-- | Primitive sequential combinators that work on flat, unlifted arrays.
--   This set of combinators is used when the program is compiled with @-fdph-seq@.
--   When compiling with @-fdph-par@, the ones in the @dph-prim-par package@ are used
--   instead. The @dph-prim-par package@ exports the same names, but all combinators
--   are implemented sequentially.
--   The API is defined in @DPH_Header.h@ and @DPH_Interface.h@ to ensure that both
--   @dph-prim-par@ and @dph-prim-seq@ really do export the same symbols.

#include "DPH_Header.h"

import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Vector as V
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.USel
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Segmented

#include "DPH_Interface.h"

class V.Unbox a => Elt a
type Array              = V.Vector
type Segd               = USegd
type Sel2               = USel2
type SelRep2            = ()

length                  = V.length
empty                   = V.empty
replicate               = V.replicate
repeat n _              = V.repeat n
(!:)                    = (V.!)
extract                 = V.extract
drop                    = V.drop
permute                 = V.permute
bpermute                = V.bpermute
mbpermute               = V.mbpermute
bpermuteDft             = V.bpermuteDft
update                  = V.update
(+:+)                   = (V.++)
interleave              = V.interleave
pack                    = V.pack
combine                 = V.combine
combine2 tags _         = V.combine2ByTag tags
map                     = V.map
filter                  = V.filter
zip                     = V.zip
unzip                   = V.unzip
fsts                    = V.fsts
snds                    = V.snds
zipWith                 = V.zipWith
fold                    = V.fold
fold1                   = V.fold1
and                     = V.and
sum                     = V.sum
scan                    = V.scan
indexed                 = V.indexed
enumFromTo              = V.enumFromTo
enumFromThenTo          = V.enumFromThenTo
enumFromStepLen         = V.enumFromStepLen
enumFromStepLenEach     = V.enumFromStepLenEach

mkSel2 tags idxs n0 n1 _ = mkUSel2 tags idxs n0 n1
tagsSel2                = tagsUSel2
indicesSel2             = indicesUSel2
elementsSel2_0          = elementsUSel2_0
elementsSel2_1          = elementsUSel2_1
repSel2 _               = ()

mkSelRep2 tags          = ()
indicesSelRep2 tags _   = tagsToIndices2 tags
elementsSelRep2_0 tags _ = count tags 0
elementsSelRep2_1 tags _ = count tags 1

replicate_s             = replicateSU
replicate_rs            = replicateRSU
append_s _              = appendSU
fold_s                  = foldSU
fold1_s                 = fold1SU
fold_r                  = foldlRU
sum_r                   = sumRU

indices_s               = indicesSU

lengthSegd              = lengthUSegd
lengthsSegd             = lengthsUSegd
indicesSegd             = indicesUSegd
elementsSegd            = elementsUSegd
mkSegd                  = mkUSegd
randoms                 = V.random
randomRs                = V.randomR

class V.UIO a => IOElt a
hPut                    = V.hPut
hGet                    = V.hGet
toList                  = V.toList
fromList                = V.fromList