{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  ZMidi.Core.Datatypes
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  As per dependencies.
-- Concrete syntax tree for MIDI files.
-- Values are sometimes not interpreted. This means that the
-- the data types do not fully represent the sematics of the 
-- data, but all the data is either stored in the tree or 
-- synthesizeable.
-- @ readFile >>= writeFile @ will produce an identical binary \[1\]. 
-- \[1\] Or it should, failure indicates a bug...

module ZMidi.Core.Datatypes 
  -- * MidiFile representation.
  , Header(..)  
  , Track(..)
  , Format(..)
  , DeltaTime
  , Message
  , Event(..)
  , DataEvent(..)
  , VoiceEvent(..)
  , SysExEvent(..)
  , SysCommonEvent(..)
  , SysRealTimeEvent(..)
  , MetaEvent(..)
  , TimeDivision(..)
  , TextType(..)
  , ScaleType(..)

  -- * Interim types.
  -- ** SplitByte
  , SplitByte(..)
  , splitByte
  , joinByte
  -- ** Varlen
  , Varlen(..)
  , fromVarlen
  , toVarlen

  , hexStr
  ) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Numeric (showHex)

-- | TagByte is an alias to 'Word8'.
type TagByte = Word8

-- | 'MidiFile' : @ header * tracks @
data MidiFile = MidiFile 
      { mf_header         :: Header
      , mf_tracks         :: [Track]
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | 'Header' : @ format * num_tracks * time_division @ 
-- 'TimeDivision' is often 384 or 480 ticks per beat.
-- The header is the start of a MIDI file, it is indicated by the 
-- 4 character marker @MThd@.   
data Header = Header { 
      hdr_format        :: Format,
      num_tracks        :: Word16,
      time_division     :: TimeDivision
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | 'Track' : @ [message] @
-- In MIDI files, the start of a track is indicated by the 4 
-- character marker @MTrk@.  
newtype Track = Track { getMessages :: [Message] }
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | The file format - in a MIDI file this is a big-endian 
-- word16 with 0,1 or 2 being the only valid values. 
data Format 
    -- | Format 0 file - single multi-channel track.
    = MF0 
    -- | Format 1 file - 1 or more tracks, played simultaneously.
    | MF1
    -- | Format 2 file - 1 or more independent tracks.
    | MF2
  deriving (Eq, Enum, Show) 

-- | Default unit of time in the MIDI file.
data TimeDivision 
    -- | Frames-per-second.
    = FPS Word16
    -- | Ticks-per-beat, i.e. the number of units for a quater 
    -- note.
    | TPB Word16    
  deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Enumeration of the text meta event types.
data TextType 
    | LYRICS 
    | MARKER 
    | CUE_POINT 
  deriving (Eq,Enum,Ord,Show) 

-- | All time values in a MIDI track are represented as a \delta\ 
-- from the previous event rather than an absolute time. 
-- Although DeltaTime is a type synonym for Word32, in MIDI 
-- files it is represented as a @varlen@ to save space. 
type DeltaTime = Word32

-- | MIDI messages are pairs of 'DeltaTime' and 'Event' wrapped in 
-- a newtype. 
-- Sequential messages with delta time 0 are played 
-- simultaneously.  
type Message = (DeltaTime, Event)

-- Note, the Ord instance for pairs is very useful for rendering.
-- When we have have a NoteOn and a NoteOff on the same channel at the 
-- same time we want the NoteOff played first. An ordinary sort will 
-- give us this.


-- | Recognised event types - some types ('DataEvent' and 
-- 'SysEx') are not interpreted.
data Event 
    -- | Data event - just initial tag byte, 
    -- uninterpreted
    = DataEvent         DataEvent

    -- | Voice event (e.g @note-on@, @note-off@) are relayed to specific
    -- channels.
    | VoiceEvent        VoiceEvent

    -- | SysEx - system exclusive event. Usually synthesizer 
    -- specific, not interpreted.
    | SysExEvent        SysExEvent

    -- | SysCommon - system common event.
    | SysCommonEvent    SysCommonEvent

    -- | SysRealTime - system realtime event.
    | SysRealTimeEvent  SysRealTimeEvent

    -- | Meta event - interpreted (e.g. @end-of-track@, 
    -- @set-tempo@).
    | MetaEvent         MetaEvent

  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- | Data events are events with tags from 0x00 to 0x7F. 
-- Data events have no payload - they are represented only by the
-- tag byte.  
data DataEvent = Data1 TagByte
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | Voice events control the output of the synthesizer.
-- Note - the constructors are not in the the same order as their 
-- byte values. Controller and ProgramChange are higher than they 
-- /naturally/ occur so the will come first after a comparison or 
-- sort.
-- When generating MIDI, Controller and ProgramChange events 
-- should be signalled before NoteOn or NoteOff events at the same 
-- delta-time. Changing the order of the constructors helps to 
-- sort for this.
data VoiceEvent 
    -- | @ channel * controller_number * value @ 
    -- Controller change, e.g. by a footswitch.
    = Controller          Word8 Word8 Word8

    -- | @ channel * program_number @ - change the instrument 
    -- playing on the specified channel. For playback on 
    -- computers (rather than synthesizers) the program numbers
    -- will correspond to the /General MIDI/ instrument numbers.
    | ProgramChange       Word8 Word8

    -- | @ channel * note * velocity @ 
    -- Turn off a sounding note.
    | NoteOff             Word8 Word8 Word8   

    -- | @ channel * note * velocity @ 
    -- Start playing a note.
    | NoteOn              Word8 Word8 Word8

    -- | @ channel * note * pressure_value @ 
    -- Change of pressure applied to the synthesizer key. 
    | NoteAftertouch      Word8 Word8 Word8     

    -- | @ channel * pressure_value @ 
    | ChanAftertouch      Word8 Word8

    -- | @ channel * value @ 
    -- Change the pitch of a sounding note. Often used to 
    -- approximate microtonal tunings.
    -- NOTE - currently value is uninterpreted.
    | PitchBend           Word8 Word16
  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- | \SysEx\ - system exclusive event. 
data SysExEvent
    -- | @ length * data @ 
    -- An uninterpreted sys-ex event.
    = SysEx               Word32 [Word8]
  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- | System common event.
-- Common information for all channels in a system. 
-- These events may not be pertinent to MIDI files generated on a 
-- computer (as opposed to MIDI generated by a synthesizer or 
-- sequencer).
data SysCommonEvent
    -- | Time code quarter frame.
    = QuarterFrame      SplitByte
    -- | Song position pointer.
    | SongPosPointer    Word8       Word8

    -- | @ song_number @
    -- Song number should be in the range 0..127.
    | SongSelect        Word8

    -- | Tag should be limited to 0xF4 or 0xF5.
    -- Other values would indicate either a badly formed MIDI
    -- file or a failure with the parser.
    | Common_undefined  TagByte

    -- | Tune request message for analogue synthesizers.
    | TuneRequest
    -- | End-of-system-exclusive message.
    | EOX
  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- | System real-time event.
-- These events may not be pertinent to MIDI files generated on a 
-- computer (as opposed to MIDI generated by a synthesizer or 
-- sequencer).
data SysRealTimeEvent
    -- | Timing signal.
    = TimingClock
    -- | Tag should be limited to either 0xF9 or 0xFD.
    -- Other values would indicate either a badly formed MIDI
    -- file or a failure with the parser.
    | RT_undefined      TagByte
    -- | Start playing a sequence.
    | StartSequence
    -- | Continue playing a stopped sequence.
    | ContinueSequence

    -- | Stop playing a sequence.
    | StopSequence

    -- | Synchronization pulse...
    | ActiveSensing

    -- | Reset to power-up status.
    | SystemReset
  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- | Meta event 
-- In Format 1 files general events (e.g. text events) should
-- only appear in track 1. Certain events (e.g. end-of-track) 
-- can appear in any track where necessary. 
data MetaEvent

    -- | @ text_type * contents @ 
    -- Free text field (e.g. copyright statement). The contents 
    -- can notionally be any length.
    = TextEvent           TextType String

    -- | @ value @ 
    -- Format 1 files - only track 1 should have a sequence 
    -- number. 
    -- Format 2 files - a sequence number should identify each 
    -- track.
    -- The sequence number event should occur at the start of a 
    -- track, before any non-zero time events.
    | SequenceNumber      Word16

    -- | @ 1 * channel @ 
    -- Relay all meta and sys-ex events to the given channel.
    -- The first byte should always be 1.
    | ChannelPrefix       Word8 Word8

    -- | End-of-track event. 
    | EndOfTrack

    -- | @ microseconds_per_quarter_note @
    | SetTempo            Word32

    -- | @ hour * minute * second * frac * subfrac @ 
    -- The SMPTE time when a track should start. This event 
    -- should occur at the start of a track, before any non-zero 
    -- time events.
    | SMPTEOffset         Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8
    -- | @ numerator * denominator * metro * num_32nd_notes @ 
    | TimeSignature       Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8
    -- | @ key_type * scale_type @ 
    -- @key_type@ is the number of sharps (postive numbers) or 
    -- flats (negative numbers), e.g. (-1) is 1 flat.
    -- @scale_type@ indicates major or minor.  
    | KeySignature        Int8 ScaleType
    -- | @ length * data@ 
    -- Sequencer specific meta-event - uninterpreted.
    | SSME                Word32 [Word8]

  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- | Scale type - @major@ or @minor@.  
data ScaleType = MAJOR | MINOR
  deriving (Eq,Enum,Ord,Show)


-- | SplitByte - divide a byte into the upper four and lower 
-- 4 bits.
data SplitByte = SB { upper4 :: Word8, lower4 :: Word8 }
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

splitByte :: Word8 -> SplitByte
splitByte i = SB ((i .&. 0xF0) `shiftR` 4) (i .&. 0x0F)

joinByte :: SplitByte -> Word8
joinByte (SB a b) = (a `shiftL` 4) + (b .&. 0x0F)

-- helper for varlen

-- | Space efficient representation of length fields.
-- This data type is not used directly in the syntax tree where
-- it would be cumbersome. But it is used as an intermediate type
-- in the parser and emitter.
data Varlen = V1 !Word8
            | V2 !Word8 !Word8
            | V3 !Word8 !Word8 !Word8
            | V4 !Word8 !Word8 !Word8 !Word8
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

up :: Word8 -> Word32
up = fromIntegral . (0x7f .&.)

down :: Word32 -> Word8
down = (0x80 .|.) . fromIntegral

downl :: Word32 -> Word8
downl = (0x7f .&.) . fromIntegral

fromVarlen :: Varlen -> Word32
fromVarlen (V1 a)       = up a
fromVarlen (V2 a b)     = (left7 $ up a)  + up b
fromVarlen (V3 a b c)   = (left14 $ up a) + (left7  $ up b) + up c
fromVarlen (V4 a b c d) = (left21 $ up a) + (left14 $ up b) 
                        + (left7  $ up c) + up d

left7     :: Word32 -> Word32
left7     = (`shiftL` 7)

left14    :: Word32 -> Word32
left14    = (`shiftL` 14)

left21    :: Word32 -> Word32
left21    = (`shiftL` 21)

right7    :: Word32 -> Word32
right7    = (`shiftR` 7)

right14   :: Word32 -> Word32
right14   = (`shiftR` 14)

right21   :: Word32 -> Word32
right21   = (`shiftR` 21)

toVarlen :: Word32 -> Varlen
toVarlen i 
    | i < 0x80           = V1 (downl i)
    | i < 0x4000         = V2 (down $ right7 i)  (downl i)
    | i < 0x200000       = V3 (down $ right14 i) (down $ right7  i) (downl i)
    | otherwise          = V4 (down $ right21 i) (down $ right14 i)
                              (down $ right7  i) (downl i)

hexStr :: (Integral a) => a -> String
hexStr i = (showString "0x" . showHex i) ""