{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ZMidi.Score.Datatypes
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2012--2014, Utrecht University 
-- License     :  LGPL-3
-- Maintainer  :  W. Bas de Haas <w.b.dehaas@uu.nl>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Summary: a simple score representation derived from a MidiFile (as parsed
-- by the ZMidi.Core library: <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/zmidi-core>
module ZMidi.Score.Datatypes ( -- * Score representation of a MidiFile
                               MidiScore (..)
                             , Key (..)
                             , TimeSig (..)
                             , Voice 
                             , Channel (..)
                             , Pitch (..)
                             , Octave (..)
                             , PitchClass (..)
                             , Interval (..)
                             , Velocity (..)
                             , Timed (..)
                             , Time (..)
                             , Bar (..)
                             , Beat (..)
                             , BeatRat (..)
                             , BarRat (..)
                             , TPB (..)
                             , ScoreEvent (..)
                             ) where

import ZMidi.Score.Internal
import ZMidi.Core                 ( MidiFormat (..), MidiScaleType (..) )
import Data.Ratio                 ( Ratio, numerator, denominator, (%) )
import Data.Word                  ( Word8 )
import Data.Int                   ( Int8 )
import Data.Char                  ( toLower )
import Text.Printf                ( PrintfArg )
import Data.Aeson                 ( ToJSON (..), FromJSON (..)
                                  , (.=), (.:), Value (..), object)
import Data.Text                  ( pack )
import Data.Binary                ( Binary, Get )
import qualified Data.Binary as B ( get, put )
import GHC.Generics               ( Generic )
import Control.DeepSeq            ( NFData (..) )
import Control.DeepSeq.Generics   ( genericRnf)
import Control.Applicative        ( (<$>), (<*>) )
import Control.Monad              ( mzero )

-- A less low-level MIDI data representation

-- | Stores the main elements of a musical score that can be derived from a 
-- midifile
data MidiScore  = MidiScore     { -- | The 'Key's of the piece with time stamps
                                  getKey     :: [Timed Key]
                                  -- | The 'TimeSig'natures of the piece with time stamps
                                , getTimeSig :: [Timed TimeSig]
                                  -- | The number of MIDI-ticks-per-beat
                                , ticksPerBeat :: TPB  
                                  -- | The kind of midi file that created this score
                                , midiFormat :: MidiFormat
                                  -- | The microseconds per quarter note
                                , tempo      :: [Timed Time]                                
                                  -- | The minimum note length found.
                                , minDur     :: Time
                                  -- | The midi 'Voice's
                                , getVoices  :: [Voice]
                                } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

-- | Represents a musical key
data Key        = Key           { keyRoot    :: Int8
                                , keyMode    :: MidiScaleType
                | NoKey           deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
-- | A 'TimeSig'nature has a fraction, e.g. 4\/4, 3\/4, or 6\/8.
data TimeSig    = TimeSig       { tsNum      :: Int 
                                , tsDen      :: Int
                                , metronome  :: Word8
                                , nr32ndNotes:: Word8
                | NoTimeSig       deriving (Generic)

-- Note: we could consider adding a Voice label, like there is a track label
-- | A 'Voice' is a list of 'ScoreEvent's that have time stamps.
type Voice      = [Timed ScoreEvent]

-- | The MIDI Channel as stored in the MIDI file
newtype Channel = Channel {channel :: Word8 }
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, NFData )

-- | Pitch is represented by a 'PitchClass' and an 'Octave' 
newtype Pitch   = Pitch   ( Octave, PitchClass ) 
                    deriving ( Eq, Ord, Binary, NFData, Generic )
-- | Represents a musical octave
newtype Octave   = Octave { octave :: Int }
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, PrintfArg, NFData, Generic )
-- | A Pitch class representation (there is no check for values > 11)
newtype PitchClass = PitchClass { pitchclass :: Int }
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, PrintfArg, NFData, Generic )

-- | Represents a musical interval
newtype Interval   = Interval { interval :: Int }
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, PrintfArg, NFData, Generic )
-- | Represents MIDI velocity
newtype Velocity = Velocity { velocity :: Word8 }
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, NFData, Generic )

-- | Represents MIDI time in ticks
newtype Time    = Time { time :: Int } 
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, PrintfArg, NFData, Generic )

-- | A Bar counter used to interpret a MIDI 'Time' stamp
newtype Bar     = Bar  { bar  :: Int } 
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, PrintfArg, NFData, Generic )
-- | A counter for musical beats
newtype Beat    = Beat { beat :: Int } 
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, PrintfArg, NFData, Generic )

-- | Representing time within a 'Beat' as a 'Ratio'
newtype BeatRat = BeatRat { beatRat  :: Ratio Int } 
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Binary, NFData, Generic )                    

-- | Representing time within a 'Bar' as a 'Ratio'
newtype BarRat  = BarRat  { barRat  :: Ratio Int } 
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Binary, NFData, Generic )  

-- | The MIDI ticks in 'Time' per 'Beat'
newtype TPB     = TPB { tpb :: Int } 
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Integral, Binary, PrintfArg, NFData, Generic )
-- | Adds MIDI 'Time' information to a datatype
data Timed a    = Timed         { onset       :: Time 
                                , getEvent    :: a
                                } deriving (Functor, Eq, Ord, Generic)

-- | Within ZMidi.Score we represent four score events: a note, a key change, 
-- a time signature or a tempo change
data ScoreEvent = NoteEvent     { chan        :: Channel
                                , pitch       :: Pitch
                                , velo        :: Velocity
                                -- No, this should this not be in Timed 
                                -- because only a NoteEvent has a duration
                                -- (or we should give Key and TimeSig changes 
                                -- also a duration)
                                , duration    :: Time 
                | KeyChange     { keyChange   :: Key
                | TimeSigChange { tsChange    :: TimeSig
                | TempoChange   { tempChange  :: Time
                                } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

-- Some ad-hoc instances

instance Show a => Show (Timed a) where
  show (Timed t a) = show a ++ " @ " ++ show (time t)

instance Eq TimeSig where
  (TimeSig a1 b1 _ _) == (TimeSig a2 b2 _ _) = a1 == a2 && b1 == b2
  NoTimeSig           == NoTimeSig           = True
  _                   == _                   = False

instance Ord TimeSig where
  compare _         NoTimeSig                     = GT
  compare NoTimeSig _                             = LT
  compare (TimeSig a1 b1 _ _) (TimeSig a2 b2 _ _) = 
    case compare b1 b2 of 
      EQ -> compare a1 a2
      c  -> c

instance Show TimeSig where
  show (TimeSig n d _ _) = show n ++ '/' : show d
  show NoTimeSig         = "NoTimeSig"  

instance Read TimeSig where 
  readsPrec _ = error "Read TimeSig: implement me"
instance Show Key where
  show NoKey      = "NoKey"
  show (Key rt m) = showRoot rt ++ ' ' : (map toLower . show $ m) where
    showRoot :: Int8 -> String
    showRoot i = let r = fromIntegral i in case compare r 0 of
      LT -> replicate (abs r) 'b'
      EQ -> "0"
      GT -> replicate r '#'

instance Show Pitch where
  show (Pitch (oct, p)) = showOct oct ++ showPitch p where
    showOct :: Octave -> String
    showOct (Octave i) | i < 0     = show i
                       | otherwise = ' ' : show i
-- shows the Midi number in a musical way
-- N.B. ignoring all pitch spelling, at the moment
showPitch :: PitchClass -> String
showPitch p = case pitchclass p of
                0  -> "C "
                1  -> "C#"
                2  -> "D "
                3  -> "D#"
                4  -> "E "
                5  -> "F "
                6  -> "F#"
                7  -> "G "
                8  -> "G#"
                9  -> "A "
                10 -> "Bb"
                11 -> "B "
                n  -> invalidMidiNumberError n

-- Binary instances
instance Binary MidiScore
instance Binary TimeSig
instance Binary ScoreEvent
instance Binary Key  
instance (Binary a) => Binary (Timed a)
instance Binary MidiScaleType where
  put MAJOR           =    B.put (0 :: Word8)
  put MINOR           =    B.put (1 :: Word8)
  put (SCALE_OTHER i) = do B.put (2 :: Word8)
                           B.put i
  get = do t <- B.get :: Get Word8
           case t of 
             0 -> return MAJOR
             1 -> return MINOR
             2 -> do i <- B.get
                     return (SCALE_OTHER i)
             _ -> error "invalid binary encoding of MidiScaleType"
instance Binary MidiFormat where
  put MF0 = B.put (0 :: Word8)
  put MF1 = B.put (1 :: Word8)
  put MF2 = B.put (2 :: Word8)
  get = do t <- B.get :: Get Word8
           case t of 
             0 -> return MF0           
             1 -> return MF1           
             2 -> return MF2
             _ -> error "invalid binary encoding of MidiFormat"
-- NFData instances
instance NFData MidiScore  where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData TimeSig    where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData ScoreEvent where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Key        where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData a => NFData (Timed a) where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData MidiScaleType where rnf a = a `seq` ()
instance NFData MidiFormat    where rnf a = a `seq` ()

-- JSON import and export
instance ToJSON Beat
instance ToJSON BeatRat
instance ToJSON BarRat

instance (Integral a, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Ratio a) where
     toJSON r = object [pack "num" .= numerator r, pack "den" .= denominator r]  

instance ToJSON (TimeSig) where
     toJSON (TimeSig n d _ _) = object [pack "ts_num" .= n, pack "ts_den" .= d]
     toJSON NoTimeSig         = object [pack "ts" .= pack "none"]     

instance FromJSON Beat
instance FromJSON BeatRat
instance FromJSON BarRat
instance (Integral a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Ratio a) where
     parseJSON (Object v) = (%) <$> v .: (pack "num") <*> v .: (pack "den")
     parseJSON _          = mzero
instance FromJSON (TimeSig) where
     parseJSON (Object v) =  (\n d -> TimeSig n d 0 0) 
                          <$> v .: (pack "ts_num") <*> v .: (pack "ts_den") 
     parseJSON _          = mzero