-- | The builder monoid from BlazeHtml.
-- Usage is fairly straightforward. Builders can be constructed from many
-- values, including 'String' and 'Text' values.
-- > strings :: [String]
-- > strings = replicate 10000 "Hello there!"
-- Concatenation should happen through the 'Monoid' interface.
-- > concatenation :: Builder
-- > concatenation = mconcat $ map fromString strings
-- There is only one way to efficiently obtain the result: to convert the
-- 'Builder' to a lazy 'L.ByteString' using 'toLazyByteString'.
-- > result :: L.ByteString
-- > result = toLazyByteString concatenation
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Blaze.Builder.Core
      -- * Main builder type

      -- * Custom writes to the builder
    , Write (..)
    , writeByte
    , writeByteString
    , writeSingleton
    , writeList

      -- * Creating builders
    , singleton
    , fromByteString

      -- * Extracting the result from a builder
    , toLazyByteString
    ) where

import Foreign
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mappend, mconcat)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

-- | Main builder type. It simply contains a function to extract the actual
-- data.
newtype Builder = Builder (BuildStep -> BuildStep)

-- | A buildsignal is a signal returned from a write to the builder, it tells us
-- what should happen next.
data BuildSignal
  -- | Signal the completion of the write process.
  = Done {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8)  -- ^ Pointer to the next free byte
  -- | Signal that the buffer is full and a new one needs to be allocated.
  -- It contains the minimal size required for the next buffer, a pointer to the
  -- next free byte, and a continuation.
  | BufferFull
      {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
      {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8)
      {-# UNPACK #-} !BuildStep

-- | Type for a single build step. Every build step checks that
-- > free + bytes-written <= last
type BuildStep =  Ptr Word8       -- ^ Ptr to the next free byte in the buffer
               -> Ptr Word8       -- ^ Ptr to the first byte AFTER the buffer
               -> IO BuildSignal  -- ^ Signal the next step to be taken

instance Monoid Builder where
    mempty = Builder id
    {-# INLINE mempty #-}
    mappend (Builder f) (Builder g) = Builder $ f . g
    {-# INLINE mappend #-}
    mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
    {-# INLINE mconcat #-}

-- | Write abstraction so we can avoid some gory and bloody details. A write
-- abstration holds the exact size of the write in bytes, and a function to
-- carry out the write operation.
data Write = Write
    {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    (Ptr Word8 -> IO ())

-- A monoid interface for the write actions.
instance Monoid Write where
    mempty = Write 0 (const $ return ())
    {-# INLINE mempty #-}
    mappend (Write l1 f1) (Write l2 f2) = Write (l1 + l2) $ \ptr -> do
        f1 ptr
        f2 (ptr `plusPtr` l1)
    {-# INLINE mappend #-}

-- | Write a single byte.
writeByte :: Word8  -- ^ Byte to write
          -> Write  -- ^ Resulting write
writeByte x = Write 1 (\pf -> poke pf x)
{-# INLINE writeByte #-}

-- | Write a strict 'S.ByteString'.
writeByteString :: S.ByteString  -- ^ 'S.ByteString' to write
                -> Write         -- ^ Resulting write
writeByteString bs = Write l io
  (fptr, o, l) = S.toForeignPtr bs
  io pf = withForeignPtr fptr $ \p -> copyBytes pf (p `plusPtr` o) l
{-# INLINE writeByteString #-}

-- | Construct a 'Builder' from a single 'Write' abstraction.
writeSingleton :: (a -> Write)  -- ^ 'Write' abstraction
               -> a             -- ^ Actual value to write
               -> Builder       -- ^ Resulting 'Builder'
writeSingleton write = makeBuilder
    makeBuilder x = Builder step
        step k pf pe
          | pf `plusPtr` size <= pe = do
              io pf
              let pf' = pf `plusPtr` size
              pf' `seq` k pf' pe
          | otherwise               = return $ BufferFull size pf (step k)
            Write size io = write x
{-# INLINE writeSingleton #-}

-- | Construct a builder writing a list of data from a write abstraction.
writeList :: (a -> Write)  -- ^ 'Write' abstraction
          -> [a]           -- ^ List of values to write
          -> Builder       -- ^ Resulting 'Builder'
writeList write = makeBuilder
    makeBuilder []  = mempty
    makeBuilder xs0 = Builder $ step xs0
        step xs1 k pf0 pe0 = go xs1 pf0
            go []          !pf = k pf pe0
            go xs@(x':xs') !pf
              | pf `plusPtr` size <= pe0  = do
                  io pf
                  go xs' (pf `plusPtr` size)
              | otherwise = do return $ BufferFull size pf (step xs k)
                Write size io = write x'
{-# INLINE writeList #-}

-- | Construct a 'Builder' from a single byte.
singleton :: Word8    -- ^ Byte to create a 'Builder' from
          -> Builder  -- ^ Resulting 'Builder'
singleton = writeSingleton writeByte

-- | /O(n)./ A Builder taking a 'S.ByteString`, copying it.
fromByteString :: S.ByteString  -- ^ Strict 'S.ByteString' to copy
               -> Builder       -- ^ Resulting 'Builder'
fromByteString = writeSingleton writeByteString
{-# INLINE fromByteString #-}

-- | Copied from Data.ByteString.Lazy.
defaultSize :: Int
defaultSize = 32 * k - overhead
    where k = 1024
          overhead = 2 * sizeOf (undefined :: Int)

-- | Run the builder with the default buffer size.
runBuilder :: Builder -> [S.ByteString] -> [S.ByteString]
runBuilder = runBuilderWith defaultSize
{-# INLINE runBuilder #-}

-- | Run the builder with buffers of at least the given size.
-- Note that the builders should guarantee that on average the desired buffer
-- size is attained almost perfectly. "Almost" because builders may decide to
-- start a new buffer and not completely fill the existing buffer, if this is
-- faster. However, they should not spill too much of the buffer, if they
-- cannot compensate for it.
runBuilderWith :: Int -> Builder -> [S.ByteString] -> [S.ByteString]
runBuilderWith bufSize (Builder b) k = 
    S.inlinePerformIO $ go bufSize (b finalStep)
    finalStep pf _ = return $ Done pf

    go !size !step = do
        buf <- S.mallocByteString size
        withForeignPtr buf $ \pf -> do
            next <- step pf (pf `plusPtr` size)
            case next of
                Done pf'
                  | pf == pf' -> return k
                  | otherwise -> return $ S.PS buf 0 (pf' `minusPtr` pf) : k 
                BufferFull newSize pf' nextStep
                  | pf == pf' -> bufferFullError
                  | otherwise -> return $ S.PS buf 0 (pf' `minusPtr` pf) : 
                       S.inlinePerformIO (go (max newSize bufSize) nextStep)

    bufferFullError =
        error "runBuilder: buffer cannot be full; no data was written."

-- | /O(n)./ Extract the lazy 'L.ByteString' from the builder.
toLazyByteString :: Builder       -- ^ 'Builder' to evaluate
                 -> L.ByteString  -- ^ Resulting UTF-8 encoded 'L.ByteString'
toLazyByteString = L.fromChunks . flip runBuilder []
{-# INLINE toLazyByteString #-}