    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.Real.Base
    Description :  class abstracting floats
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    Abstraction over various fixed and floating point types as well
    as rational numbers.
    This module should be included qualified as is often given the local
    synonym B.
module Data.Number.ER.Real.Base
    module Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes,

import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import qualified Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes.ExtendedInteger as EI

import Data.Typeable

    This class is an abstraction of a subset of real numbers
    with *upwards rounded* operations. 
class (RealFrac rb, Ord rb) => ERRealBase rb 
    typeName :: rb -> String
    initialiseBaseArithmetic :: rb -> IO ()
    initialiseBaseArithmetic x = 
		putStrLn $ "Base arithmetic: " ++ typeName x
    defaultGranularity :: rb -> Granularity
    getApproxBinaryLog :: rb -> EI.ExtendedInteger
    getGranularity :: rb -> Granularity
    setMinGranularity :: Granularity -> rb -> rb
    setGranularity :: Granularity -> rb -> rb
        if @a@ is rounded to @ao@ then @|a-ao| <= getBaseMaxRounding ao@
    getMaxRounding :: rb -> rb
    isERNaN :: rb -> Bool
    erNaN :: rb
    isPlusInfinity :: rb -> Bool
    isMinusInfinity :: rb -> Bool
    isMinusInfinity = isPlusInfinity . negate
    plusInfinity :: rb
    minusInfinity :: rb
    minusInfinity = - plusInfinity
    fromIntegerUp :: Integer -> rb
    fromIntegerDown :: Integer -> rb
    fromIntegerDown i = negate $ fromIntegerUp $ - i
    fromDouble :: Double -> rb
    toDouble :: rb -> Double
    fromFloat :: Float -> rb
    toFloat :: rb -> Float
    showDiGrCmp :: 
        Int {- ^ number of decimal digits to show -} ->
        Bool {-^ whether to show granularity -} ->
        Bool {-^ whether to show internal structure -} ->
        rb -> String