{- |
   Module    : Network.DNSRBL
   Copyright : (c) 2008 Holden Karau
   License   : LGPL

   Maintainer  : holden@pigscanfly.ca
   Stability   : provisional
   Portability : portable
   Anynchronously lookup a host on multiple DSNRBLs. 
module Network.DNSRBL(dorbls,dorblf,asanequery,sanequery)  where

import ADNS (HostName,HostAddress,initResolver,Resolver,InitFlag(..),queryA)
import ADNS.Endian (readWord32)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan  ( Chan, newChan, writeChan, readChan )
import Control.Monad            (   replicateM )
import Control.Concurrent       ( forkIO )
import Data.List (sort,group)
-- |A 'RBL' data type contains the information about a real time blacklist.
-- The names are the names of the different black lists 
-- and are paired with the expected result
-- The server is the server which does the resolution
-- ip is true if the RBL support lookups on IP addresses (i.e. 
-- name is true if the RBL lookups names (i.e. foo.com)
data RBL = RBL { namexp :: [(String,String)],
                    server :: String,
                    ip :: Bool,
                    name :: Bool} deriving Show
-- |'rbls' is the list of real time black lists used
rbls :: [RBL]
rbls = (RBL [("SBL",""),
                False):(RBL [("INTERSERVE","")]

-- | 'toRR' convers a HostAddress to a string in reverse 
-- (i.e. printed as 
toRR :: HostAddress -> String
toRR ha = shows b4 . ('.':) .
           shows b3 . ('.':) .
           shows b2 . ('.':) .
           shows b1 $ ""
             (b1,b2,b3,b4) = readWord32 ha
-- | 'toPR' converts a HostAddress to a string
toPR :: HostAddress -> String
toPR ha = shows b1 . ('.':).
          shows b2 . ('.':).
          shows b3 . ('.':).
          shows b4 $ ""
                  (b1,b2,b3,b4) = readWord32 ha

--  |Wrap queryA and return the result 
-- or in the event of an error an empty list
myqueryA :: Resolver -> HostName -> IO [HostAddress]
myqueryA resolver host =  queryA resolver host >>=(\a ->  case a of
                (Just b) -> return b
                _ -> return [] )

-- |Get the lookup strings host name in all the RBLs 
-- (resolving its IP address for the IP based RBLS)
rstrs :: String -> [HostAddress] -> [(RBL,String)] 
rstrs host ips = (namerstrs host )++(concatMap iprstrs ips)

-- |Get the lookup strings for name based RBLs

namerstrs :: HostName -> [(RBL,String)]
namerstrs host =  zip (filter name rbls) (map (\rbl -> (host++"."++(server rbl) )) (filter name rbls) )

--  Get the  lookup string for the ip based RBLs
iprstrs :: HostAddress -> [(RBL,String)]
iprstrs host =  zip (filter ip rbls) (map (\rbl -> ((toRR host)++"."++(server rbl) )) (filter ip rbls) )

-- |Is match compares a HostAddress and a String and sees if they are a match
ismatch :: String -> HostAddress -> Bool
ismatch  str haddr = ((toPR haddr) == str)

-- |Takes and RBL and a HostAddress list and return a list of strings 
-- (where the string is the name of the RBL) & the bool is where it is listed or not
rrtsb :: RBL -> [HostAddress] -> [(String,Bool)]
rrtsb rbl res  = (map (\x -> ((fst x), foldr (||) False (map (ismatch (snd x)) res)))   (namexp rbl) )

--  | dowork does the semi-heavy lifting
dowork :: Resolver -> Chan [(String,Bool)] -> (RBL, HostName) -> IO ()
dowork resolver channel query=do
  a <- (myqueryA resolver (snd query) )
  writeChan channel (rrtsb (fst query) a)

-- |'dorbls' is a friendly wrapper around 
-- dorblf which only requires a hostname
dorbls :: String -> IO [(String,Bool)]
dorbls host = initResolver [NoErrPrint, NoServerWarn] $ \resolver -> do
                hostip <- (myqueryA resolver host )
                results <- (dorblf host hostip resolver)
                return results
-- |'dorblf' returns a list of (String,Bool) where
-- the string is the RBL name and Bool is if it was found or not
-- Note: There may be multiple instances of the same string 
-- with different Bool values since one hostname may resolve to multiple IPs
-- some of which may match and some of which may not match
dorblf :: String -> [HostAddress] -> Resolver -> IO [(String,Bool)]
dorblf host ips resolver = do
                rrChannel <- newChan :: IO (Chan [(String,Bool)])
                --results <- getChanContents rrChannel
                mapM_ (\h -> forkIO (dowork resolver rrChannel h)) queries
                --wait (length queries) results 0
                --return results
                s <- replicateM (length queries) (readChan rrChannel )
                return (concat s)
                         queries = (rstrs host ips)

-- |  'sanquery' is a Wrapper of "dorbls" which has only one instance 
-- of each RBL and
-- if any of the elements were found in the RBL (name, any of the IPs)
-- it is true, otherwise it is false
sanequery :: String -> IO [(String,Bool)]
sanequery host = do
  results <- dorbls host
  return (map (\x-> ((fst (head x)),(foldl (\y z -> y || (snd z)) False x) ) )
                  (group (sort (results))) )

-- | 'asanequery' is a wrapper of dorblf which has only one instance of RBL and
-- if any of the elements were found in the RBL (name, any of the IPs)
-- if it is true otherwise it is false.
asanequery :: String -> [HostAddress] -> Resolver -> IO [(String,Bool)]
asanequery host ipl resolver = do 
  results <- dorblf host ipl resolver
  return (map (\x-> ((fst (head x)),(foldl (\y z -> y || (snd z)) False x) ) )
                  (group (sort (results))) )