{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, PatternGuards #-}

-- | Reading and writing uncompressed BMP files.
--   Reading works for both uncompressed 24bit RGB WindowsV3 and 32bit RGBA WindowsV4 formats.
--   Writing is limited to the uncompressed 24bit RGB WindowsV3 format.
--   We don't support the plain OS/2 BitmapCoreHeader
--       and BitmapCoreHeader2 image headers, but I haven't yet seen one of these in the wild.
-- To write a file do something like:
--  > do let rgba   = Data.ByteString.pack [some list of Word8s]
--  >    let bmp    = packRGBA32ToBMP width height rgba
--  >    writeBMP fileName bmp
-- To read a file do something like:
--  > do Right bmp  <- readBMP fileName
--  >    let rgba   =  unpackBMPToRGBA32 bmp
--  >    let (width, height) = bmpDimensions bmp
--  >    ... 
module Codec.BMP
	( BMP		  (..)
	, FileHeader  	  (..)
	, BitmapInfo      (..)
	, BitmapInfoV3	  (..)
	, BitmapInfoV4    (..)
	, BitmapInfoV5    (..)
	, Compression     (..)
	, CIEXYZ          (..)
	, Error           (..)
	, readBMP
	, writeBMP
	, hGetBMP
	, hPutBMP
	, packRGBA32ToBMP 
	, unpackBMPToRGBA32
	, bmpDimensions)
import Codec.BMP.Base
import Codec.BMP.Error
import Codec.BMP.Unpack
import Codec.BMP.Pack
import Codec.BMP.FileHeader
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfo
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfoV3
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfoV4
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfoV5
import System.IO
import Data.ByteString		as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy	as BSL
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get

-- Reading ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrapper for `hGetBMP`
readBMP :: FilePath -> IO (Either Error BMP)
readBMP fileName
 = do	h	<- openBinaryFile fileName ReadMode
	hGetBMP h
-- | Get a BMP image from a file handle.
--	The file is checked for problems and unsupported features when read.
--	If there is anything wrong this gives an `Error` instead.
hGetBMP :: Handle -> IO (Either Error BMP)
hGetBMP h
 = do	-- lazily load the whole file
	buf	<- BSL.hGetContents h

	-- split off the file header
	let (bufFileHeader, bufRest) 
		= BSL.splitAt (fromIntegral sizeOfFileHeader) buf
	if (fromIntegral $ BSL.length bufFileHeader) /= sizeOfFileHeader
	 then	return $ Left ErrorReadOfFileHeaderFailed
	 else	hGetBMP2 bufRest (decode bufFileHeader)
hGetBMP2 buf fileHeader
 -- Check the magic before doing anything else.
 --	If the specified file is not a BMP file then we'd prefer to get 
 --	this error than a `ReadOfImageHeaderFailed`.
 | fileHeaderType fileHeader /= bmpMagic
 = return $ Left $ ErrorBadMagic (fileHeaderType fileHeader)
 | otherwise
 = do	-- Next comes the image header. 
	-- The first word tells us how long it is.
	let sizeHeader	= runGet getWord32le buf
	-- split off the image header
	let (bufImageHeader, bufRest)
		= BSL.splitAt (fromIntegral sizeHeader) buf

	if (fromIntegral $ BSL.length bufImageHeader) /= sizeHeader
	 then 	return $ Left ErrorReadOfImageHeaderFailed
	 else 	hGetBMP3 fileHeader bufImageHeader bufRest

hGetBMP3 fileHeader bufImageHeader bufRest
	| BSL.length bufImageHeader == 40 
	= do	let info	= decode bufImageHeader
		case checkBitmapInfoV3 info of
		 Just err	-> return $ Left err
		 Nothing	-> hGetBMP4 fileHeader (InfoV3 info) bufRest
					(fromIntegral $ dib3ImageSize info)

	| BSL.length bufImageHeader == 108
	= do	let info	= decode bufImageHeader
		case checkBitmapInfoV4 info of
		 Just err	-> return $ Left err
		 Nothing	-> hGetBMP4 fileHeader (InfoV4 info) bufRest
						$ dib3ImageSize 
						$ dib4InfoV3 info)
	| BSL.length bufImageHeader == 124
	= do	let info	= decode bufImageHeader
		case checkBitmapInfoV5 info of
		 Just err	-> return $ Left err
		 Nothing	-> hGetBMP4 fileHeader (InfoV5 info) bufRest
					 	$ dib3ImageSize 
						$ dib4InfoV3
						$ dib5InfoV4 info)
	| otherwise
 	= return 
		$ Left 
		$ ErrorUnhandledBitmapHeaderSize (fromIntegral $ BSL.length bufImageHeader)

hGetBMP4 fileHeader imageHeader bufImage (sizeImage :: Int)
 = if (fromIntegral $ BSL.length bufImage) /= sizeImage
	 then return $ Left ErrorReadOfImageDataFailed
	 else return 
		$ Right $ BMP 
		{ bmpFileHeader 	= fileHeader
		, bmpBitmapInfo		= imageHeader
		, bmpRawImageData	= BS.pack $ BSL.unpack bufImage }

-- Writing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrapper for `hPutBMP`
writeBMP :: FilePath -> BMP -> IO ()
writeBMP fileName bmp
 = do	h	<- openBinaryFile fileName WriteMode
	hPutBMP h bmp
	hFlush h
	hClose h

-- | Put a BMP image to a file handle.
hPutBMP :: Handle -> BMP -> IO ()
hPutBMP h bmp
 = do	BSL.hPut h (encode $ bmpFileHeader bmp)
	BSL.hPut h (encode $ bmpBitmapInfo bmp)
	BS.hPut h $ bmpRawImageData bmp

-- | Get the width and height of an image.
--	It's better to use this function than to access the headers directly.
bmpDimensions :: BMP -> (Int, Int)
bmpDimensions bmp	
 = let	info	= getBitmapInfoV3 $ bmpBitmapInfo bmp
   in	( fromIntegral $ dib3Width info
	, fromIntegral $ dib3Height info)