLiftIO (S.mallocByteString outChunkSize)
      Stream.pushOutputBuffer outFPtr 0 outChunkSize

    if inputBufferEmpty
      then return $ CompressInputRequired $ \chunk ->
           case chunk of
             _ | S.null chunk          -> drainBuffers True
             S.PS inFPtr offset length -> do
                Stream.pushInputBuffer inFPtr offset length
                drainBuffers False
      else drainBuffers False

  drainBuffers :: Bool -> Stream (CompressStream Stream)
  drainBuffers lastChunk = do

    inputBufferEmpty' <- Stream.inputBufferEmpty
    outputBufferFull' <- Stream.outputBufferFull
    assert(not outputBufferFull'
       && (lastChunk || not inputBufferEmpty')) $ return ()
    -- this invariant guarantees we can always make forward progress
    -- and that therefore a BufferError is impossible

    let flush = if lastChunk then Stream.Finish else Stream.NoFlush
    status <- Stream.deflate flush

    case status of
      Stream.Ok -> do
        outputBufferFull <- Stream.outputBufferFull
        if outputBufferFull
          then do (outFPtr, offset, length) <- Stream.popOutputBuffer
                  let chunk = S.PS outFPtr offset length
                  return $ CompressOutputAvailable chunk $ do
                    fillBuffers defaultCompressBufferSize
          else do fillBuffers defaultCompressBufferSize

      Stream.StreamEnd -> do
        inputBufferEmpty <- Stream.inputBufferEmpty
        assert inputBufferEmpty $ return ()
        outputBufferBytesAvailable <- Stream.outputBufferBytesAvailable
        if outputBufferBytesAvailable > 0
          then do (outFPtr, offset, length) <- Stream.popOutputBuffer
                  let chunk = S.PS outFPtr offset length
                  return $ CompressOutputAvailable chunk (return CompressStreamEnd)
          else do Stream.finalise
                  return CompressStreamEnd

      Stream.Error code msg -> case code of
        Stream.BufferError  -> fail "BufferError should be impossible!"
        Stream.NeedDict _   -> fail "NeedDict is impossible!"
        _                   -> fail msg

  -- Set the custom dictionary, if we were provided with one
  -- and if the format supports it (zlib and raw, not gzip).
  setDictionary :: Maybe S.ByteString -> Stream ()
  setDictionary (Just dict)
    | Stream.formatSupportsDictionary format = do
        status <- Stream.deflateSetDictionary dict
        case status of
          Stream.Ok          -> return ()
          Stream.Error _ msg -> fail msg
          _                  -> fail "error when setting deflate dictionary"
  setDictionary _ = return ()

-- | Decompress a data stream provided as a lazy 'L.ByteString'.
-- It will throw an exception if any error is encountered in the input data.
-- If you need more control over error handling then use one the incremental
-- versions, 'decompressST' or 'decompressIO'.
decompress   :: Stream.Format -> DecompressParams -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString

-- | Incremental decompression in the 'ST' monad. Using 'ST' makes it possible
-- to write pure /lazy/ functions while making use of incremental decompression.
decompressST :: Stream.Format -> DecompressParams -> DecompressStream (ST s)

-- | Incremental decompression in the 'IO' monad.
decompressIO :: Stream.Format -> DecompressParams -> DecompressStream IO

decompress   format params = decompressStreamToLBS (decompressStream format params)
decompressST format params = decompressStreamToST  (decompressStream format params)
decompressIO format params = decompressStreamToIO  (decompressStream format params)

decompressStream :: Stream.Format -> DecompressParams -> DecompressStream Stream
decompressStream format (DecompressParams bits initChunkSize mdict) =

    DecompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
      Stream.inflateInit format bits
      case chunk of
        _ | S.null chunk ->
          fillBuffers 4  --always an error anyway

        S.PS inFPtr offset length -> do
          Stream.pushInputBuffer inFPtr offset length
          fillBuffers initChunkSize

    -- we flick between two states:
    --   * where one or other buffer is empty
    --       - in which case we refill one or both
    --   * where both buffers are non-empty
    --       - in which case we compress until a buffer is empty

  fillBuffers :: Int
              -> Stream (DecompressStream Stream)
  fillBuffers outChunkSize = do
#ifdef DEBUG

    -- in this state there are two possabilities:
    --   * no outbut buffer space is available
    --       - in which case we must make more available
    --   * no input buffer is available
    --       - in which case we must supply more
    inputBufferEmpty <- Stream.inputBufferEmpty
    outputBufferFull <- Stream.outputBufferFull

    assert (inputBufferEmpty || outputBufferFull) $ return ()

    when outputBufferFull $ do
      outFPtr <- Stream.unsafeLiftIO (S.mallocByteString outChunkSize)
      Stream.pushOutputBuffer outFPtr 0 outChunkSize

    if inputBufferEmpty
      then return $ DecompressInputRequired $ \chunk ->
           case chunk of
             _ | S.null chunk          -> drainBuffers True
             S.PS inFPtr offset length -> do
                Stream.pushInputBuffer inFPtr offset length
                drainBuffers False
      else drainBuffers False

  drainBuffers :: Bool -> Stream (DecompressStream Stream)
  drainBuffers lastChunk = do

    inputBufferEmpty' <- Stream.inputBufferEmpty
    outputBufferFull' <- Stream.outputBufferFull
    assert(not outputBufferFull'
       && (lastChunk || not inputBufferEmpty')) $ return ()
    -- this invariant guarantees we can always make forward progress or at
    -- least if a BufferError does occur that it must be due to a premature EOF

    status <- Stream.inflate Stream.NoFlush

    case status of
      Stream.Ok -> do
        outputBufferFull <- Stream.outputBufferFull
        if outputBufferFull
          then do (outFPtr, offset, length) <- Stream.popOutputBuffer
                  let chunk = S.PS outFPtr offset length
                  return $ DecompressOutputAvailable chunk $ do
                    fillBuffers defaultDecompressBufferSize
          else do fillBuffers defaultDecompressBufferSize

      Stream.StreamEnd      -> do
        -- The decompressor tells us we're done.
        -- Note that there may be input bytes still available if the stream is
        -- embeded in some other data stream, so we return any trailing data.
        inputBufferEmpty <- Stream.inputBufferEmpty
        if inputBufferEmpty
          then do finish (DecompressStreamEnd S.empty)
          else do (inFPtr, offset, length) <- Stream.remainingInputBuffer
                  let inchunk = S.PS inFPtr offset length
                  finish (DecompressStreamEnd inchunk)

      Stream.Error code msg -> case code of
        Stream.BufferError  -> finish (DecompressStreamError TruncatedInput)
        Stream.NeedDict adler -> do
          err <- setDictionary adler mdict
          case err of
            Just streamErr  -> finish streamErr
            Nothing         -> drainBuffers lastChunk
        Stream.DataError    -> finish (DecompressStreamError (DataFormatError msg))
        _                   -> fail msg

  -- Note even if we end with an error we still try to flush the last chunk if
  -- there is one. The user just has to decide what they want to trust.
  finish end = do
    outputBufferBytesAvailable <- Stream.outputBufferBytesAvailable
    if outputBufferBytesAvailable > 0
      then do (outFPtr, offset, length) <- Stream.popOutputBuffer
              return (DecompressOutputAvailable (S.PS outFPtr offset length) (return end))
      else do Stream.finalise
              return end

  setDictionary :: Stream.DictionaryHash -> Maybe S.ByteString
                -> Stream (Maybe (DecompressStream Stream))
  setDictionary _adler Nothing =
    return $ Just (DecompressStreamError DictionaryRequired)
  setDictionary _adler (Just dict) = do
    status <- Stream.inflateSetDictionary dict
    case status of
      Stream.Ok -> return Nothing
      Stream.Error Stream.DataError _   ->
        return $ Just (DecompressStreamError DictionaryMismatch)
      _ -> fail "error when setting inflate dictionary"

compressStreamToLBS :: CompressStream Stream -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
compressStreamToLBS = \strm inchunks ->
    runST (do zstate <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.mkState
              go strm zstate inchunks)
    go :: CompressStream Stream -> Stream.State s
       -> L.ByteString -> ST s L.ByteString
    go (CompressInputRequired next) zstate L.Empty = do
      (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next S.empty) zstate
      go strm' zstate' L.Empty

    go (CompressInputRequired next) zstate (L.Chunk inchunk inchunks') = do
      (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next inchunk) zstate
      go strm' zstate' inchunks'

    go (CompressOutputAvailable outchunk next) zstate inchunks = do
      (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream next zstate
      outchunks <- go strm' zstate' inchunks
      return (L.Chunk outchunk outchunks)

    go CompressStreamEnd _ _ = return L.Empty

compressStreamToIO :: CompressStream Stream -> CompressStream IO
compressStreamToIO =
    \(CompressInputRequired next) ->
      CompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        zstate <- stToIO Stream.mkState
        (strm', zstate') <- stToIO $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')
    go :: CompressStream Stream -> Stream.State RealWorld -> CompressStream IO
    go (CompressInputRequired next) zstate =
      CompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        (strm', zstate') <- stToIO $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go (CompressOutputAvailable chunk next) zstate =
      CompressOutputAvailable chunk $ do
        (strm', zstate') <- stToIO $ Stream.runStream next zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go CompressStreamEnd _ = CompressStreamEnd

compressStreamToST :: CompressStream Stream -> CompressStream (ST s)
compressStreamToST =
    \(CompressInputRequired next) ->
      CompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        zstate <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.mkState
        (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')
    go :: CompressStream Stream -> Stream.State s -> CompressStream (ST s)
    go (CompressInputRequired next) zstate =
      CompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go (CompressOutputAvailable chunk next) zstate =
      CompressOutputAvailable chunk $ do
        (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream next zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go CompressStreamEnd _ = CompressStreamEnd

decompressStreamToLBS :: DecompressStream Stream -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
decompressStreamToLBS = \strm inchunks ->
    runST (do zstate <- strictToLazyST Stream.mkState
              go strm zstate inchunks)
    go :: DecompressStream Stream -> Stream.State s
       -> L.ByteString -> ST s L.ByteString
    go (DecompressInputRequired next) zstate L.Empty = do
      (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next S.empty) zstate
      go strm' zstate' L.Empty

    go (DecompressInputRequired next) zstate (L.Chunk inchunk inchunks') = do
      (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next inchunk) zstate
      go strm' zstate' inchunks'

    go (DecompressOutputAvailable outchunk next) zstate inchunks = do
      (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream next zstate
      outchunks <- go strm' zstate' inchunks
      return (L.Chunk outchunk outchunks)

    -- the decompressor will actually never demand the tail of the input (in
    -- the usual case where it's empty) because the zlib and gzip formats know
    -- their own length. So we force the tail of the input here because this
    -- can be important for closing file handles etc.
    go (DecompressStreamEnd _)     _ !_inchunks = return L.Empty
    go (DecompressStreamError err) _  _         = throw err

decompressStreamToIO :: DecompressStream Stream -> DecompressStream IO
decompressStreamToIO =
    \(DecompressInputRequired next) ->
      DecompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        zstate <- stToIO Stream.mkState
        (strm', zstate') <- stToIO $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')
    go :: DecompressStream Stream -> Stream.State RealWorld -> DecompressStream IO
    go (DecompressInputRequired next) zstate =
      DecompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        (strm', zstate') <- stToIO $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go (DecompressOutputAvailable chunk next) zstate =
      DecompressOutputAvailable chunk $ do
        (strm', zstate') <- stToIO $ Stream.runStream next zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go (DecompressStreamEnd chunk) _ = DecompressStreamEnd chunk
    go (DecompressStreamError err) _ = DecompressStreamError err

decompressStreamToST :: DecompressStream Stream -> DecompressStream (ST s)
decompressStreamToST =
    \(DecompressInputRequired next) ->
      DecompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        zstate <- strictToLazyST Stream.mkState
        (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')
    go :: DecompressStream Stream -> Stream.State s -> DecompressStream (ST s)
    go (DecompressInputRequired next) zstate =
      DecompressInputRequired $ \chunk -> do
        (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream (next chunk) zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go (DecompressOutputAvailable chunk next) zstate =
      DecompressOutputAvailable chunk $ do
        (strm', zstate') <- strictToLazyST $ Stream.runStream next zstate
        return (go strm' zstate')

    go (DecompressStreamEnd chunk) _ = DecompressStreamEnd chunk
    go (DecompressStreamError err) _ = DecompressStreamError err