{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.ZoomCache.Write
-- Copyright   : Conrad Parker
-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Conrad Parker <conrad@metadecks.org>
-- Stability   : unstable
-- Portability : unknown
-- Writing of ZoomCache files.

module Data.ZoomCache.Write (
    -- * The ZoomWrite class

    -- * Instance helpers
    , writeData
    , writeDataVBR

    -- * The ZoomW monad
    , ZoomW
    , withFileWrite
    , flush

    -- * ZoomWHandle IO functions
    , ZoomWHandle
    , openWrite
    , closeWrite

    -- * Watermarks
    , watermark
    , setWatermark

    -- * TrackSpec helpers
    , mkTrackSpec
    , oneTrack
) where

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder hiding (flush)
import Codec.Compression.Zlib
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Monoid
import System.IO

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ZoomCache
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ZoomCache.Internal
import Data.ZoomCache.Common
import Data.ZoomCache.Format
import Data.ZoomCache.Numeric.Delta
import Data.ZoomCache.Types


-- | The ZoomWrite class provides 'write', a method to write a
-- Haskell value to an open ZoomCache file.
class ZoomWrite t where
    -- | Write a value to an open ZoomCache file.
    write :: TrackNo -> t -> ZoomW ()


data ZoomWHandle = ZoomWHandle
    { whHandle    :: Handle
    , whTrackWork :: !(IntMap TrackWork)
    , whDeferred  :: IntMap Builder
    , whWriteData :: Bool

data TrackWork = TrackWork
    { twSpec      :: TrackSpec
    , twBuilder   :: Builder
    , twReverseTS :: [TimeStamp]
    , twWriter    :: Maybe ZoomWork
    , twCount     :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Int
    , twWatermark :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Int
    , twEntryTime :: {-# UNPACK #-}!TimeStamp
    , twExitTime  :: {-# UNPACK #-}!TimeStamp

-- Public API

-- | A StateT IO monad for writing a ZoomCache file
type ZoomW = StateT ZoomWHandle IO

-- | Run a @ZoomW ()@ action on a given file handle, using the specified
-- 'TrackMap' specification
withFileWrite :: TrackMap
              -> Bool          -- ^ Whether or not to write raw data packets.
                               -- If False, only summary blocks are written.
              -> ZoomW ()
              -> FilePath
              -> IO ()
withFileWrite ztypes doRaw f path = do
    z <- openWrite ztypes doRaw path
    z' <- execStateT (f >> flush >> finish) z
    hClose (whHandle z')

-- | Force a flush of ZoomCache summary blocks to disk. It is not usually
-- necessary to call this function as summary blocks are transparently written
-- at regular intervals.
flush :: ZoomW ()
flush = diskTracks flushSummary

-- | Write final, whole-file summary blocks.
-- This function flushes saved summaries at all levels, to ensure that all
-- summary levels contain data for the entire time range of the track.
-- In particular, the highest level of summary will contain one block for
-- the entire range of the file, and this will be the last summary block
-- in the track.
finish :: ZoomW ()
finish = diskTracks finishSummary

diskTracks :: (TrackNo -> TrackWork -> ZoomW ()) -> ZoomW ()
diskTracks fSummary = do
    h <- gets whHandle
    tracks <- gets whTrackWork
    doRaw <- gets whWriteData
    when doRaw $
        liftIO $ Fold.mapM_ (L.hPut h) $ IM.mapWithKey bsFromTrack tracks
    mapM_ (uncurry fSummary) (IM.assocs tracks)
    pending <- mconcat . IM.elems <$> gets whDeferred
    liftIO . B.hPut h . toByteString $ pending
    modify $ \z -> z
        { whTrackWork = IM.map flushTrack (whTrackWork z)
        , whDeferred = IM.empty
        flushTrack :: TrackWork -> TrackWork
        flushTrack tw = d{twWriter = clearWork <$> (twWriter tw)}
                d = mkTrackWork (twSpec tw) (twExitTime tw) (twWatermark tw)

-- | Open a new ZoomCache file for writing, using a specified 'TrackMap'.
openWrite :: TrackMap
          -> Bool              -- ^ Whether or not to write raw data packets.
                               -- If False, only summary blocks are written.
          -> FilePath
          -> IO ZoomWHandle
openWrite trackMap doRaw path = do
    h <- openFile path WriteMode
    let global = mkGlobal (IM.size trackMap)
    writeGlobalHeader h global
    let tracks = IM.foldWithKey addTrack IM.empty trackMap
    mapM_ (uncurry (writeTrackHeader h)) (IM.assocs trackMap)
    return $ ZoomWHandle h tracks IM.empty doRaw
        addTrack :: TrackNo -> TrackSpec
                 -> IntMap TrackWork
                 -> IntMap TrackWork
        addTrack trackNo spec = IM.insert trackNo trackState
                trackState = mkTrackWork spec (TS 0) 1024

closeWrite :: ZoomWHandle -> IO ()
closeWrite z = hClose (whHandle z)

-- | Create a track map for a stream of a given type, as track no. 1
oneTrack :: (ZoomReadable a) => a -> Bool -> Bool -> DataRateType -> Rational -> ByteString -> TrackMap
oneTrack a delta zlib !drType !rate !name = IM.singleton 1 (mkTrackSpec a delta zlib drType rate name)
{-# INLINABLE oneTrack #-}

mkTrackSpec :: (ZoomReadable a)
            => a -> Bool -> Bool -> DataRateType -> Rational -> ByteString -> TrackSpec
mkTrackSpec a = TrackSpec (Codec a)

-- | Query the maximum number of data points to buffer for a given track before
-- forcing a flush of all buffered data and summaries.
watermark :: TrackNo -> ZoomW (Maybe Int)
watermark trackNo =  do
    track <- IM.lookup trackNo <$> gets whTrackWork
    return (twWatermark <$> track)

-- | Set the maximum number of data points to buffer for a given track before
-- forcing a flush of all buffered data and summaries.
setWatermark :: TrackNo -> Int -> ZoomW ()
setWatermark trackNo w = modifyTrack trackNo f
        f :: TrackWork -> TrackWork
        f tw = tw { twWatermark = w }

-- Global header

writeGlobalHeader :: Handle -> Global -> IO ()
writeGlobalHeader h = B.hPut h . toByteString . fromGlobal

-- Track header

writeTrackHeader :: Handle -> Int -> TrackSpec -> IO ()
writeTrackHeader h trackNo TrackSpec{..} = do
    B.hPut h . mconcat $
        [ trackHeader
        , toByteString $ mconcat
            [ fromTrackNo trackNo
            , fromCodec specType
            , fromFlags specDeltaEncode specZlibCompress specDRType
            , fromRational64 specRate
            , fromIntegral32be . C.length $ specName
        , specName

-- Data

incTimeStamp :: TimeStamp -> TimeStamp
incTimeStamp (TS t) = let t' = (t+1) in t' `seq` (TS t')

incTime :: TrackNo -> ZoomW ()
incTime trackNo = modifyTrack trackNo $ \tw -> tw
    { twEntryTime = if twCount tw == 0
                        then (incTimeStamp (twEntryTime tw))
                        else twEntryTime tw
    , twExitTime = incTimeStamp (twExitTime tw)

setTime :: TrackNo -> TimeStamp -> ZoomW ()
setTime trackNo t = modifyTrack trackNo $ \tw -> tw
    { twEntryTime = if twCount tw == 0 then t else twEntryTime tw
    , twExitTime = t

flushIfNeeded :: TrackNo -> ZoomW ()
flushIfNeeded trackNo = do
    zt <- IM.lookup trackNo <$> gets whTrackWork
    case zt of
        Just track -> when (flushNeeded track) flush
        Nothing -> error "no such track" -- addTrack trackNo, if no data has been written
        flushNeeded :: TrackWork -> Bool
        flushNeeded TrackWork{..} = twCount >= twWatermark

writeData :: (Typeable a, ZoomWrite a, ZoomWritable a)
          => TrackNo -> a -> ZoomW ()
writeData trackNo d = do
    incTime trackNo

    doRaw <- gets whWriteData
    when doRaw $
        modifyTrack trackNo $ \z -> z
            { twBuilder = twBuilder z <>
                  (deltaEncodeWork (specDeltaEncode . twSpec $ z) (twWriter z) d)

    modifyTrack trackNo $ \z -> let c = (twCount z) in c `seq` z
        { twCount = c + 1
        , twWriter = updateWork (twExitTime z) d (twWriter z)
    flushIfNeeded trackNo

writeDataVBR :: (Typeable a, ZoomWrite a, ZoomWritable a)
             => TrackNo -> (TimeStamp, a) -> ZoomW ()
writeDataVBR trackNo (t, d) = do
    setTime trackNo t

    doRaw <- gets whWriteData
    when doRaw $
        modifyTrack trackNo $ \z -> z
            { twBuilder = twBuilder z <>
                  (deltaEncodeWork (specDeltaEncode . twSpec $ z) (twWriter z) d)
            , twReverseTS = t : twReverseTS z

    modifyTrack trackNo $ \z -> let c = (twCount z) in c `seq` z
        { twCount = c + 1
        , twWriter = updateWork t d (twWriter z)
    flushIfNeeded trackNo

deltaEncodeWork :: (Typeable a, ZoomWritable a)
                => Bool -> Maybe ZoomWork -> a -> Builder
deltaEncodeWork False _                             d = fromRaw d
deltaEncodeWork _     (Just (ZoomWork _ (Just cw))) d =
    case (fromDynamic . toDyn $ d) of
        Just d' -> fromRaw (deltaEncodeRaw cw d')
        Nothing -> fromRaw d
deltaEncodeWork _    _                              d = fromRaw d

-- Global

mkGlobal :: Int -> Global
mkGlobal n = Global
    { version = Version versionMajor versionMinor
    , noTracks = n
    , presentationTime = 0
    , baseTime = 0
    , baseUTC = Nothing

-- TrackState

modifyTracks :: (IntMap TrackWork -> IntMap TrackWork) -> ZoomW ()
modifyTracks f = modify (\z -> z { whTrackWork = f (whTrackWork z) })

modifyTrack :: TrackNo -> (TrackWork -> TrackWork) -> ZoomW ()
modifyTrack trackNo f = modifyTracks (IM.adjust f trackNo)

bsFromTrack :: TrackNo -> TrackWork -> L.ByteString
bsFromTrack trackNo TrackWork{..} = mconcat
    [ L.pack . B.unpack $ packetHeader
    , toLazyByteString $ mconcat
        [ fromIntegral32be trackNo
        , fromTimeStamp twEntryTime
        , fromTimeStamp twExitTime
        , fromIntegral32be twCount
        , fromIntegral32be (L.length rawBS)
    , rawBS
        tsBuilder = mconcat . map fromInt64be .
                    deltaEncode . map unTS .  reverse $ twReverseTS
        rawBS = c $ toLazyByteString (twBuilder <> tsBuilder)
        c | specZlibCompress twSpec = compress
          | otherwise               = id

mkTrackWork :: TrackSpec -> TimeStamp -> Int -> TrackWork
mkTrackWork !spec !entry !w = TrackWork
        { twSpec = spec
        , twBuilder = mempty
        , twReverseTS = []
        , twCount = 0
        , twWatermark = w
        , twEntryTime = entry
        , twExitTime = entry
        , twWriter = Nothing

-- Working state

clearWork :: ZoomWork -> ZoomWork
clearWork (ZoomWork l _) = ZoomWork l Nothing

updateWork :: (Typeable b, ZoomWritable b)
           => TimeStamp -> b
           -> Maybe ZoomWork
           -> Maybe ZoomWork

updateWork !t !d Nothing = Just (ZoomWork IM.empty (Just cw))
        cw = updateSummaryData t d (initSummaryWork t)

updateWork !t !d (Just (ZoomWork l Nothing)) =
    case cw'm of
        Just _  -> Just (ZoomWork l cw'm)
        Nothing -> Nothing
        cw'm = case (fromDynamic . toDyn $ d) of
            Just d' -> Just (updateSummaryData t d' (initSummaryWork t))
            Nothing -> Nothing

updateWork !t !d (Just (ZoomWork l (Just cw))) =
    case cw'm of
        Just _  -> Just (ZoomWork l cw'm)
        Nothing -> Nothing
        cw'm = case (fromDynamic . toDyn $ d) of
            Just d' -> Just (updateSummaryData t d' cw)
            Nothing -> Nothing

-- Summary

flushSummary :: TrackNo -> TrackWork -> ZoomW ()
flushSummary trackNo tw@TrackWork{..} =
    diskSummary (flushWork twEntryTime twExitTime) trackNo tw

finishSummary :: TrackNo -> TrackWork -> ZoomW ()
finishSummary = diskSummary finishWork

diskSummary :: (TrackNo -> ZoomWork -> (ZoomWork, IntMap Builder))
            -> TrackNo -> TrackWork -> ZoomW ()
diskSummary fWork trackNo TrackWork{..} = case twWriter of
    Just writer -> do
        let (writer', bs) = fWork trackNo writer
        modify $ \z -> z { whDeferred = IM.unionWith mappend (whDeferred z) bs }
        modifyTrack trackNo (\ztt -> ztt { twWriter = Just writer' } )
    _           -> return ()

finishWork :: TrackNo -> ZoomWork -> (ZoomWork, IntMap Builder)
finishWork _trackNo (ZoomWork l cw) = (ZoomWork IM.empty cw, finishLevels l)


When finishing the writing of a file, we want the final, highest-level
summary block to contain data for the entire range of the file:

   1:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
        \   /   \   /
   2:    [ ]     [ ]
          \_     _/
            \   /
   3:        [ ]

However this is not usually the case -- unless, by chance, exactly 2^n level 1
summary blocks have been written.

So, we traverse all saved summary levels, and flush a summary at each level. In
order to do so we force all saved summary data to be flushed, and push that
saved data up to higher levels. In this way the contents of the final level 1
summary block are bubbled through the tree and appended to all saved summary

   1:  [ ] [ ] [x]
        \   /  |||  Block x is propagated to the next summary level,
   2:    [s]   [x]  where it is appended to saved block s.
          \_    |
            \   /
   3:        [ ]


-- Flush saved summaries at all levels, to ensure that all summary levels
-- contain data for the entire time range. In particular, the highest level
-- of summary should contain one block for the entire range of the file,
-- and this should be the last summary block in the track (as summary blocks
-- are written in order of level)
finishLevels :: (Typeable a, ZoomWritable a)
             => IntMap (Summary a) -> IntMap Builder
finishLevels l = snd $ foldl' propagate (Nothing, IM.empty) [1 .. fst $ IM.findMax l]
        propagate (Nothing, bs) k = case IM.lookup k l of
            Nothing    -> -- Nothing propagated, nothing saved
                (Nothing, bs)
            Just saved -> -- Nothing propagated, saved to flush: propagate saved
                (Just (incLevel saved), IM.insert k (fromSummary saved) bs)
        propagate (Just bub, bs) k = case IM.lookup k l of
            Nothing    -> -- Something propagated to flush, nothing saved
                (Just (incLevel bub), IM.insert k (fromSummary bub) bs)
            Just saved -> -- Something propagated, something saved;
                          -- append these, flush and propagate
                let new = saved `appendSummary` bub in
                (Just (incLevel new), IM.insert k (fromSummary new) bs)

flushWork :: TimeStamp -> TimeStamp
          -> TrackNo -> ZoomWork -> (ZoomWork, IntMap Builder)
flushWork _         _        _       op@(ZoomWork _ Nothing) = (op, IM.empty)
flushWork entryTime exitTime trackNo (ZoomWork l (Just cw))  =
    (ZoomWork l' (Just cw), bs)
        (bs, l') = pushSummary s IM.empty l
        s = Summary
            { summaryTrack = trackNo
            , summaryLevel = 1
            , summaryEntryTime = entryTime
            , summaryExitTime = exitTime
            , summaryData = toSummaryData dur cw
        dur = TSDiff $ (unTS exitTime) - (unTS entryTime)

pushSummary :: (ZoomWritable a)
            => Summary a
            -> IntMap Builder -> IntMap (Summary a)
            -> (IntMap Builder, IntMap (Summary a))
pushSummary s bs l = do
    case IM.lookup (summaryLevel s) l of
        Just saved -> pushSummary (saved `appendSummary` s) bs' cleared
        Nothing    -> (bs', inserted)
        bs' = IM.insert (summaryLevel s) (fromSummary s) bs
        inserted = IM.insert (summaryLevel s) (incLevel s) l
        cleared = IM.delete (summaryLevel s) l

incLevel :: Summary a -> Summary a
incLevel s =  s { summaryLevel = summaryLevel s + 1 }

-- | Append two Summaries, merging statistical summary data.
-- XXX: summaries are only compatible if tracks and levels are equal
appendSummary :: (ZoomWritable a) => Summary a -> Summary a -> Summary a
appendSummary s1 s2 = Summary
    { summaryTrack = summaryTrack s1
    , summaryLevel = summaryLevel s1
    , summaryEntryTime = summaryEntryTime s1
    , summaryExitTime = summaryExitTime s2
    , summaryData = appendSummaryData (dur s1) (summaryData s1)
                                      (dur s2) (summaryData s2)
        dur = summaryDuration


(<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
(<>) = mappend