{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Codec.BMP.Unpack
import Codec.BMP.Base
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfo
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfoV3
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Word
import Data.ByteString		as BS
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe	as BS
import Prelude			as P

-- | Unpack a BMP image to a string of RGBA component values.
unpackBMPToRGBA32 :: BMP -> ByteString
unpackBMPToRGBA32 bmp 
 = let	info		= getBitmapInfoV3 $ bmpBitmapInfo bmp
	width		= fromIntegral $ dib3Width  info
	height		= fromIntegral $ dib3Height info
        flipX           = dib3HeightFlipped info
	bitCount	= dib3BitCount info
   in	case bitCount of
	 24	-> packRGB24ToRGBA32 width height flipX (bmpRawImageData bmp)
	 32	-> packRGB32ToRGBA32 width height flipX (bmpRawImageData bmp)
	 _	-> error "Codec.BMP: Unhandled bitcount."

-- | Unpack raw, uncompressed 24 bit BMP image data to a string of
--   RGBA component values.
--   The alpha component is set to 255 for every pixel.
	:: Int 			-- ^ Width of image.
	-> Int			-- ^ Height of image.
        -> Bool                 -- ^ Image data is flipped along the X axis.
	-> ByteString 		-- ^ Input string.
	-> ByteString
packRGB24ToRGBA32 width height flipX str
 = let	-- Number of bytes per line in the source file, 
        -- including padding bytes.
        srcBytesPerLine	= BS.length str `div` height
	sizeDest	= width * height * 4

        -- We allow padding bytes on the end of the image data.
   in	if BS.length str < height * srcBytesPerLine
	 then error "Codec.BMP: Image data is truncated."
 	 else unsafePerformIO
       	 	$ allocaBytes sizeDest      $ \bufDest -> 
   	   	  BS.unsafeUseAsCString str $ \bufSrc  ->
            	   do	packRGB24ToRGBA32' 
                                width height flipX 
                                (castPtr bufSrc) (castPtr bufDest)
			packCStringLen (bufDest, sizeDest)

-- We're doing this via Ptrs because we don't want to take the
-- overhead of doing the bounds checks in ByteString.index.
packRGB24ToRGBA32' width height flipX srcBytesPerLine ptrSrc ptrDst 
 = go 0
        go posY
         -- we've finished the image.
         | posY == height
         = return ()

         -- Image source data is flipped along the X axis.
         | flipX
         = let  !oSrc   = srcBytesPerLine * (height - 1 - posY)
                !oDst   = width * 4 * posY
           in   go_line 0 posY oSrc oDst

         -- Image source data is in the natural order.
         | otherwise
         = let  !oSrc   = srcBytesPerLine * posY
                !oDst   = width * 4 * posY
           in   go_line 0 posY oSrc oDst

	go_line posX posY oSrc oDst
	 -- move to the next line.
	 | posX == width 
	 = go (posY + 1)
	 -- process a pixel.
	 | otherwise
	 = do	blue  :: Word8	<- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 0)
		green :: Word8	<- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 1)
		red   :: Word8	<- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 2)

		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 0) red
		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 1) green
		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 2) blue
		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 3) (255 :: Word8)
		go_line (posX + 1) posY (oSrc + 3) (oDst + 4)

-- | Unpack raw, uncompressed 32 bit BMP image data to a string of
--   RGBA component values.
--   Note in the BMP file the components are arse-around ABGR instead of RGBA. 
--   The 'unpacking' here is really just flipping the components around.
	:: Int 			-- ^ Width of image.
	-> Int			-- ^ Height of image.
        -> Bool                 -- ^ Image data is flipped along the X axis.
	-> ByteString 		-- ^ Input string.
	-> ByteString
packRGB32ToRGBA32 width height flipX str
  = let sizeDest = height * width * 4
    in  if  BS.length str < sizeDest
	 then error "Codec.BMP: Image data is truncated."
 	 else unsafePerformIO
       	 	$ allocaBytes sizeDest      $ \bufDest -> 
   	   	  BS.unsafeUseAsCString str $ \bufSrc  ->
            	   do	packRGB32ToRGBA32' width height
                                (castPtr bufSrc) (castPtr bufDest)
			packCStringLen (bufDest, sizeDest)

-- We're doing this via Ptrs because we don't want to take the
-- overhead of doing the bounds checks in ByteString.index.
packRGB32ToRGBA32' width height flipX ptrSrc ptrDst
 = go 0
	go posY
         -- we've finished the image.
         | posY == height
         = return ()

         -- Image source data is flipped along the X axis.
         | flipX
         = let  !oSrc   = width * 4 * (height - 1 - posY)
                !oDst   = width * 4 * posY
           in   go_line 0 posY oSrc oDst
         -- Image source data is in the natural order.
         | otherwise
         = let  !oSrc   = width * 4 * posY
                !oDst   = width * 4 * posY
           in   go_line 0 posY oSrc oDst

        go_line posX posY oSrc oDst
         -- move to the next line.
         | posX == width 
         = go (posY + 1)
	 -- process a pixel.
	 | otherwise
	 = do	blue   :: Word8	<- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 0)
		green  :: Word8	<- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 1)
		red    :: Word8	<- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 2)
		alpha  :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 3)

		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 0) red
		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 1) green
		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 2) blue
		pokeByteOff ptrDst (oDst + 3) alpha
		go_line (posX + 1) posY (oSrc + 4) (oDst + 4)