{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections           #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ZMidi.IO.Common
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2012--2014, Utrecht University 
-- License     :  LGPL-3
-- Maintainer  :  W. Bas de Haas <w.b.dehaas@uu.nl>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Summary: Some common IO utilities
module ZMidi.IO.Common (-- * Mapping
                       , mapDir
                       , mapDir_
                       -- * Folding
                       , foldrDirInDir
                       , foldrDir
                       -- * Reading and Writing
                       , readMidiFile
                       , readMidiScoreSafe
                       , readQMidiScoreSafe
                       , readMidiScore
                       , readQMidiScore
                       , writeMidiScore
                       -- * Utilities
                       , logDuplicates
                       , removeTrackLabels
                       , putErrStrLn
                       , warning
import ZMidi.Core         ( MidiFile (..), readMidi, writeMidi )
import ZMidi.Score        ( MidiScore (..), midiFileToMidiScore
                          , midiScoreToMidiFile, removeLabels, QMidiScore (..)
                          , quantiseQDevSafe, quantise )
import Control.Monad      ( filterM, void )
import System.Directory   ( getDirectoryContents, canonicalizePath
                          , doesDirectoryExist )
import System.IO          ( stderr, hPutStrLn )
import System.FilePath    ( (</>) )
import Data.Foldable      ( foldrM )
import Data.List          ( sort )
import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global ( parallel )

-- Mapping

-- | Applies a function to every directory inside a specific directory
mapDirInDir :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> FilePath ->  IO [a]
mapDirInDir f fp = do fs  <- getDirectoryContents fp 
                              >>= return . filter (\x -> x /= "." && x /= "..") 
                      cfp <- canonicalizePath fp
                      filterM doesDirectoryExist (fmap (cfp </>) fs) >>= mapM f

-- | Applies a function to every file/dir in a directory, similar to 'mapDir',
-- but it discards the result of the evaluation
mapDir_ :: (FilePath -> IO a) ->  FilePath -> IO ()
mapDir_ f = void . mapDir f

-- | Applies a function to every file/dir in a directory
mapDir :: (FilePath -> IO a) ->  FilePath -> IO [a]
mapDir f fp = do fs  <- getCurDirectoryContents fp
                 cin <- canonicalizePath fp
                 -- putErrStrLn cin
                 res <- parallel . map (f . (cin </>)) $ fs 
                 return res
-- | Folds a function to every directory inside a specific directory
foldrDirInDir :: (FilePath -> b -> IO b) -> b -> FilePath -> IO b
foldrDirInDir f b fp = 
  do fs  <- getDirectoryContents fp 
              >>= return . filter (\x -> x /= "." && x /= "..") 
     cfp <- canonicalizePath fp
     filterM doesDirectoryExist (fmap (cfp </>) fs)  >>= foldrM f b  
-- | Folds a function to every file/dir in a directory
foldrDir :: (FilePath -> b -> IO b) -> b -> FilePath -> IO b
foldrDir f b fp = do fs  <- getCurDirectoryContents fp
                     cin <- canonicalizePath fp
                     putErrStrLn cin
                     foldrM (\x y -> f (cin </> x) $! y) b fs 

-- Reading & Writing

-- | Reads a 'MidiFile' using 'readMidiScoreSafe', 'quantise'es the result
-- and checks if the 'MidiScore' has a reasonable average quantisation deviation
-- (see 'QDevPerc')
readQMidiScoreSafe :: FilePath -> IO (Either String QMidiScore)
readQMidiScoreSafe f = readMidiScoreSafe f >>= return . (>>= quantiseQDevSafe)

-- | Reads a 'MidiFile' converts it into a 'MidiScore' and checks if the 
-- 'MidiScore' has a reasonable average quantisation deviation (see 'QDevPerc')
readMidiScoreSafe :: FilePath -> IO (Either String MidiScore)
readMidiScoreSafe f = readMidi f >>= return . either (Left . show) 
                                                     (Right . midiFileToMidiScore)
-- TODO: maybe solved with an arrow in a nicer way
-- | Reads a 'MidiFile' using 'readMidiScore' but 'quantise'es the result.
readQMidiScore :: FilePath -> IO (QMidiScore)
readQMidiScore f = readMidiScore f >>= return . quantise

-- | Reads a 'MidiFile' converts it into a 'MidiScore' and returns it
readMidiScore :: FilePath -> IO (MidiScore)
readMidiScore f = readMidiFile f >>= return . midiFileToMidiScore

-- | Reads a 'MidiFile'
readMidiFile :: FilePath -> IO (MidiFile)
readMidiFile  f = readMidi f >>= return . either (error . show) id

-- | Writes a 'MidiScore' to a file.
writeMidiScore :: MidiScore -> FilePath -> IO ()
writeMidiScore mf f = writeMidi f . midiScoreToMidiFile $ mf

-- Utilities

-- | Reads all midifiles at a specific location and compares all files to 
-- all files, printing the paths of the files with the same MIDI content 
-- to the user
logDuplicates :: FilePath -> IO ()
logDuplicates fp = do midis <-  getCurDirectoryContents fp 
                            >>= mapM (return . (fp </>))
                            >>= mapM (\x -> readMidiFile x >>= return . (x,))
                      mapM_ (checkFile midis) midis where
  -- Prints if the paths differ, but the midi content is identical.  
  checkFile :: [(FilePath, MidiFile)] -> (FilePath, MidiFile) -> IO ()
  checkFile midis (f, mf) = case filter (\(x,y) -> x /= f && y == mf) midis of
    [] -> return ()
    l  -> mapM_ (\(m,_) -> putStrLn (f ++ " == " ++ m)) l
-- | Removes the Track labels from a 'MidiFile'
removeTrackLabels :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeTrackLabels f = readMidiFile f >>= 
                      writeMidi (f ++ ".noLab.mid") . removeLabels
-- | Sends a warning about a file that cannot be read to the stderr
warning :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
warning fp w = putErrStrLn ("Warning: skipping " ++ fp ++ ": " ++ w)

-- | Prints a string to the standard error stream
putErrStrLn :: String -> IO ()
putErrStrLn s = hPutStrLn stderr s

-- Unexported directory utils

-- | Like 'getCurDirectoryContents', but filters the results for "." and ".."
getCurDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getCurDirectoryContents fp = 
  getDirectoryContents fp >>= return . sort . filter (\x -> x /= "." && x /= "..")