{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Text.CSL.Input.MODS
-- Copyright   :  (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unitn.it>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- An ugly MODS parser

module Text.CSL.Input.MODS where

import Text.CSL.Output.Plain ( (<+>) )
import Text.CSL.Parser ( xpIElem, readXmlFile )
import Text.CSL.Reference

import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle.Xml

import Data.Char ( isDigit )

-- | Read a file with a single MODS record.
readModsFile :: FilePath -> IO Reference
readModsFile f = readXmlFile xpMods f

-- | Read a file with a collection of MODS records.
readModsColletionFile :: FilePath -> IO [Reference]
readModsColletionFile f = readXmlFile xpModsCollection f

xpModsCollection :: PU [Reference]
xpModsCollection = xpElem "modsCollection" $ xpList xpMods

xpMods :: PU Reference
xpMods = xpElem "mods" xpReference

xpReference :: PU Reference
    = xpWrap ( \ ( ref
                , (ck,ty,ti)
                , (di,pu,pp)
                , (ac,uri)
                 ) ->
               ref { citeKey          = ck `betterThen` take 10 (concat $ words ti)
                   , refType          = if refType ref /= NoType then refType ref else ty
                   , title            = ti
                   , author           = au
                   , editor           = ed `betterThen` editor           ref
                   , translator       = tr `betterThen` translator       ref
                   , recipient        = re `betterThen` recipient        ref
                   , interviewer      = it `betterThen` interviewer      ref
                   , publisher        = pu `betterThen` publisher        ref `betterThen` pu'
                   , composer         = co `betterThen` composer         ref
                   , collectionEditor = ce `betterThen` collectionEditor ref
                   , containerAuthor  = containerAuthor  ref
                   , issued           = issued ref `betterThen` di
                   , publisherPlace   = pp `betterThen` publisherPlace   ref
                   , url              = uri
                   , accessed         = ac
                   , page             = page             ref
                   , volume           = volume           ref
                   , issue            = issue            ref
                   , number           = number           ref
                   , section          = section          ref
                   , chapterNumber    = chapterNumber    ref
             , \r -> (  r
                     , (citeKey   r, refType          r, title          r)
                     ,((author    r, editor           r, translator     r)
                      ,(recipient r, interviewer      r, publisher      r)
                      ,(composer  r, collectionEditor r))
                     , (issued    r, publisher        r, publisherPlace r)
                     , (accessed  r, url              r)
                     )) $
      xp5Tuple (xpDefault emptyReference xpRelatedItem)
               (xpTriple  xpCiteKey xpRefType xpTitle )
                xpAgents xpOrigin xpUrl

xpCiteKey :: PU String
    = xpDefault [] $
      xpChoice (xpAttr  "ID"         xpText)
               (xpIElem "identifier" xpText)

xpOrigin :: PU ([RefDate],[Agent],String)
    = xpDefault ([],[],[]) . xpIElem "originInfo" $
      xpTriple (xpDefault [] $ xpWrap (readDate,show) $
                xpIElem "dateIssued" xpText0)
               (xpDefault [] $ xpList $ xpWrap (Entity, show) $
                xpIElem "publisher" xpText0)
               (xpDefault [] $ xpIElem "place" xpText0)

xpRefType :: PU RefType
    = xpDefault NoType $
      xpWrap (readType, show) xpGenre
        readType t
            | "conference publication" <- t = PaperConference
            | "periodical"             <- t = ArticleJournal
            | otherwise                     = Book

xpRefType' :: PU RefType
    = xpDefault NoType $
      xpWrap (readTypeIn, show) xpGenre
        readTypeIn t
            | "book"                   <- t = Chapter
            | "conference publication" <- t = PaperConference
            | otherwise                     = ArticleJournal

xpGenre :: PU String
    = xpWrap (concat, return) $
      xpList $ xpIElem "genre" $
      xpChoice xpZero
              (xpPair (xpDefault [] $ xpAttr "authority" xpText) xpText)
              $ \(a,s) -> if a == "marcgt"
                          then xpLift s else xpGenre

xpRelatedItem :: PU Reference
    = xpIElem "relatedItem" . xpAddFixedAttr "type" "host" $
      xpWrap ( \( (ty,ct)
                , (di',pu,pp)
                ) ->
               emptyReference { refType          = ty
                              , containerAuthor  = ca
                              , containerTitle   = ct
                              , editor           = ed
                              , translator       = tr
                              , recipient        = re
                              , interviewer      = it
                              , publisher        = pu `betterThen` pu'
                              , publisherPlace   = pp
                              , composer         = co
                              , collectionEditor = ce
                              , issued           = di `betterThen` di'
                              , page             = pg
                              , volume           = vl
                              , issue            = is
                              , number           = nu
                              , section          = sc
                              , chapterNumber    = ch
             , \r -> ( (refType         r, containerTitle   r)
                     ,((containerAuthor r, editor           r, translator r)
                      ,(recipient       r, interviewer      r, publisher  r)
                      ,(composer        r, collectionEditor r))
                     ,((issued  r, page  r, volume r, issue r)
                      ,(number  r, section   r, chapterNumber r))
                     , (issued  r, publisher r, publisherPlace r)
                     )) $
      xp4Tuple (xpPair  xpRefType' xpTitle)
                xpAgents xpPart xpOrigin

-- FIXME: join title and subtitle correctly
xpTitle :: PU String
    = xpWrap (\(t,s) -> t <+> s, \s -> (s,[])) $
      xpIElem "titleInfo" $
      xpPair (xpIElem "title" xpText0)
             (xpDefault [] $ xpIElem "subTitle" xpText0)

xpAgents :: PU (([Agent],[Agent],[Agent])
    = xpTriple (xpTriple (xpAgent "author"      "aut")
                         (xpAgent "editor"      "edt")
                         (xpAgent "translator"  "trl"))
               (xpTriple (xpAgent "recipient"   "rcp")
                         (xpAgent "interviewer" "ivr")
                         (xpAgent "publisher"   "pbl"))
               (xpPair   (xpAgent "composer"    "cmp")
                         (xpAgent "collector"   "xol"))

xpAgent :: String -> String -> PU [Agent]
xpAgent sa sb
    = xpDefault [] $ xpList $ xpIElem "name" $
      xpChoice  xpZero
               (xpIElem "role" $ xpIElem "roleTerm" xpText0)
               (\x -> if x == sa || x == sb then xpickle else xpZero)

instance XmlPickler Agent where
    xpickle = xpAlt tag ps
          tag (Person {}) = 0
          tag (Entity {}) = 1
          ps = [ xpWrap ( \(gn,fm) -> Person "" gn "" "" fm ""
                        , \(Person _ gn _ _ fn _) -> (gn,fn)) $
                 xpAddFixedAttr "type" "personal" xpNameData
               , xpWrap ( \(_,s) -> Entity s
                        , \(Entity s) -> ([],s)) $
                 xpAddFixedAttr "type" "corporate" xpNameData

xpNameData :: PU ([String],String)
    = xpWrap (readName,const []) $
      xpList $ xpElem "namePart" $ xpPair (xpAttr "type" xpText) xpText0
      readName x = (readg x, readf x)
      readf = foldr (\(k,v) xs -> if k == "family" then v    else xs) []
      readg = foldr (\(k,v) xs -> if k == "given"  then v:xs else xs) []

xpPart :: PU (([RefDate],String,String,String)
    = xpDefault none . xpIElem "part" .
      xpWrap (readIt none,const []) $ xpList xpDetail
      none = (([],"","",""),("","",""))
      readIt r [] = r
      readIt acc@((d,p,v,i),(n,s,c)) (x:xs)
          | Date      y <- x = readIt ((y,p,v,i),(n,s,c)) xs
          | Page      y <- x = readIt ((d,y,v,i),(n,s,c)) xs
          | Volume    y <- x = readIt ((d,p,y,i),(n,s,c)) xs
          | Issue     y <- x = readIt ((d,p,v,y),(n,s,c)) xs
          | Number    y <- x = readIt ((d,p,v,i),(y,s,c)) xs
          | ChapterNr y <- x = readIt ((d,p,v,i),(n,s,y)) xs
          | Section   y <- x = readIt ((d,p,v,i),(n,y,c)) xs
          | otherwise        = acc

data Detail
    = Date     [RefDate]
    | Page      String
    | Volume    String
    | Issue     String
    | Number    String
    | ChapterNr String
    | Section   String
      deriving ( Eq, Show )

xpDetail :: PU Detail
    = xpAlt tag ps
      tag _ = 0
      ps = [ xpWrap (Date, const []) $ xpDate
           , xpWrap (Page,     show) $ xpPage
           , xpWrap (Volume,   show) $ xp "volume"
           , xpWrap (Issue,    show) $ xp "issue"
           , xpWrap (Number,   show) $ xp "number"
           , xpWrap (Section,  show) $ xp "section"
           , xpWrap (ChapterNr,show) $ xp "chapter"
      xpDate = xpWrap (readDate,show) (xpElem "date" xpText0)
      xp   s = xpElemWithAttrValue "detail" "type" s $
               xpElem "number" xpText

xpPage :: PU String
    = xpChoice (xpElemWithAttrValue "detail"  "type" "page" $ xpIElem "number" xpText)
               (xpElemWithAttrValue "extent"  "unit" "page" $
                xpPair (xpElem "start" xpText)
                       (xpElem "end"   xpText))
               (\(s,e) -> xpLift (s ++ "-" ++ e))

xpUrl :: PU ([RefDate],String)
    = xpDefault ([],[]) . xpIElem "location" $
      xpPair (xpWrap (readDate,show) $
              xpDefault [] $ xpAttr "dateLastAccessed" xpText)
             (xpDefault [] $ xpElem "url"              xpText)

readDate :: String -> [RefDate]
readDate s = if   takeWhile isDigit s /= []
             then return $ RefDate (read $ takeWhile isDigit s) 0 0 []
             else []

betterThen :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
betterThen a b = if a == [] then b else a